PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, DURING THE SECOND SESSION OF THE THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS, BEGUN AND HELD AT THE CITY OF WASHINGTON, DECEMBER 2, 1850. IN THE SEVENTY-FIFTH YEAR OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES. IN FIVE VOLUMES. VOLUME II. CONTAINING NO. 2 TO NO. 7. WASHINGTON: PRINTED AT THE UNION OFFICE. 1851. INDEX ΤΟ EXECUTIVE DOCUMENTS PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, DURING THE SECOND SESSION OF THE THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS-1850-'51. Academy at West Point. Report of the Chief Engineer and Board of Visiters of the United States, in relation to the condition and opera-1 tions of the Military. 1 valerem duties. Views of the President of the United States in relation to frands practised under the system of. African slave-trade. Correspondence between the Secretary of State and Mr. Tod, the American minister at Brazil, and others, in relation to the...... .... Agricultural bureau. The President of the United States recommends the establishment of an .... Albion, in Oregon, for a violation of the revenue laws Correspondence in relation to the seizure of the British ship Asistad, for compensation on account of the liberation of the negroes on board that vessel. Correspondence in relation to the claim of the owners of the..... Appraisers at different ports. Statement of advances and inequalities of appraisals by Appropriations for the naval service, viz: balances on hand July 1, 1849, and June 30, 1850; appropriations for the fiscal year 1849-50, and amounts drawn from the treasury during said fiscal year. Statement of 1 9 1 2 Armories at Springfield and Harper's Ferry in the year ending June 30, 1 472 10 1 1 1 114 2 Army in the four western military departments of Oregon, California, New Vol. No. Pa Army during the year 1850. Statement of all contracts made in the sub- Army during the year 1850. Statements of contracas made in the Ordnance Army in the four military departments of Oregon, California, New Mexico, Report of the operations in the Report of the operations of the Report of the operations of the Paymaster General's department of the.... Arsenals. Report of the operations, &c., of the Watervliet, Alleghany, 477 479 45 483 485 486 Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Views, &c., of the President of the United Auditor of the Treasury Department, for the year ending June 30, 1850. Statement of expenditures of the navy under head of "contingent Auditor for the year 1850, with a statement of the number of accounts pre- Austrian chargé d'affaires, respecting the agent sent to Hungary during the B. Bache, superintendent of weights and measures, communicating a report of Beacon-lights. (See Light-houses, also Black Rock.) .... Black Rock ledge, Long Island Sound. Correspondence in relation to the Brazil. Information and views of the President in relation to the commis- Breadstuffs. (See Exports.) British Hudson's Bay Company. (See Oregon.) 1 1 7 |