Journal of the Proceedings of the Annual Convention


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Page 54 - PARENTS, they are commanded to "train up their children in the way they should go, that when they are old they may not depart from it...
Page 47 - It was moved and seconded that the resolution be adopted. The motion was put and unanimously carried. PROFESSOR RANE: I have another resolution: "Resolved, That the thanks of this convention be, and are hereby tendered Hon. RA Pearson for his able and courteous way of handling the duties of permanent Chairman.
Page 53 - And if any of the consecrated bread and wine remain after the Communion, it shall not be carried out of the church ; but the Minister and other communicants shall, immediately after the Blessing, reverently eat and drink the same.
Page 14 - The Committee to whom was referred the Report of the Trustees of the...
Page 2 - ... expressly accede to the Constitution, Canons, Doctrines, Discipline and worship of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, and to the Constitution and Canons of the Church in the Diocese of...
Page 192 - A communicant removing from one parish to another shall procure from the Rector (if any) of the Parish of his last residence, or, if there be no Rector, from one of the Wardens, a certificate stating that he or she is a communicant in good standing ; and the Rector of the Parish or Congregation to which he or she removes shall not be required to receive him or her as a communicant until such letter be produced.
Page 117 - In case of the regular and canonical dissolution of the connection between a Minister and his congregation, the Bishop, or if there be no Bishop, the Standing Committee, shall direct the Secretary of the Convention to record the same. But if the dissolution of the connection between a Minister and his Congregation be not regular or canonical. the Bishop or Standing Committee shall lay the same before the Convention of the Diocese, in order that the above-mentioned penalties may take effect.
Page 192 - No Minister, removing from one Diocese or Missionary District to another, shall officiate as the Rector, Stated Minister, or Assistant Minister of any Parish or Congregation of the Diocese or District to which he removes, until he shall have obtained from the Ecclesiastical Authority a certificate in the words following : I hereby certify that the Rev. AB has been canonically transferred to my jurisdiction, and is a Minister in regular standing,
Page 83 - Christian, who by his own profession is " manfully to fight under the banner of Christ against sin, the world, and the devil ; and to continue Christ's faithful soldier and servant unto his life's end.

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