Images de page

American colonies with the United States and other countries since
1:29. Report in relation to the trade and commerce of the..
Eh shi, Albion, in Oregon, for a violation of the revenue laws.
pondence in relation to the seizure of the..

Vol. No. Page. Pt.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Ex authorities and San Salvador and Honduras, &c.

Message of the

President of the United States communicating information in relation
to the difficulties between the..

[blocks in formation]

Lin. (See Exports, and also Imports.)

an of Construction, Equipment, and Repair. Report and detailed esti-
mates from the....

au of Ordnance and Hydrography, including the Hydrographic Office
and Naval Academy. Report and detailed estimates from the..............
Areau of Navy-yards and Docks. Report and detailed estimates from the.
areau of Provisions and Clothing. Report and detailed estimates from the.
Bureau of Medicince and Surgery. Report and detailed estimates from the.
Buter, late military storekeeper, and the correspondence in relation thereto.
Proceedings of the court-martial in the case of David....


California, and to receive, in the mean time, gold bullion which has been
assayed and stamped in payment of government dues. The Presi-
dent of the United S ates recommends the establishment of a mint in.
alifornia, Texas, and New Mexico. Correspondence in relation to Indian
hostilities in....

California land titles. Report of William Carey Jones, special agent to ex-
amine the subject of.

anada in 1849 and 1850. Tabular statement of the quantity and value of
grain and breadstuffs of all kinds, vegetables, fruits, animals, hides,
wool, tallow, horns, salt and fresh meats, ores of all kinds of metals,
timber, staves, wood, and lumber, imported into the United States

Canal Company. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury communicating

information in relation to the sock of the Louisville and Portland...
Canal between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Views of, and information
communicated by, the President of the United States in relation to
the construction of a ship..

Charfield, chargé d'affaires of Great Britain, and Mr. Squier, American
chargé d'affaires, in relation to the seizure of Tigre island by the Brit-
ish naval forces. Correspondence between Mr..

[blocks in formation]

Chief Engineers (See Engineers.)

Chief of the Topographical Engineers. (See Engineers.)

Chief of Ordnance. (See Ordnance.)

Coil and their cargoes. Views of the President in relation to discrimina-
ting duties upon vessels of....

1 1 7 1

Claims against the United States. Views of the President of the United
States in favor of a commission to settle private.....
Clerks and other persons employed in that department during the year
1850. Report of the Secretary of State, with lists of the.....
Ceast survey, showing the progress of that work during the year ending
November, 1850. Report of the Superintendent of the...
Coast survey from the Treasury to the Navy Department. Report of the
Secretary of the Treasury relative to the transfer of the.....
Cast survey from the Treasury to the Navy Department. Report of the
Secretary of the Navy relative to the transfer of the

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Cuinage. (Ste Mint)

Cora to. Report of the expedition of Lieut. Whipple, from San Diego to





Commerce of the British American colonies with the United States and
other countries since 1829. Report in relation to the trade and

[blocks in formation]

Commissioner of the General Land Office, exhibiting the operations of that

ffice during the year 1850. Report of the...


2 1

Commissioner of Pensions, with alphabetical lists of invalid, widow, orphan,

and other pensioners. Report of the....




Commission to settle all private claims against the United States, and the
appointment of a solicitor to represent the government before such
commission. Recommendation by the President of the United States
in favor of the appointment of a.....

Contracts and purchases made by the bureaus of the War Department.
State ent of..........

[ocr errors]

Construction, Equipment, and Repairs. Annual report of the bureau of...
Contingent expenses. (See Expenditures)

Contoy, &c. Correspondence in relation to the prisoners captured by the
Spanish authorities at or near the is and of..
Contracts and purchases in the War Department, during the calendar year
1850, made by the several bureaus thereof. Statements in tabular
form of....

Contracts authorized by the Treasury Department during the years 1849
and 1850; of payments made at the treasury during the year ending
June 30, 1850; and of expenditures from the marine hospital fund
during the same period. Statement of..
Cotton, rice, and tobacco, exported from 1821 to 1850. Statement of the
quantity and value of.

Vol. No. Page. F

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5 45 1


Court-martial in the case of David Butler, late military storekeeper, and the
correspondence in relation thereto. Proceedings of the..
Court-martial in the case of Commodore Thomas Ap Catesby Jones, and
certain correspondence relating thereto. Proceedings of the..
Cross, quartermaster United States army. Report, in the form of a journal,
of the march of the regiment of mounted riflen.en to Oregon, from
May 10 to October 5, 1849, by Major......
Cuba, not heretofore communicated. Correspondence relative to the pri-
soners captured by the Spanish authorities at or near the island of
Contoy; also relative to any projected expedition to the island of.... 5
Custom-houses, made under the superintendence of Professor Bache, by
Professor McCulloh. Report of the computation of a manual of
tables, to be used with the hydrometer recently adopted for use in the
United States...

Customs at San Francisco, California, and the amount of outstanding drafts
issued prior to July 1, 1850, on the said collector. Report of the
Treasurer of the United States, with a statement of the amount at
his credit June 30, 1850, with the collector of....
Customs, their occupation and compensation, during the fiscal year ending
June 30, 150. Statement of the number of persons employed in
each district of the United States for the collection of..
Custom-house in the United States during the year ending June 30, 150.
Statement of advances from the treasury on account of the expenses
at each...


[blocks in formation]

3 16 1


[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Debt on the 30th of November, 1850. Statement of the publie.
Diplomatic salaries. (See Salaries.)

[blocks in formation]

District of Columbia, showing the number of insane persons at present sup-
ported in the lunatic asylums of Maryland by the United States, and

the annual expense of each.

Report of the marshal of the

[blocks in formation]

Du Buque to Fort Clark, in lowa.

Report of the Secretary of War, com-

municating correspondence in
Duties. Statement of the quantity and value of wines, spirits, &c., import-
ed annually, from 1843 to 1850, with the foreign cost, per gallon, un-
der specific and ad valorem.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Electro magnetic power as a mechanical agent. Report of Professor Page's
experiments in testing the capacity and usefulness of the.
Ellet, in relation to deepening the passage over the bars at the mouths of the
Mississippi river. Report of C.......

[blocks in formation]

Vol. No. Page. Pt.

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Engineer, for 1850. Annual report of the Chief..

Engineers, for 1850. Annual report of the chief of the topographical...
Engineers on the inundations of the lower Mississippi river. Report of the
board of topographical......

Engineers, accompanying the plan proposed by Mr. Ellet, for improving
the navigation across the bars at the mouths of the Mississippi river.
Report of Colonel Abert, of the corps of topographical...
Engineers, from San Diego to the Colorado. Report of the expedition of
Lieutenant Whipple, of the corps of topographical..
Engineer, in relation to the expediency of granting the fort at Chef Men-
teur Pass to the owner of the land upon which it is erected. Report
of Brevet Brigadier General Totten, Chief.

Engineers. Statement of contracts made during the year 1850, for works
under the direction of the Bureau of Topographical..
Engineer department, during the year 1850. List of contracts received at,
and made under the..

Estimates for the Department of the Interior..
Esumates for the office of the Secretary of the Navy and the several bureaus
of the Navy Department, and report of Lieutenant Davis relative to
publication of the Nautical Almanac..


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Estimates for the Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repairs.....
Estimates for the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography, including the Hy-

[blocks in formation]

drographic Office and Naval Academy...

[blocks in formation]

Estimates for the Bureau of Yards and Docks....

[blocks in formation]

Esumates for the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing.

[blocks in formation]

Estimates for the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery..

[blocks in formation]

Estimates from the paymaster and quartermaster of the marine corps..

[blocks in formation]

Estimates for the office of the Secretary of the Navy and the several bureaus

[blocks in formation]

Estimate for special objects under the control of the Navy Department..

1 389


Estimates for the revenue-cutter establishment for the year ending June 30,

Estimates for marine hospitals, for 1850. Report, with......



4 149

Estimates for frontier, Atlantic, lake, and other surveys, for the year ending
June 30, 1852....

[blocks in formation]

Estimates for rivers and harbors for the year ending June 30, 1852.....
Estimates for roads for the year ending June 30, 1852....

[blocks in formation]


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][subsumed]

Estimate for the office of Commissioner of the General Land Office for the

Estimate for the surveying department of the public lands for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1852....

Expenditures under the head of contingent expenses, as settled and allowed

at the office of the Fourth Auditor, for the year ending June 30, 1850.
Statement of.........
Expenses of the western military departments of the army. Statement of.
Expenditures from the marine hospital fund during the year ending June 30,

1850 Statement of.

Expenditures for the service of the State Department, including foreign mis-
sions, during the year ending June 30, 1851. Statements of.
Expenditures during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1850. Statement of re-
ceipts and..
Expenses of the government, payments on account of the public debt, and


of the debt assumed per act of May 20, 1836, from July 1, 1842, to
June 30, 1850 Statement of the aggregate annual...
Expenditures for the years ending June 30, 1850, 1851, and 1852. State-
ment showing the actual and estimated receipts and...
Expenditures for the seven fiscal years succeeding the declaration of war
with Mexico, showing the excess over the basis of the fiscal year 2
ending June 30, 1845. Statement of actual and estimated.....
Expenditures, actual and estimated, for the War Department for seven years
prior to 1852. Statements of.

Expenditures made, appropriated, and estimated for, on account of the In-
dians in California, Utah, and New Mexico. Statements of........ 2

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4 56

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[blocks in formation]

Expenditures for the seven years ending June 30, 1852, for objects not
appropriated for, or not included in the sum of $21,380.049 36 ex-
hibited as the expenditures of the year ending June 30, 1845, ex-
clusive of the public debt. Statement showing in part the actual and
estimated civil..
Expenses of the government, &c., from January 1, 1828, to December 31,
1845. Statement of the annual

[blocks in formation]

Expenditure in the different bureaus of the War Department from June 30,
1845, to June 30, 1850, and the estimated excess for the fiscal years
ending June 30, 1851 and 1852. Statement showing the annual in-
crease of....
Expenses of the mint and its branches to October 31, 1850. Statement of the 2
Exported from 1821 to 1850. Statement of the quantity and value of


[blocks in formation]


4 110

Exported from 1821 to 1850. Statement of the quantity and value of cot-
ton, rice, and tobacco....

[blocks in formation]

Exported and imported, and consumption per head from 1821 to 1850.
Statement of foreign merchandise..

[blocks in formation]


Exported from the United States to Great Britain, &c., from 1844 to 1848.
Statements of cotton and cotton manufactures...
Exports of cotton-wool and cotton manufactures from the United States
from 1846 to 1850. Statement of the value of.....
Exports of cotton manufactures from the United States and Great Britain
in 1848 Statement of......
Exports, exclusive of specie, during each fiscal year from 1821 to 1850.
Statement of the total value of imports and the imports consumed in
the United States, exclusive of specie, and of.
Exported from warehouses under act of August 6, 1846. Statement of the
value of dutiable merchandise re-exported annually from 1821 to
1850; also, the value re-.....

[blocks in formation]

Exported annually from 1821 to 1850. Statement of the amount of coin
and bullion imported and

[blocks in formation]


Finances. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the state of the...
[See List of tables, &c., accompanying the above, at page 28.]
Flogging in the navy. Report of the Secretary of the Navy, with informa-
tion and suggestions, in relation to the abolishing of...
Florida. Correspondence in relation to Indian difficulties in.......
Foreign missions from July 1, 1849, to June 30, 1850. Statement of con-
tingent expenses of......

[blocks in formation]


Fort Clark, in lowa. Correspondence in relation to a proposed military
road from Dubuque to........

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Fort at Chef Menteur Pass to the owner of the land upon which it is erected.
Report of Colonel Totten, of the Engineer department, on the expe-

diency of granting the.....

[blocks in formation]

Fourth Auditor. (See Auditor.)

Frauds. (See Revenue.)


General-in-chief of the army, with returns of the Adjutant General. Report

of the.


1 114

General Land Office (See Land Office.)

Geologists, in relation to the mineral lands in the Lake Superior land dis-
trict. Report of J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney, United States... 2
Great Britain, 19th April, 1850, relative to the construction of a ship canal
between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and for other purposes. In-
formation and views of the President concerning a convention with
the government of

Guano. Views of the President of the United States in relation to the im-
portance of securing, at a reasonable price, the trade in Peruvian.... 1

[blocks in formation]

Hawaiian Islands. Views of the President of the United States in relation
to the treaty with his Majesty the King of the.....

[blocks in formation]

bor of New Castle, and other Harbors in the Delaware. Report of the
Secretary of War communicating information in relation to the.......
bes and rivers, with estimates for 1852. Report of the Topographical
Bureau in relation to improvements of..

en goods imported annually, from 1821 to 1850. Statement of the
value of .....

Sap and cordage imported annually, from 1821 to 1850. Statement of
the value of....

Vol. No. Page. Pt.

[blocks in formation]

tal fund for the year ending June 30, 1850. Statement of expendi-
tures from the marine..

[blocks in formation]

Sitals and marine hospital fund. Report of Doctors Loring and Ed-
rds, in relation to marine

[blocks in formation]

apitals. Reports on the condition, &c., of the several United States

2 4 149

adson's Bay Company. (See Oregon)

jungary during the recent struggle for independence. Correspondence
wrh the Austrian chargé d'affaires in relation to the agent sent to... 3 9 1
Hydrographic office. (See Ordnance.)

hydrometers recently adopted for use in the United States custom-houses,
made under the superintendence of Professor Bache, superintendent
of weights and measures, by Professor McCulloh. Report of the
computation of tables to be used with the.......


perted into the United States from Canada during the years 1849 and
1850. Statement of the quantity and value of grain and breadstuffs
of all kinds, vegetables, fruits, animals, hides, wool, tallow, horns,
salt and fresh meats, ores of all kinds of metals, timber, staves,
wood, and lumber.
ported from 1821 to 1850. Statement of the quantity and value of iron.
4ported from 1840 to 1850, &c. Statement of the quantity and value of



imported and exported, and consumption per head, from 1821 to 1850.
Statement of foreign merchandise....


23 8

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4 119


4 122

Statement of the value of hemp


4 124

sports and the imports consumed in the United States, exclusive of specie,
during each fiscal year, from 1821 to 1850; also the value of the
domestic and foreign exports, exclusive of specie, and the tonnage
employed during the same periods. Statement of the total value of. 2
mported annually, from 1821 to 1850. Statement of the value of hempen
imported annually, from 1821 to 1850.
and cordage...
Laported during the years ending June 30, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1848, 1849, .
and 1850. Statement exhibiting the value of woollens, cottons,
hempen goods, iron, and manufactures of iron, sugar, hemp unmanu-
factured, salt, and coal, with the duties thereon..
Imported from 1821 to 1850, with the average price per pound in each year.
Statement of the quantity and value of cotton,
Imported annually, from 1843 to 1850, with the foreign cost per gallon, un-
der specific and ad valorem duties. Statement of the quantity and
value of wines, spirits, &c.

Indian Affairs for 150. Report, with accompanying documents, of the
Commissioner of..

Indian hostilities in Texas, New Mexico, and California. Correspondence

in relation to.

Indian difficulties in Florida. Correspondence in relation to...
Indians in California, Utah, and New Mexico. Statement of the amount
of expenditures made, appropriated, and estimated for on account of
lodian depredations in Texas and New Mexico. Views of the President
of the United States in favor of raising one or more regiments of
mounted men for the prevention of.


Insane persons. (See District of Columbia.)

Interest. (See Loans.)

Interior accompanying the President's annual message, on the state of the
Union. Report of the Secretary of the..

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