P. Ovidi Nasonis Heroides: with the Greek translation of PlanudesClarendon, 1898 - 542 pages |
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Page 474 - And shrieking sea-birds warn'd him home; And clouds aloft and tides below, With signs and sounds, forbade to go, He could not see, he would not hear Or sound or sign foreboding fear; His eye but saw that light of love, The only star it hail'd above; His ear but rang with Hero's song, "Ye waves, divide not lovers long!
Page 38 - Sic ubi fata vocant, udis abiectus in herbis Ad vada Maeandri concinit albus olor.
Page 341 - Tis time this heart should be unmoved, Since others it hath ceased to move: Yet, though I cannot be beloved, Still let me love! My days are in the yellow leaf; The flowers and fruits of love are gone; The worm, the canker, and the grief Are mine alone!
Page 474 - With signs and sounds, forbade to go, He could not see, he would not hear Or sound or sign foreboding fear ; His eye but saw that light of love, The only star it hail'd above ; His ear but rang with Hero's song, " Ye waves, divide not lovers long !" — That tale is old, but love anew May nerve young hearts to prove as true.
Page 301 - SHE. Though in the wood I understood Ye had a paramour, All this may nought remove my thought, But that I will be your...
Page 60 - Postquam desierant vela videre tua ? Aut ego diffusis erravi sola capillis, Qualis ab Ogygio concita Baccha deo : Aut mare prospiciens in saxo frigida sedi, Quamque lapis sedes, tam lapis ipsa fui.
Page 3 - Quamque tibi reddat, si te modo viderit usquam, Traditur huic digitis charta notata meis. Nos Pylon, antiqui Nele'ia Nestoris arva, Misimus. incerta est fama remissa Pylo.
Page 7 - Venerem nimiumque mihi facientia tela, 40 altera tela arcus, altera tela faces, lunonemque, toris quae praesidet alma maritis, et per taediferae mystica sacra deae: si de tot laesis sua numina quisque deorum vindicet, in poenas non satis unus eris!
Page 79 - Vix illud potui dicere triste vale. 15 Incubuit boreas, abreptaque vela tetendit : Iamque meus longe Protesilaus erat. Dum potui spectare virum spectare iuvabat : Sumque tuos oculos usque secuta meis. Ut te non poteram, poteram tua vela videre, 20 Vela diu vultus detinuere meos.
Page 452 - Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more, Men were deceivers ever, One foot in sea and one on shore, To one thing constant never : Then sigh not so, but let them go, And be you blithe and bonny, Converting all your sounds of woe Into Hey nonny, nonny.