By-laws of the Board of Education of the City of New York and By-laws of the Board of Trustees of Hunter College: Also Charter Provisions and Other Statutes Relating to the Department of Education


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Page 98 - ... development of a child of its age, and is in sound health, and is physically able to perform the work which it intends to do.
Page 103 - ... able to read and write simple sentences in the English language, and has received during such period instruction in reading, spelling, writing, English grammar and geography and is familiar with the fundamental operations of arithmetic up to and including fractions.
Page 91 - ... be proceeded against as a disorderly person, and upon conviction thereof, if the child was lawfully required to attend a public school, the child shall be sentenced to be confined and maintained in such truant school for a period not exceeding two years; or if such child was lawfully required to attend upon instruction otherwise than at a public school, the child may be sentenced to be confined and maintained for a period not exceeding two years in such private school, orphans...
Page 98 - Such certificate shall state the date and place of birth of the child, and describe the color of the hair and eyes, the height and weight and any distinguishing facial marks of such child, and that the papers required by the preceding section have been duly examined, approved and filed and that the child named in such certificate has appeared before the officer signing the certificate and been examined.
Page 92 - ... this act into effect He may remove such assistants from time to time and appoint their successors. He shall fix their salaries, and under his direction such assistants shall investigate the extent to which this act is complied with in the cities and school districts of the State, and make such reports, and perform such other duties as the said superintendent shall determine. Such assistants shall be paid, in addition to their salaries, their necessary traveling and other expenses incurred in...
Page 9 - ... the board of estimate and apportionment for its action. The board of estimate and apportionment shall appropriate for the general school fund for the year 1902 and, annually, for each year thereafter, an amount equivalent to not less than three mills on every dollar of assessed valuation of the real and personal estate in the city of New York, liable to taxation.
Page 101 - But in cities of the first class no child under the age of sixteen years shall be employed, permitted or suffered to work in or in connection with any such establishment after seven o'clock in the evening of any day.
Page 91 - ... insubordinate or disorderly during their attendance upon such instruction, or irregular in such attendance. Such school or room shall be known as a truant school; but no person convicted of crimes or misdemeanors, other than truancy, shall be committed thereto. 2. Such authorities may provide for the confinement, maintenance and instruction of such children in such schools...
Page 89 - To employ any child under fourteen years of age, in any business or service whatever, during any part of the term during which the public schools of the district or city in which the child resides are in session.
Page 92 - ... home or other similar institutions, if there be one, controlled by persons of the same religious faith as the persons in parental relation to such child, which is willing and able to receive, confine and maintain such child for a reasonable compensation.

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