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and the hum of the distant city, soothed my mind into the most perfect tranquillity, and sleep insensibly stole upon me, as I was indulging the agreeable reveries which the objects around me naturally inspired.

2. I immediately found myself in a vast extended plain, in the middle of which arose a mountain higher than I had before any conception of. It was covered with a multitude of people, chiefly youth; many of whom pressed forwards with the liveliest expression of ardour in their countenances, though the way was, in many places, steep and difficult. I observed, that those who had but just begun to climb the hill thought themselves not far from the top; but as they proceeded, new hills were continually rising to their view, and the summit of the highest they could before discern seemed but the foot of another, till the mountain at length appeared to lose itself in the clouds. As I was gazing on these things with astonishment, my good genius suddenly appeared: "The mountain before thee,' said he, is the Hill of Science. On the top is the temple of Truth, whose head is above the clouds, and a veil of pure light covers her face. Observe the progress of her votaries; be silent and attentive.'

3. I saw that the only regular approach to the mountain was by a gate, called the gate of Languages. It was kept by a woman of a pensive and thoughtful appearance, whose lips were continually moving, as though she repeated something to herself. Her name was Memory. On entering the first enclosure, I was stunned with a confused murmur of jarring voices, and dissonant sounds; which increased upon me to such a degree, that I was utterly confounded, and could compare, the noise to nothing but the confusion of tongues at Babel.

4. After contemplating these things, I turned my eyes towards the top of the mountain, where the air was always pure and exhilarating, the path shaded with laurels and other evergreens, and the effulgence which beamed from the face of the goddess seemed to shed a glory round her votaries. Happy, said I, are they who are permitted to ascend the mountain! But while I was pronouncing this exclamation, with uncommon ardour, I saw standing beside me a form of diviner features and a more benign radiance. 'Happier,' said she, are those whom Virtue conducts to the mansion of Content! What,' said I, 'does Virtue then reside in the vale ? I am found,' said she, 'in the vale, and I illuminate the mountain: I cheer the cottager at his toil, and inspire the sage at his meditation.'


5. Imingle in the crowd of cities, and bless the hermit in his


cell. I have a temple in every heart that owns my influence; and to him that wishes for me, I am already present. Science may raise you to eminence, but I alone can guide you to felicity! While the goddess was thus speaking, I stretched out my arms towards her with a vehemence which broke my slumbers. The chill dews were falling around me, and the shades of evening stretched over the landscape. I hastened homeward, and resigned the night to silence and meditation.

Fourth of July.

'Let this auspicious day be ever sacred

'Let it be marked for triumph and rejoicing.'

1. THIS day commemorates the glorious epoch in our national history, when indignant Americans burst the thraldom of British tyranny, and asserted the rights with which God and Nature in vested them, and decreed their just inheritance: when the voice of the American nation, by the mouth of their delegated sages and patriots, declared, that these United States are, and of right ought to be free, sovereign, and independent.' More than thirty years have elapsed, since our fathers' pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honour,' to support that declaration. Still do their sons retrace with proud delight the record of their noble deeds; still are millions ready to renew the pledge. Still do their bosoms glow with indignation at the story of their oppressions, exult in their successes, and weep over their misfortunes; and contemplate with admiration their unshaken constancy, and more than Roman virtue, in that gloomy period when scarce a ray of hope gilded the dreariness of the prospect-when a licentious soldiery wasted our fields, pillaged our villages, conflagrated our towns, butchered our citizens, violated the temples of our God-carrying terrour and dismay, fire and sword, through every section of our country.

2. Are any so base as to sacrifice Liberty and Independence, to foreign ambition? Are any panting for the splendour of royalty, the gewgaws of nobility? Would any exchange liberty and equal laws, for despotism and oppression? If any such there are, let them be marked for the detestation of freemen, the curse of heaven.

3. The enthusiasm with which the return of this day is hailed, is a pledge that the spirit of seventy-six is not extinct; that, although most of the sages and heroes of the revolution have yielded to the law of nature, and launched that gulph whence none return, their mantles rest on their sons: that Liberty yet has defenders, who will live free or die.

Monitions to America.


1. AMERICANS! place constantly before your sight the deplorable scenes of your servitude, and the enchanting picture of your deliverance! Begin with the infant in his cradle. the first word he lisps be WASHINGTON. Let his first lessons of history be the wrongs which you suffered, and the courage which set you free.

2. Let his daily prayers be expressions of gratitude to God for raising you up accomplished chiefs; for leading on your armies; and for strengthening the arm of your peasants, against the discipline and the tyranny of Europe. Let the youth, the hope of his country, grow up amidst annual festivals, commemorative of the events war, and sacred to the memory of your heroes. Let him learn from his father to weep over the tombs of those heroes, and to bless their virtues. Let his first study be your Declaration of Independence, and the code of your Constitution, which were sketched out amidst the clashing of


3. Let him stop at the end of the field which he ploughs, and while the tears start into his eyes, let him read, engraven upon the rude stones; ' here savages in the pay of despotism, cast an infirm old man into the flames: here, they dashed against the trees, children snatched away from the breasts of their dying mothers; there the satellites of oppression bent the knee, demanded their lives, and became captives.?

1. SHOULD the return of peace, and the pride of independence, lean the Americans to security and dissipation-should they lose those virtues and simple manners, by which alone republics can long subsist-should false refinement, luxury, and impiety, spread amongst them-excesses, jealousy distract their governments and clashing interests, subject to no controul, break their Federal union-the consequence will be, that the fairest experiment ever tried in human affairs, will miscarry; and a revolution which had revived the hopes of good men, and promised an opening to better times, will become a discouragement to all future efforts in favour of Liberty, and prove only an opening to a new scene of human degeneracy and misery

1. PEOPLE of America! let the example of all the nations which have preceded you, and especially that of the mother country, instruct you! Be afraid of the affluence of gold, which brings with luxury the corruption of manners and contempt at laws! Be afraid of too unequal a distribution of riches, which

shows a small number of citizens in wealth, and a great num ber in misery-whence arises the insolence of the one, and depression of the other. Guard against the spirit of conquest. The tranquillity of empire decreases as it is extended. Have arms for your defence, but have none for offence. Seek ease and health in labour; prosperity in agriculture and manufactures; strength in good manners and virtue. Make the sciences and arts prosper, which distinguish the civilized man from the savage. Especially watch over the education of your


2. It is from public schools, be assured, that skilful magistrates, disciplined and courageous soldiers, good fathers, good husbands, good brothers, good friends, and honest men come forth. Wherever we see the youth depraved, the nation is on the decline. Let Liberty have an immoveable foundation in the wisdom of your constitutions; and let it be the cement which unites your states, which cannot be destroyed. Establish no legal preference in your different modes of worship. Superstition is every where innocent, where it is neither protected nor persecuted. And may your duration be, if possible, equal

to that of the world.

National Industry.


Judge Ross to the Grand Jury.

1. GENTLEMEN-I shall take the liberty of saying a few words on a subject which may not seem to come properly under my notice at this time. But, it is so general a topic of conversation, and has been so frequently handled in the newspapers, and in pamphlets, that I think it will not be amiss to introduce it in this place. The subject to which I allude, is the Hard Times. You are here, gentlemen, from the remote parts of our country, and you have doubtless heard a variety of causes assigned for these hard times.

2. Our legislature have had the subject under consideration, they have talked of a loan-office, of stop laws, of a law for great internal improvements; and a great variety of projects have been agitated by them-all to obviate those hard times. But their projects are all visionary; none of them calculated to do the smallest good to the community. Congress, too, have been engaged on this subject; they have thought that some great change in the tariff, or some important measure for the encouragement of domestic manufactures, would help us out of the difficulty. But all this is perfectly idle,


3. These projects do not strike at the root of the matter. may be singular in my views, gentlemen, but, really, I have thought so much on the subject, that I cannot avoid expressing my sentiments, whatever you may think of them. I have no objections to great improvements-I am by no means unfriendly to our own manufactures; but then, I think, that in order to cure the evil, we must all act individually.

4. Let the work of reformation begin at home, and I confidently believe we shall soon get rid of the hard times, that are so much complained of. To be calling out for legislative aid, while we ourselves are idle,, is acting like the man in the fable, who, when his wagon-wheel was fast in the ditch, cried for Hercules to help him, instead of putting his own shoulder to the wheel. We must help ourselves, gentlemen, and if that will not answer, why then we may call for Hercules to assist us.

5. We are too fond of showing out in our families; and in this way our expenses far exceed our incomes. Our daughters must be dressed off in their silks and crapes, instead of their linsey woolsey. Our young folks are too proud to be seen in a coarse dress, and their extravagance is bringing ruin on our families. When you can induce your sons to prefer young women for their real worth, rather than for their show; when you can get them to choose a wife, who can make a good loaf of bread, and a good pound of butter, in preference to a girl, who does nothing but dance about in her silks and her laces; then, gentlemen, you may expect to see a change for the better. We must get back to the good old simplicity of former times, if we

expect to see more prosperous days. The time was, even se

memory, when a simple note was good for any amount of money, but now bonds and mortgages are thought almost no security; and this is owing to the want of confidence.

6. And what has caused this want of confidence? Why, it is occasioned by the extravagant manner of living; by your families going in debt beyond your ability to pay. Examine this matter, gentlemen, and you will find this to be the real cause. Teach your sons to be too proud to ride a hackney, which their father cannot pay for: Let them be above being seen sporting in a gig or a carriage, which their father is in debt for. Let them have this sort of independent pride, and I venture to say that you will soon perceive a reformation. But, until the change commences in this way in our families; until we begin the work ourselves, it is in vain to expect better times. 7. Now, gentlemen, if you think as I do on this subject, there

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