CANONS of CRITICISM, AND GLOSSARY; THE Trial of the Letter T, alias Y, AND SONNET S. By THOMAS EDWARDS, Efq; LONDON: Printed for C. BATHURST, oppofite St. Dunstan's M.DCC.LVIII. ADVERTISEMENT. TH HE Canons of Criticifm, and the Sonnets printed in Dodfley's Miscellanys were fo well received by the best Judges, that it is prefumed the Republication of them, together with the other pieces, which the Author left behind him, and which he had prepared for the press before his last illness, will be agreeable to the Public. The twenty-feven Sonnets, which now appear for the first time, are in the fame taste with those in Dodsley's volume, correct, fimple, not aiming at points or turns, in the phrase and structure rather ancient, for the most part of a grave, or even of a melancholy caft; formed in short upon the model of the Italians of the good age, and of their Imitators among us, Spenfer and Milton. The Trial of the letter Y is a very fenfible piece of English criticifm; a study, of which the Author was particularly fond, and in which few have fhewn fo exact a taste. Mr. Edwards was a Barrister of Lincoln's-inn, Son and Grandfon of two worthy Gentlemen of the fame profeffion; he had a liberal Education, and an independent Fortune. For his Character we may with the strictest juf tice refer to his Epitaph, in the Church-yard of Ellesborough in Buckinghamshire. Under this stone are depofited the Remains of He was fincere and conftant in the profeffion and practife of Christianity, without Narrowness or Superftition; fteadily attached to the cause of Liberty, nor lefs an enemy to Licencioufnefs and Faction; in his Poetry fimple, elegant, pathetic; in his Criticifm exact, acute, temperate; affectionate to his Relations, cordial to his Friends, in the general Commerce of life obliging and entertaiming. He bore a tedious and painfull diftemper with a Patience, which could only arise from a habit of Virtue and Piety; and quitted this life with the decent unconcern of one, whofe hopes are firmly fixed on a better. He dy'd on the IIId day of January MDCCLVII, aged LVIIN and this ftone is infcribed to his memory, with the trueft concern and gratitude, by his two Nephews and Heirs, Jofeph Paice and Nathanael Mafon.. The Gentleman, whofe affiftance Mr. Edwards. acknowledges in the Preface, was Mr. Roderick, Fellow of Magdalen-college in Cambridge, and of the Royal and Antiquarian Societys. He dy'd fome little time before his friend, bequeathing to him fuch of his Papers, as related to the Canons of Criticif And the Additions to that work from thofe papers are inferted in their proper. places. CANONS of CRITICISM, AND GLOSSARY, BEING A SUPPLEMENT TO Mr. WARBURTON'S Edition OF SHAKESPEAR. Collected from The NOTES in that celebrated Work, And proper to be bound up with it. By the OTHER GENTLEMAN of Lincoln's-Inn. There is not a more melancholy object in the learned world, than a man who has written himself down.-In this cafe-one would wish that his friends and relations would keep him from the use of pen, ink, and paper, if he is not to be reclaimed by fome other methods. Addifon's Freeholder, N°. 40. The SIXTH EDITION, with Additions. LONDON: Printed for C. BATHURST, oppofite St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-ftreet. M.DCC.LVIII. |