70 Useless befides; reasoning I oft admire, 25 Such disproportions, with fuperfluous hand Greater so manifold to this one use, For ought appears, and on their orbs impose 30 Such restless revolution day by day Repeated, while the sedentary earth, Serv'd by more noble than herself, attains Her end without least motion, and receives, As tribute, such a sumless journey brought 35 Of within view. She stays as long as the Angel and her husband are difcoursing of things, which it might concern her and her duty to know: but when they enter upon abstruser points, then she decently retires. This is preserving the decorum of character: and so Cephalus in Plato's Republic, and Scævola in Cicero's treatise De Oratore, stay only as long as it was suitable for perfons of their character, and are made to withdraw when the discourse was less proper for them to hear. Eve's withdrawing is juster and more beautiful than these instances. She rises to go forth with lowliness, but yet with majesty and grace. What modesty and what dignity is here! Ovid says of Venus relating a story to her belov'd Adonis, Met. X. 559. Sie Of incorporeal speed, her warmth and light; 45 De Sic ait, ac mediis interferit oscula the Heathens supposed their Goddess verbis. of love to be. But how much more delicate is Milton's expreffion, and more becoming the chafte conjugal affection of Eve! - from his lip Not words alone pleas'd her. 46.-they at ber coming sprung, &c.] The same pretty thought Marino applies to his Venus, which probably Milton might have in view, L'herbe dal sole impallidite, e gialle Tibullus fays in praise of Sulpicia, Verdeggian tutte, ogni fior s'apre IV. II. 7. & alza, &c. Adone, Cant. 3. St. 65. In the same manner also speaking of Tutto al venir d' Adon par che ri- Rivesta il bel giardin novi colori. &c. E 4 Ib. Cant. 6. St. 146. 59. With Delighted, or not capable her ear Of what was high: such pleasure she reserv'd, 50 Adam relating, she sole auditress; Her husband the relator she preferr'd Before the Angel, and of him to ask Chose rather; he, she knew, would intermix Grateful digressions, and solve high dispute 55 With conjugal caresses ; from his lip Not words alone pleas'd her. O when meet now Such pairs, in love and mutual honor join'd? Not unattended, for on her as queen 60 A pomp of winning graces waited still, And 59. With Goddess-like demeanour given the sanction of an Arch-Angel forth she went, Not unattended,] In the turn of expreffion in these two lines Milton seems to allude to Homer's description of Helen. Iliad. III. 142. Ωρματ' εκ θαλαμοιο, Τερεν κατa δακρυ χεύσα, Ουκ οιη, άμα τηνε, Thyer, to any particular system of philosophy. The chief points in the Ptolemaic and Copernican hypothefis are described with great conciseness and perfpicuity, and at the fame time dressed in very pleasing and poetical images. Addison. 70. This to attain,] To attain to the knowledge of this hard question, Whether Heaven or Earth move, is of no concern or consequence to thee: N'importe (French) it matters 66. To ask or fearch &c.] The Angel's returning a doubtful anfwer to Adam's inquiries, was not only proper for the moral reason which the poet afligns, but because it would not; says Mr. Hume. Mr. Richardhave been highly absurd to have fon understands it in the fame man And Raphael now to Adam's doubt propos'd 65 To ask or fearch I blame thee not, for Heaven Is as the book of God before thee set, Wherein to read his wondrous works, and learn His seasons, hours, or days, or months, or years: This to attain, whether Heav'n move or Earth, 70 Imports not, if thou reckon right; the rest From Man or Angel the great Architect Did wifely to conceal, and not divulge His secrets to be scann'd by them who ought Rather admire; or if they lift to try Conjecture, he his fabric of the Heavens Hath left to their disputes, perhaps to move His laughter at their quaint opinions wide ner: his words are "To attain to "know whether the fun or the earth moves is not of use to us." But I believe that they are both mistaken in the sense of this passage, for I conceive it otherwise. This to attain is to be referred to what precedes and not to what follows; and accordingly there is only a colon before these words in Milton's own editions, and not a full stop as in fome others. This to attain, that is to attain the knowledge of seasons, bours, or days, or months, or years, It imports not, it matters not, it 75 Heareafter, when they come to model Heaven 80 85 Cycle and epicycle, orb in orb: 90 Whofe old system especially) centric and eccentric, cycle and epicycle, and orb in orb. Pearce. 80. And calculate the stars,] The culate them is to make a computasense is, And form a judgment of tion of every thing relating to them: the stars by computing their motions, the consequence of which is (in the distance, fituation, &c, as to calculate a nativity fignifies to form a judgment of the events attending it, by computing what planets, in what motions, presided over that nativity. But Dr. Bentley takes calculating the flars here to mean counting their numbers. That might be one thing intended; but it is not all. To cal 83. With centric and eccentric] Centric or concentric are such spheres whose center is the fame with, and eccentric such whose centers are different from that of the earth. Cycle is a circle; Epicycle is a circle upon another |