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" Grey, 144- The other House then, if satisfied, vote the reasons satisfactory, or say nothing; if not satisfied, they resolve them not satisfactory and ask a conference on the subject of the last conference, where they read and deliver, in like manner,... "
The Legislative Manual of the State of Wisconsin - Page 55
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Manual of Parliamentary Practice

1826 - 228 pages
...then, if satisfied, vote the reasons satisfactory, or say nothing: if not satisfied, they resolve them not satisfactory, and ask a conference on the subject...imputable to them. 3 Grey 255. At free conferences, which are asked after two conferences, 4 Hats. 37, 40. the managers discuss, viva voce and freely,...
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Manual of Parliamentary Practice

1826 - 220 pages
...then, if satisfied, vote the reasons satisfactory, or say nothing: if not satisfied, they resolve them not satisfactory, and ask a conference on the subject...chiefly, to record the justification of each house to the national large, and to posterity, and in proof that the miscarriage of a necessary measure is not imputable...
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A Manual of Legislative Practice and Order of Business in Deliberative Bodies

Joel Barlow Sutherland - 1830 - 404 pages
...then, if satisfied, vote the reasons satisfactory, or say nothing: if not satisfied, they resolve them not satisfactory, and ask a conference on the subject...deliver in like manner written answers to those reasons. & Grey, 183. They are meant chiefly to record the justification of each house to the nation at large,...
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Manual of Legislative Practice and Order of Business, in the Legislature of ...

Charles Sitgreaves - 1836 - 380 pages
...debate, to the conferees of the other House, but are not then to be answered." 4 Grey, 144. ference on the subject of the last conference, where they...House to the nation at large, and to posterity, and as a proof that the miscarriage of a necessary measure is not imputable to them." 3 Grey, 255. At free...
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A Manual of Legislative Practice and Order of Business in Deliberative Bodies

Joel Barlow Sutherland - 1838 - 456 pages
...then, if satisfied, vote the reasons satisfactory, or say nothing : if not satisfied, they resolve them not satisfactory, and ask a conference on the subject...that the miscarriage of a necessary measure is not impu table to them. 3 Grey, 255. At free conferences, the managers discuss, viva voce and freely, and...
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The Practice and Privileges of the Two Houses of Parliament: With an ...

Alpheus Todd - 1840 - 412 pages
...; if not satisfied, they resolve them unsatisfactory, and ask a conference " on the subject-matter of the last Conference," where they read and deliver, like manner, written answers to those reasons. Thus Conferences are, in fact, nothing more than a formal method of communicating to one House the...
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The Legislative Guide, Containing All the Rules for Conducting Business in ...

Joseph Bartlett Burleigh - 1853 - 354 pages
...then, if satisfied, vote the reasons satisfactory, or say nothing. If not satisfied, they resolve them not satisfactory, and ask a conference on the subject...record the justification of each House to the nation at Inrge, and to posterity, and in proof that the miscarriage of a necessary measure is not imputable...
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A Manual of Parliamentary Practice: Composed Originally for the Use of the ...

Thomas Jefferson - 1854 - 204 pages
...if satisfied, vote the, reasons satisfactory, or say nothing ; if not satisfied, they resolve them not satisfactory, and ask a conference on the subject...the nation at large, and to posterity, and in proof tiiat the miscarriage of a necessary measure is nos imputable to them. — 3 Grrey, 255. At free conferences,...
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The Writings of Thomas Jefferson: Miscellaneous: 4. Parliamentary manual; 5 ...

Thomas Jefferson - 1854 - 612 pages
...then, if satisfied, vote the reasons satisfactory, or say nothing; if not satisfied, they resolve them not satisfactory, and ask a conference on the subject...and deliver in like manner written answers to those reasons.—3 Grey, 183. They are meant chiefly to record the justification of each House to the nation...
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Manual for the Use of the Legislature of the State of New York for the Year ...

New York (State). Secretary's Office - 1858 - 574 pages
...then, if satisfied, vote the reasons satisfactory, or say nothing ; if not satisfied, they resolve them not satisfactory, and ask a conference on the like manner, written answers to those reasons. — 8 Grey, 183. They are meant chiefly to record the justification of each House to the nation at...
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