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Jan. 23. Napa county,

4,790 70

Jan. 10. Richard Roman, paid E. D. Hammond, 8. E. D. Hammond,

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24. San Francisco county,

8 34

3. J. S. Houston,

26. Los Angeles county,

9,893 32

1,137 60)
250 00 S

1,387 60

26. Santa Barbara county,

2,450 00

6. "


1,200 00

26. Fund Commissioners, San Francisco,

1,000 00

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26. San Diego,com ga

1,296 00

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The above contains all the entries on the cash book between the date mentioned, in consolidated form.

14,438 00


The Report of Senate Committee on Public Expenditures, acting with Assembly Committee in the examination of accounts and vouchers of Comptroller and Treasurer of State, October 31, 1853.


Question.-Were you appointed State Printer by Governor McDougal, and if so, when?

Answer-I was appointed State Printer by Governor McDougal, on the 2d of May, 1851.

Ques-Did you cause to be printed, the "Laws and Journals" of the session of 1851, in book form, in accordance with the law directing the manner of printing the same?

Ans. I caused the "Laws and Journals" for 1851 to be printed in accordance with the directions of the Secretary of State and the Constitution of California. There was no law or statue especially directing the manner of printing the "Laws and Journals" of the session of 1851.

Ques. Where was the printing done?

Ans. In New York.

Ques. What disposition did you make with the volumes so printed?

Ans. I delivered them to Eugene Casserly. The Secretary of State refused to receive them from me, in consequence of a decision of the Supreme Court, declaring my appointment null and void, and sustaining the validity of the election of said Casserly to the office of State Printer.

Ques-Did you, on the order of Eugene Casserly, make any printed alterations; if so, what were they?

Ans-At the request of Casserly, I had the title page of the Laws and Journals so altered, that his name appeared thereon as State Printer instead of my own. I also supplied an "errata" to be inserted in each volume of the Laws.

Ques. Are the Laws and Journals before spoken of, the same that were delivered by Eugene Casserly to the Secretary of State, and which are now in general



Ques-When you undertook to print the Laws and Journals, what was your understanding of the law in respect to printing done out of the State?

Ans. It was my opinion when I first investigated the subject, that the law referred to, applied only to the Laws and Journals of 1850, and could not affect the printing of any subsequent year. At the time of my appointment, however, before making this investigation, it was my impression that a law remained in force, requiring a reduction of fifty per cent. on the statute price, for any printing done out of the State, and allowing the State Printer to charge for transportation of books, &c., should be avail himself of the privileges of the law. With this understanding I accepted the office; and such also being the understanding of Gov. MeDougal, I felt bound to make out my bill accordingly; which would have been my course had I retained the office till the Laws and Journals were delivered to the State officers. Ques.-What amount of money did you receive from Eugene Casserly in pay

ment for the printed Laws and Journals, by you delivered to him; and how many of the Statutes and how many of the Journals did you so deliver?

Ans. As near as I can recollect, I received from Casserly $22,000, in Comptroller's warrants; varying, perhaps, a few hundred dollars from that amount. I think the number of Statutes delivered was 1050, and 750 Journals.

Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 3d day of August, 1853.


Chairman Committee.

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