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" The mother of Sisera looked out at a window and cried through the lattice Why is his chariot so long in coming? why tarry the wheels of his chariots? "
The authoress, by the author of 'Rachel'. - Page 390
de Authoress - 1810
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The Gentleman's Magazine, and Historical Chronicle, for ..., Volume 91,Partie 1

1821 - 712 pages
...&c. The Bille. — The mother of Sisera looked out at a window, and cried through the lattice, Why is his chariot so long in coming ? Why tarry the wheels of his chariot ? Byron. — To Italy. Even in thy desert what is like to thee ! Thy very weeds are beautiful. John...
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Pamela: or, Virtue rewarded [by S. Richardson]. [Another], Volume 4

Samuel Richardson - 1785 - 450 pages
...come. 'Tis Nine, and no Mr. B. O why, as Deborah makes the Mother of Sifera fay, is his Chariot fo long in coming ? Why tarry the Wheels of his Chariot ? I have this Note now at Eleven o'Clock : c My deareft PAMELA, T « T Difpatch this Meflenger, left, cxpc&ing me * -*• this Night, you fhould...
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Lyrical Ballads,: With Other Poems. In Two Volumes, Volume 1

William Wordsworth - 1800 - 272 pages
...he fell, he lay down : at her feet he bowed, he fell ; where he bowed there he fell down dead. Why is his Chariot so long in coming ? Why tarry the Wheels of his Chariot?" — Judges, Chap. 5th. Verses 12th, 27th, and part of 28th. — See also the whole of that tumultuous...
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Dionysius Longinus On the Sublime

Longinus - 1800 - 238 pages
...are described : " The mother of Sisera looked out at a window, and " cried through the lattice, Why is his chariot so long " in coming? why tarry the wheels of his cl.ariots? " Her wise ladies answered her ; yea, she returned an" swer to herself: Have they not sped...
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Lyrical Ballads, with Pastoral and Other Poems, in Two Volumes, Volume 1

William Wordsworth - 1802 - 280 pages
...he fell, he lay down : at her feet he bowed, he fell ; where he bowed there he fell down dead. Why is his Chariot so long in coming ? Why tarry the Wheels of his Chariot ?" — Judges, Chap. 5th. Verses 12th, 27th, and part of 28th. — See also the whole of that tumultuous...
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Lyrical Ballads: With Pastoral and Other Poems

William Wordsworth - 1802 - 282 pages
...he fell, he lay down : at her feet he bowed, he fell ; where he bowed there he fell down dead. Why is his Chariot so long in coming ? Why tarry the Wheels of his Chariot ?" — Judges, Chap. Mh. Verses 12th, a?th, and part of 28th. — See also the whole of that tumultuous...
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Lyrical ballads, with other poems [including some by S.T. Coleridge]. From ...

William Wordsworth - 1802 - 356 pages
...he fell, he lay down : at her feet, he bowed, he fell; where he bowed, there he fell down dead. Why is his Chariot so long in coming ? Why tarry the Wheels of his Chariot?"—Judges, Chap. 5th. Verses I2th ayth, and part of theiSth.—See alto the whole of that...
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A Short and Plain Exposition of the Old Testament, with Devotional ..., Volume 2

Job Orton - 1805 - 430 pages
...out at a window, and cried through the lattice, sure of his success and im/iatitnt at fits delay, Why [is] his chariot [so] long in coming ? why tarry the wheels of his chariots ? •*>>'<< thought it would be an eaiy conquest, and toon29 dered what could detain him so...
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A Short and Plain Exposition of the Old Testament: With Devotional ..., Volume 3

Job Orton, Robert Gentleman - 1805 - 534 pages
...and zeal. Then will God send hi» chariot to fetch us home. Let us long for this, and say, Why is hie chariot so long in coming ? "why tarry the wheels of his chariot ? 4. The removal of useful men, especially of prophets, deserves to be lamented, how honourable and...
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The General Assembly's Missionary Magazine: Or Evangelical ..., Volume 2

1806 - 650 pages
...upon it as a favour, if it may be the will of God that it should be so. I long for the time. Oh ! why is his chariot so long in coming ? Why tarry the wheels of his chariot?" Being afterwards asked how he did, tt I am almost in eternity," he answered; " I long to be there....
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