Long. That cullambine. Arm. Sweet lord Longaville, rein thy tongue. Long. I muft rather give it the rein; for it runs againt Helior. Dum. Ay, and Hector's a grey-hound. Arm. The sweet war-man is dead and rotten; Sweet royalty, beftow on me the fense of hearing. Dam. He may not, by the yard. Arm. This Hector far furmounted Hannibal (51). fhe is two months on her way. Arm. What mean'ft thou? fellow Hector, she is gone; Coft. Faith, unless you play the honeft Trojan, the poor wench is caft away; fhe's quick, the child brags in her belly already. "Tis yours. Arm. Doft thou infamonize me among Potentates? Thou shalt die. Coft. Then fhall Hector be whipt for Jaquenetta, that is quick by him; and hang'd for Pompey, that is dead by him. Dum. Moft rare Pompey! Boyet. Renowned Pompey! Biron. Greater than great, great, great, great Pompey! Pompey the huge! Dum. Hector trembles. Biron. Pompey is mov'd; more Ates, more Ates, fir them on, ftir them on. be party is gone.] All the editions ftupidly have plac'd these last words as part of Armado's fpeech in the interlude. I have ventur'd to give them to Coflard, who is for putting Armado out of his part, by telling him the party (i. e. his mistress Jaquenetta,) is gone two months with child by him. Biron. Ay, if he have no more man's blood in's belly than will fup a flea. Arm. By the north-pole, I do challenge thee. Coft. I will not fight with a pole like a northern man: I'll flash; I'll do't by the fword: I pray you, let me borrow my arms again. Dum. Room for the incenfed worthies. Coft. I'll do't in my shirt. Dum. Moft refolute Pompey Moth. Mafter, let me take you a button-hole lower. Do you not fee, Pompey is uncafing for the combat: what mean you? you will lofe your reputation.. Arm. Gentlemen, and foldiers, pardon me; I will not combat in my fhirt. Dum. You may not deny it, Pompey hath made the challenge. Arm. Sweet bloods, I both may and will. Biron. What reafon have you for't? Arm. The naked truth of it is, I have no fhirt; I go woolward for penance. Boyet. True, (52) and it was enjoin'd him in Rome for want of linen; fince when, I'll be fworn he wore none, but a dish-clout of Jaquenetta's, and that he wears next his heat for a favour. Enter Macard. Mac. God fave you, Madam. (52.) And it was injoin'd him in Rome for want of linen.] ShakeSpeare certainly alludes here to a famous ftory, a matter of fact that happen'd at Rome, fometime, I think, before his time. A Spaniard fell in a duel in his laft moments one of his most intimate friends chanc'd to come by, condol'd with him, and offer'd his best service. The dying perfon told him he had but one requeft to make to him, and conjur'd him by the memory of their long friendship punctually to comply with it which was, not to fuffer him to be ftript as ufual, but to bury him in the condition, and very habit he was then in. When this was promis'd, the Spaniard clos'd his eyes, with great compofure and fatisfaction. But his friend's curiofity prevail'd over his obligations, and defiring to know the reafon of fo uncommon a request, so earnestly prefs'd, he had him stripp'd; and found to his great furprize, he was without a fhirt. Mr. Warburton. Prin. Welcome, Macard, but that thou interrupteft our merriment. Mac. I'm forry, Madam; for the news I bring Is heavy in my tongue. The King your father Prin. Dead, for my life, Mac. Even fo: my tale is told. Biron. Worthies, away; the scene begins to cloud. Arm. For my own part, I breathe free breath; I have feen the day of wrong through the little hole of discretion, and I will right myself like a foldier. [Exeunt Worthies. Prin. Boyet, prepare; I will away to-night. King. Madam, not fo; I do befeech you, ftay. Out of a new fad foul, that you vouchfafe For my great fuit so easily obtain'd. King. The extreme part of time extremely forms All caufes to the purpose of his fpeed; And often, at his very loofe, decides That, which long process could not arbitrate. The holy fuit which fain it would convince; (53) An heavy heart bears not an humble tongue.] Thus all the editions; but, furely, without either fenfe or truth. None are more bumble in fpeech, than they who labour under any oppreffion. The Princess is defiring, her grief may apologize for her not expreffing her obligations at large; and my correction is conformable to that fentiment. From From what it purpos'd: fince, to wail friends loft, As to rejoice at friends but newly found. Prin. I understand you not, my griefs are double. Biron. Honeft plain words best pierce the ear of grief; And by these badges understand the King,, For your fair fakes have we neglected time, All wanton as a child, fkipping and vain, To thofe that make us both: fair Ladies, you: Prin. We have receiv'd your letters, full of love, Dum. Our letters, madam, fhew'd much more than jeft. Long. So did our looks. Roja. We did not coat them fo. King. Now at the latest minute of the hour, Grant us your loves. Prin. Prin. A time methinks, too fhort, To make a world-without-end bargain in ; Change not your offer made in heat of blood; But that it bear this trial, and last love; Come challenge me; challenge me, by these deserts ; I will be thine; and 'till that inftant shut For the remembrance of my father's death. King. If this, or more than this, I would deny, Hence, ever then, my heart is in thy breast. Biron. (54) [And what to me, my love? and what to me? (54) Biron. [And what to me, my love? and what to me? Rofa. You must be purged too: your fins are rank: You are attaint with fault and perjury. Therefore if you my favour mean to get, A twelvemonth fhall you spend, and never reft, Rofa. Thefe fix verfes both Dr. Thirlby and Mr. Warburton concur to think fhould be expung'd; and therefore I have put them between crotchets : not that they were an interpolation, fays theDoctor, but as the author's first draught, which he afterwards rejected; and executed the fame thought a little lower with much more fpirit and elegance. Mr. War burton |