Pet.How? fhe's bufy and cannot come: is that an answer? Pray God, Sir, your wife fend you not a worse. Hor. Sirrah, Biondello, go and intreat my wife to come to me forthwith. [Exit Biondello. Pet. Oh,ho! intreat her! nay, then she needs must come. Hor. I am afraid, Sir, do you what you can, Enter Biondello. Yours will not be intreated: now, where's my wife? Pet. Worfe and worse, she will not come! Hor. I know her anfwer. Pet. What? Hor. She will not. [Exit. Gru. Pet. The fouler fortune mine, and there's an end.. Enter Catharina. Bap. Now, by my hollidam, here comes Catharine! Cath. What is your will, Sir, that you fend for me? Pet. Where is your fifter, and Hortenfio's wife ? Cath. They fit conferring by the parlour fire. Pet. Go fetch them hither; if they deny to come, Swinge me them foundly forth unto their husbands: Away, I fay, and bring them hither straight. [Exit Catharina. And, to be short, what not, that's fweet and happy. The wager thou haft won; and I will add For For fhe is chang'd, as fhe had never been. Enter Catharina, Bianca and Widow. See where she comes, and brings your froward wives [She pulls off ber cap, and throws it down. Wid. Lord, let me never have a caufe to figh, 'Till I be brought to fuch a filly pass. Bian. Fy, what a foolish duty call you this? Bian. The more fool you, for laying on my duty. Pet.Catharine,I charge thee tell these headftrong women, What duty they owe to their Lords and husbands. Wid. Come, come, you're mocking; we'll have no Pet. Come on, I fay, and first begin with her. [telling. Wid. She fhall not. Pet. I fay, fhe fhall; and firft begin with her. A woman mov'd is like a fountain troubled, While thou ly'st warm at home, fecure and safe, In (26) Then vale your ftomachs, &c.] This doctrine of conjugal obe* dience, that runs thro' all Catharine's fpeech, fhews the business of the play to be compleated in her being fo thoroughly reform'd. But this comedy has likewise a fubfervient walk, which from the beginning is connected to, and made a part of the main plot; viz. the marriage of Bianca. This marriage, according to the regulation of all the copies, is executed and clear'd up in the fourth act and the fifth act is not made to begin till the whole company meet at Lucentio's apartment. By this regulation, there is not only an unreasonable difproportion in length betwixt the 4th and 5th acts; but a manifeft abfurdity com mitted in the conduct of the fable. By the divifion I have ventur❜d at, thefe inconveniencies are remedied: and the action lies more uniform. For now the whole catastrophe is wound up in the 5th act: it begins with Lucentie going to church to marry Bianca: the true Vincentio arrives, In token of which duty, if he please, Pet. Why, there's a wench: come on, and kiss me, Kate. (27) We three are married, but you two are sped. 'Twas I won the wager, tho' you hit the white; And being a winner, God give you good night. [Exeunt Petruchio and Catharina. Hor. Now go thy ways, thou haft tam'd a curst shrew. Luc. 'Tis a wonder, by your leave, she will be tam'd fo. [Exeunt omnes. Enter two fervants bearing Sly in his own apparel, and leave him on the Stage. Then enter a Tapster. Sly awaking.] Sim, give's fome more wine-what, all the Players gone? am not I a Lord? Tap.ALord, with a murrain! come, art thou drunk ftill? Sly. Who's this? Tapfter! oh, I have had the bravest dream that ever thou heardft in all thy life. Tap. Yea, marry, but thou hadst beft get thee home, for your wife vill courfe you for dreaming here all night. arrives, to difcover the impofture carried on by the Pedant: and after this eclairciffement is hung in fufpence (always a pleasure to an audience,) till towards the middle of the 5th act; the main business is wound up, of Catharine approving herself to be a convert; and an inftructer, in their duty, to the other new-married Ladies.- -If it be objected, that, by the change I make, the Lord and his fervants (who are characters out of the Drama) speak in the middle of an act; that is a matter of no importance. Their short interlocution was never defign'd to mark the intervals of the acts. (27) We two are married, but you two are sped.] This is the reading only of the modern copies, I have chofe to read with the older books. Petruchio, I think verily, would fay this: I, and you Lucentio, and you Hortenfio, are all under the fame predicament in one respect, we are all three married; but you two are finely help'd up with wives, that don't know the duty of obedience. Sly. ach |