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124. No sum or quantum of tax or duty, voted by a committee of the whole house, shall be increased in the House until the motion or proposition for such increase shall be first discussed and voted in a committee of the whole house; and so in respect to the time of its continuance.

125. All proceedings touching appropriations of money shall be first discussed in a committee of the whole house.

126. The rules of proceedings in the House shall be observed in a committee of the whole house, so far as they may be applicable, except the rule limiting the time of speaking; but no member shall speak twice to any question, until every member choosing to speak shall have spoken.

127. No standing rule or order of the house shall be rescinded or changed wihout one day's notice being given of the motion therefor. Nor shall any rule be suspended, except by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members present. Nor shall the order of business, as established by the rules of the house, be postponed or changed, except by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members present.

Resolved, That so much of the 127th rule of the House as is in the following words, to wit: "Nor shall any rule be suspended except by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members present," be, and hereby is, so far rescinded and changed, that the House may, at any time, by a vote of a majority of the members present, suspend the rules and orders of the House for the purpose of going into Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union. (June 1st, 1840.-See Journal 1st session 26th Congress, p. 1071.)

128. It shall be in order for the committee on enrolled bills to report at any time.

129. The rules of parliamentary practice, comprised in Jefferson's Manual, shall govern the house in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the standing rules and orders of the house, and the joint rules of the Senate and House of Representatives.

130. No person shall be permitted to perform divine service in the chamber occupied by the House of Representatives, unless with the consent of the speaker.

131. The rule for paying witnesses summoned to appear before this house, or either of its committees, shall be as follows: for each day a witness shall attend, the sum of two dollars; for each mile he shall travel in coming to or going from the place of examination, the sum of ten cents each way; but nothing shall be paid for travelling home when the witness has been summoned at the place of trial,

132. The clerk shall, within thirty days after the close of each session of congress, cause to be completed the printing and primary distribution, to members and delegates, of the Journal of the house, together with an accurate index to the same. (Order of June 18th, 1832.)

133. There shall be retained in the library of the clerk's office, for the use of the members there, and not to be withdrawn therefrom, two copies of all the books and printed documents deposited in the library. Order of December 22nd, 1826.) 134. The clerk shall have preserved for each

member of the house, an extra copy, in good binding, of all the documents printed by order of either house at each future session of congress.-(Order of Feb. 9th, 1831.)

135. The clerk shall make a weekly statement of the resolutions and bills (senate bills inclusive) upon the speaker's table, accompanied with a brief reference to the orders and proceedings of the House upon each, and the date of such order and proceedings; which statement shall be printed for the use of the members.-(Order of April 21st, 1836.)

136. The clerk shall cause an index to be prepared to the acts passed at every session of congress, and to be printed and bound with the acts. (July 4th, 1832.)

137. The clerk shall take proper measures for the care and preservation of the public stable provided for the business and accommodation of the House of Representatives.-(July 9th, 1838.)

138. The unappropriated rooms in that part of the capitol assigned to the house, shall be subject to the order and disposal of the speaker, until the further order of the House. (May 26, 1824.)

139. Maps accompanying documents shall not be printed, under the general order to print, without the special direction of the House.-March 2d, 1837; Sept. 11th, 1837.

140. No committee shall be permitted to employ a clerk at the public expense, without first obtaining leave of the House for that purpose. (Dec. 14th, 1838.)



Parliamentary Practice,







The rules of parliamentary practice, comprised in Jefferson's Manual, shall govern the house in all cases to which they are applicable; and in which they are not inconsistent with the standing rules and orders of the house, and the joint rules of the Senate and House of Representatives. (Adopted Sept. 15th 1837,)

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