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46. form, s. form, in form, deform', reform', efform', triform, len'tiform, nul'tiform, inform', misinform', conform', perform', transform', platforın', uniform'. 47. en, s. n, in deaf'en,* beech'en, fresh'en, length'en, weaken, drunk'en, spóken, token, stolen, swollen, chéapen, ripen, open, hap'pen, locs'en, beaten, lighten, brighten, heart'en, fat'ten, writ'ten, heav'en, seven, woven, flax'en, brážen, coz'en, doz'en, miz'zen, &c. (en s. en in monosyllables) as glen, ten, wen; and in such words as twig'gen, kitch'en, hyphen, álien, woollen, ámen', specimen, lin'en, as'pen, breth'ren, siren, mar'ten, &c.-of'ten and sof'ten s. ofn and sofn. 48. sten, s. s n, in hásten, fas'ten, unfas'ten, chásten, lis'ten, glis'ten, mois'ten, chris'ten.

49. ain accented, or in a monosyllable, s. àne, in ordáin, disdáin, regáin, encháin, complain, explain, domáin, refrain, restráin, contáin, abstáin, chilBlain, por'celain, (ain s. en in) again', against'.

50. ain, unaccented, s. in-in villain, chap'lain, chamberlain, murʼrain, ief'tain, plan'tain, foun'tain, moun'tain, cap'tain, cer'tain, uncer'tain, cur'tain, 51. ion, preceded by lorn, accented, s. yån, in battalion, vermilion, pavilion, medallion, rebellion, billion, mil'lion, postil'ion, &c. compan'ion, min'ion, domin'ion, opin'ion, on'ion, &c.

52. sion, preceded by a, e, i, o, or u, s. zhån in occasion, evasion, invá sic, persuasion, dissuasion, &c adhésion, inhésion, cohésion; decision, prò cision, incision, collision, division, provision, &c. displosion, explosion, corro sion; fusion, diffusion, infusion, confusion, conclusion, exclusion, allúsion, intrú sion, contúsion, &c.

53. sion, preceded by any of the consonants, s. shun, in impul'sion, compul'sion, expanʼsion, comprehen'sion, dimen'sion, mer'sion, aver'sion, incur'sion, pass'ion, process'ion, possess'ion, miss'ion, percuss'ion, dismiss'ion,t &c.

54. ssion, s. shun, in pas'sion, compas'sion, ces'sion, conces'sion, profes'sion, egres'sion, pres'sion, session, posses'sion, mis'sion, remis'sion, manumis'sion, concussion, discussion, &c.

55. tion, s. shản, in constitútion, solution, elocútion, caútion, pórtion, op'tion, perception, attention, contrition, addition, conjunc'tion, collection, elevation, lamentation, vacation, probátion, libation, &c.

56. tion, preceded by s, or x, s. tshan, in ambus'tion, combus'tion, ques' tion, congestion, diges'tion, sugges'tion, bas'tion, &c. mix'tion, admix' tion, commix'tion, permix'tion.

57. xion, s. shan, in flex'ion, complex'ion, annex'ion, connex'ion, prefix" ion, affix'ion, crucifix'ion, commix'ion, flux'ion.

58. son, s. zn, in reason, treason, season, venison, poison, empoison, coun'terpoison, pris'on, impris'on, dam'son, crim'son. (son, s. zun, in) diapason. (son, s. sûn, in) son, grand'son, god'son, únison, compar'ison. (son, s. su, in) máson, gar'rison, par'son, per'son, les'son.

59. own, s. own, in down, adown', upside-down', renown', imbrown', nut'brown. (own, s. on, in) own, shown, blown, flown, high'flown, known, unknówn, disown, unsówn.

60. car, s. ère, in ear, endear', rehéar, overhear', besmear, appear, disappéar, upréar, arréar, leap'year. (ear, s. àre, in) bear, bugbear, upbear, underbear, overbear, forbear, pear, tear, (v.) tear (n. a rent), wear, swear, unswear, forswear, outswear. (ear, s. èar, in) lin'ear, rectilin'ear, curvilin'ear.

61. er, s. år, in am'ber, chamber, octóber, cum'ber, of'ficer, offend'er, pretend'er, fin'ger, lin'ger, lexicographer, geog'rapher, orthog'rapher, biog'rapher, historiographer, cosmog'rapher, controller, glim'mer, sum'mer, marʼiner, móurner, usurp'er, con'jurer, con'quer, consid'er, diam'eter, pentameter, hex

* When a vowel is not sounded in the verb, it is silent also in the participles derived from it.

Though in some of the preceding and succeeding paragraphs it is impossible to point out the particular accented letter, yet by means of the mark, the syllable, or sound, on which the accent rests, will not readily be mistaken, B

am'eter, barom'eter, inter'preter, re"gister, empow'er, assayer, &c. (er, accented, s. or, in) defer', refer', prefer', infer', deter', &c. (eer, s. ère, in) beer, rain'deer, mountainéer, enginéer, dominéer, mutiuéer, privatéer, voluntéer chariotéer, gazettéer, &c. (e'er, s. àre, in) e'er, ne'er, whene'cr', where'er' (ier, accented, and in one syllable, s. ère, in pier, cashier, cavaliér, chandeliér, carabiniér, cannoniér, &c.

62. or, s. år, in ambass'ador, méteor, an'chor, met'aphor, author, major, sénior, júnior, inferior, superiour, ir'ériour, war'rior, sailor, demeanor, minor, stupor, em'peror, júror, vis'or, censor, suc'cessor, profess'or, possess'or, prognos'ticator, elucidator, gladiátor, mediátor, ven'tilator, le"gislator, translátor, sen'ator, denom'inator, moderátor, or'ator, speciátor, equátor, debt'or, actor, collect'or, protect'or, vic'tor, proprietor, aúditor, invent'or, &c. (or, s. år, in) or, áchor, cher, sápor, prétor, unlocked'for, unhoped for, &c. (or and oor, s. ore, in) louis d'or', corridor', bat'tledoor, back'door, trapdoor', death's'door, ground floor, thrash'ingfloor. (oor, s. ĉôr, in) boor, moor, poor, unmoon black'amoor.--or, s. ör, in abhor'.

63. our, s. år, in labour, tábour, ar'bour, har'bour, suc'cour, ran'cour, splendour, vig'our, val'our, col'our, par'lour, clam'our, ar'mour, rúmour, hon'our, endeavour, favour, savour, &c. (our, s. owr, in) our, scour, hour, flour, sour, devour'. (our, s. ôôr, in) amour', par'amour, tour, contour'.-the verb to pour, s. pore, or powr.-four, s. fòre.-your, s. úre. iour, s. yår, in beháviour, sáviour.

64. ass, s. âss, in lass, class, glass, look'ing-glass, ising-glass, tin'glass, weath'erglass, hour'glass, amass', repass', surpass', spar'rowgrass, scur'vygrass, car'cass, cut'lass, com'pass, encom'pass, tres'pass, har'ass, sas'safras, cuirass', morass', can'vas.

65. ous, s. âs, in tremen'dous, stupen'dous, hid'eous, spontáneous, plen'teous, terráqueous, analogous, ódious, stúdious, píous, várious, jealous, perilous, frivolous, cred'ulous, trem'ulous, in'famous, unan'imous, moun'tainous, lúminous, poisonous, won'drous, númerous, dex'terous, odorous, clam'orous, tráiterous, adven'turous, solicitous, momen'tous, porten'tous, gratuitous, fortuitous, &c.

66. ceous, s. shûs, in fabáccous, herbáceous, argillaceous, cetáceous, cretáceous, crustáceous, &c.

67. ious and eous, preceded by d, s. èås, in tédious, perfid'ious, fastid'ious, insid'ious, invid'ious, compen'dious, ódious, melódious, commódious, &c. hid'eous, Japid'eous, stúdious.

68. cious and scious, s. shås, in efficacious, audácious, sagacious, fallacious, tenacious, pertinácious, spacious, grácious, voracious, vivacious, loquácious, spécious, pre"cious, judi"cious, offi"cious, mali"cious, pernicious, auspi"cious, capricious, atrocious, &c. omnis''cious, con'scious, luscious, &c.

69. tious, s. shås, in ostentatious, vexátious, fac'tious, ambi'tious, propi'tious, fictitious, adventitious, superstitious, conscientious, senten'tious, conten'tious, cap'tious, cautious, incautious, &c.

70. uous, s. ùås, in conspic'uous, promis'cuous, assid'uous, ́ar'duous, ambig'uous, contig'uous, mellifluous, super'fluous, ingen'uous, stren'uous, sin'vous, impet'uous, tumul'tuous, contempt'uous, sumpt'uous, virt'uous, tempest'uous, con'gruous, incon'gruous.

71. eat, s. ète, in eat, beat, brow'beat, defeat, eschéat, repéat, entréat, retreat, in sweet'meat.-eat, s. êt, in threat, sweat.-eat, s. àte, in, s. eât, in caveat.-hereat', thereat', whereat', s. hère at, thare at, hwåre åt.

72. ct, s. kt, in act, enact', compact', defect', infect', per'fect, deject', select', as'pect, respect', inspect', pros'pect, direct', dissect', predict', strict, dis'trict, in'stinct, extinct', adjunct, deduct', prod'uct, obstruct', instruct', construct', &c. fct has the same sound when s is added, thus) acts, enacts', defects', infects', dejects', respects', inspects', pros'pects, directs', sects, dissects', predicts', districts, adjuncts, &c. (ict, s. lte, in endict', and indict'.)

73. ight, s. ite, in fight, alight', delight', enlight', moon'light, star'light

daylight, sky'light, benight, birth'right, yes'ternight, overnight, aright, affright, down right (adv.) outright, secondsight, eyesight, (ight, s. ite, in) twilight, midnight, fort night, birth'right, down'right, (adj.) up'right, foresight, in'sight, oversight. (seven-night, s. sen'nit.)

74. eight, s. ate, in freight, pen'nyweight, troy'weight, weight'ily, weight'iness, weigh'ty, eight'een, eight'fold, eight'score, eight'y. (eight, s. ite, in height, sleight.)

75. aught, s. åt, in aught, ful'fraught. (aught, s. âft, in) draught, roughdraught.

76. ought, såt, in ought, dear'-bought, methought', fore-thought, afterthought, mer'ry-thought, high'-wrought, inwrought', unwrought', overwrought', esought'. (ought, s. owt, in drought.)

77. scent, s. sent, in scent, ascent', renas'cent, descent', quies'cent, conales'cent, evanes'cent, cres'cent, excres'cent, &c.

8. ow, s. 6, in elbow, rainbow, mead'ow, shad'ow, overshad'ow, wid'ow, dow, bow'-window, fur'below, fal'low, hal'low, shal'low, sal'low, tal'low, 'low, swallow, bel'low, fel'low, school'fellow, play'fellow, mel'low, yellow, billow, pillow, wil'low, follow, hollow, whitlow, win'now, scarecrow, overthrow, (,) arrow, nar'row, har'row, mar'row, spar'row, yar'row, bor'row, morrow, sorrow, burrow, fur'row. (ow, s. d, in) bow (n.) to sheet arrows; show, foreshow', pup'petshow, overblow', below', overflow (v.) foreknow', overgrow', overthrow (v.) bestow'. (ow, s. ow, in) bow (n. an act of reverence, or v. to bend), endow', some'how, allow', disallow', mow (n.) now, good'now, enow', erenow', eyebrow, avow'.


79. ay, s. à, in bay, decay', alack'aday', noon'day, delay', relay', allay', inlay, display', overlay', mislay', waylay', dismay', defray', affray', array', betray', assay (v.), away', high'way, &c. (ay, s. a, in) mon'day, tues'day, wednes'day, thurs'day, friday, sat'urday, sun'day, yes'terday, hey'-day, holyday, nosegay, round'elay, sooth'say, hear'say, es'say (n.), run'away, car'away, cast'away, cause'way, half'way, gang'way, path'way. -ay, s. è.-quay,

s. kè

80. fy, a verbal termination, s. fl, in jus'tify, rectify, purify, tes'tify, pa"cify, crucify, notify, ter'rify, for'tify, cal'efy, tumefy, beautify, sanc'tify, sig'nify, qualify, glorify, &c. (fy, or fi, in the participles of such verbs, has the same sound, thus) justifying, jus'tified; rec'tifying, rec'tified; purifying, púrified, &c. (the same sound of fi prevails in the nouns derived from such verbs as these, signifying(an actor, thus) jus'tifier, rec'tifier, púrifier, &c. (but in nouns from these verbs signifying an act, fi takes the sound of fe, thus) justificátion, purificátion, testification, &c. (fi has the sound of fe also in such words as) justificátor, testificátor, &c. (fy, sounds fl, in the verbs defy and affy, also in the interjection fy-fy sounds fè in the adjectives) leafy, chaffy, shelf'y, turf'y. 81. ly, unaccented, s. lè, in ably, prob'ably, affably, remarkably, séa sonably, durably, suitably, learn'edly, sacredly, assuredly, idly, friend'ly, timely, humánely, opportúnely, securely, purposely, ultimately, complétely, politely, remotely, ab'solutely. pen'sively, actively, obligingly, willingly, lavishly, medically, finally, lib'erally, delightfully, firmly, openly, am'ply, clearly, orderly, man'nerly, end'lessly, remiss'ly, hazardously, studiously, gen'erously, perfectly, discreetly, sprightly, pleas'antly, décently, prúdently, apparently, consistently, &c. (ly, accented, and in monosyllables, s. ll, in) supply', apply', comply', reply', july', ally', cutfly', rely'.

82. ably, s. able, in prob'ably, am'icably, laud'ably, peaceably, affably, variably, remark'ably, conform'ably, reasonably, seasonably, com'parably, al'terably, tolerably, mem'orably, favourably, war'rantably, lam'entably, comfortably, equably, observ'ably, &c. (the abverb ably, s. ablė.)

83. ibly, s. eble, invin'cibly, forcibly, cred'ibly, audibly, legibly, intelligibly, infallibly, ter'ribly, vis'ibly, sen'sibly, pos'sibly, plausibly, compatibly, percep'tibly, contemp'tibly, convertibly, irresistibly, inflex'ibly, &c.

84. ily, s. èlè, in readily, steadily, gaud'ily, wor'thily, luckily, family, hap'pily, primarily, or'dinarily, solitarily, voluntarily, satisfactorily, tranʼsito

rily, busily, lof'tily, hear'tily, &c.-ily, s. ilè, in shily, slily, wily.-ily, s. flè, in lily-aily, s. alè, in daily, gáily.

85. iety, s. lètè, in society, piety, impiety, contrariety, variety, ebriety, sobriety, insobriety, notoriety, propriety, impropriety, satiety, anxiety. (aiety, s. dété, in gaiety-oiety, s. oy è-tè, in moiety.)

S6. ity, s. ètè, in prob'ity, saga"city, capa"city, felicity, dupli"city, velo" city, atrocity, valid'ity, rapid'ity, profun'dity, déity, frugal'ity, liberal'ity, plu rality, fatality, ability, flammability, durability, stabil'ity, credibility, sensibil' ity, flexibility, utility, humanity, len'ity, dig'nity, solem'nity, impunity, author'. ity, maturity, quantity, vacuity, nativ'ity, &c. (ity, s. ite, in) city, pit'y.

87. osity, socété, in verbosity, morbos'ity, curios'ity, sententios'ity, ani mos'ity, generos'ity, impetuos'ity, &c.


A Change of Accent takes place on the following words acco ing as they are Nouns, Verbs, or Adjectives.

[graphic][merged small][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][merged small][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Sometimes the same parts of speech have a different accent to make a difference

buffet (a blow)

to con'jure (to pracLise magic)

of signification.

buffet (a cupboard) des'ert (a wilderness) desert' (merit)
to conjure (to intreut) sin'ister (insidious) sinister (the left side.

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The Cruel Boy.

1. AS a bird one day was flying to seek food for its young ones, a boy, who had a gun in his hand, saw it, and shot the poor thing through its head, and down it fell to the ground. The boy then ran to it, and picked it up; and when he saw that it was dead, he was very sorry for what he had done.

2. How cruel it was to kill the poor bird, which never did any harm in all its life; and to take it from its young ones, which were in the nest, wanting it to come back and feed them.

3. The poor little birds could not think why their mother staid so long from them, and kept chirping till they were quite tired. At night they grew so cold, for want of their mother to brood over them, that they did not know what to do.

4. There were five in the nest, and two of them perished with cold and hunger in the night. The other three lived till the next morning, when, getting to the edge of the nest, to look for their mother, two of them fell out, and broke their bones.

5. They lay in great pain for some time upon the ground, but could not move, for they were too young to hop or fly. At last the poor things died. But the other poor little bird that was left in the nest, did not die so soon, for it lived all day very cold and in great pain; it was almost famished for want of food.

6. It kept chirping, as long as it had strength to make any noise, in hopes its mother would hear, and come and feed it. But, poor thing, she was dead, and could not hear it. So, at last, when it was quite tired, it lay still at the bottom of the nest ; and in the night it rained fast, and the wind blew; so it died with cold, just as it began to grow daylight.

7. Thus, there was an end of the five pretty young birds, which all died in such a painful manner, because a hard-hearted, cruel boy shot their poor mother.


*Preparatory to the learner's commencing the reading lessons, it is strongly, mended that he be required to spell, accent and pronounce at sight all the primitive and derivative words in the introduction, and determine which are the initial and terminational cyllables, and be practised in spelling these exercises both in and cut of the book.

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