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Their seasons: among these the seat of Men,
Earth with her nether ocean circumfus'd,


Their pleasant dwelling place. Thrice happy Men,
And fons of Men, whom God hath thus advanc'd,
Created in his image, there to dwell

And worship him, and in reward to rule
Over his works, on earth, in fea, or air,
And multiply a race of worshippers
Holy and juft: thrice happy if they know
Their happiness, and perfevere upright.

So fung they, and the empyréan rung,
With Halleluiahs: Thus was fabbath kept.


And thy request think now fulfill'd, that ask'd 635
How firft this world and face of things began,
And what before thy memory was done

From the beginning, that pofterity

Inform'd by thee might know; if elfe thou seek'st

Ought, not surpaffing human measure, fay.


624. Earth with her nether ocean] Their happiness,] Virg. Georg. II. To distingufh it from the cryftallin ocean, the waters above the firma


631.thrice happy if they know


O fortunatos nimium, fua fi bona


The end of the Seventh Book.

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Adam inquires concerning celeftial motions, is doubtfully aniwer'd, and exhorted to fearch rather things more worthy of knowledge: Adam assents, and fill defirous to detain Raphael, relates to him what he remember'd fince his own creation, his placing in Paradife, his talk with God concerning folitude and fit fociety, his first meeting and nuptials with Eve, his difcourfe with the Angel thereupon; who after admonitions repeated departs.

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