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vouring to avoid "a great evil." No penal enactment, howver, has been the sufferer by this proceeding; and, upon the whole, I am inclined to hope, that nothing material will be found to have been omitted or abridged. Where clauses are abridged, they are included in brackets; the other enactments remain word for word as they stand in Mr. Ruffhead's Edition of the Statutes at Large; except that occasionally, for reasons which will be obvious to the reader, the word "and" is omitted at the beginning of a section.

The arrangement of the work, though utterly unscientifick, will, I trust, be found conducive to the main object which I have had in view,—namely, practical utility and convenience.

With regard to the notes, I have nothing further to observe, than that the general plan of each note is, first, to point out such alterations in the criminal law as may have been effected by the statute to which it is annexed; secondly, to state the general rules, as to the indictment for the offence comprised in that statute; and, thirdly, to give a general view of the circumstances necessary to complete the offence. I have not, however, adhered rigidly to these rules, where manifest convenience invited me to adopt a different course.

Such is the general outline of a work to which I have devoted considerable time and trouble. Whether it will be useful in its generation, is a point for others to decide, and for time and experience to demonstrate.

I cannot conclude these observations without returning my best thanks to those friends who have lent me their valuable assistance in drawing up the Index, and passing the book through the press.

Old Square, Lincoln's Inn,

July 14, 1828.


9 Hen. 3, c. 15. Making of Bridges and Banks

3 Ed. 1, c. 3. No Penalty for an Escape before it be adjudged

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PAGE 454

- 121

- 386

3 Ed. 1, c. 9. All Men shall be ready to pursue Felons
3 Ed. 1, c. 25. None shall commit Champerty, to have Part
of the Thing in Question

13 Ed. 1, st. 1, c. 30. The Authority of Justices of Nisi
Prius; Adjournment of Suits; Certain Writs that be deter-
minable in their proper Counties; a Jury may give their
Verdict at large; none but which were summoned shall be
put in Assizes or Juries

13 Ed. 1, c. 49. The Penalty for buying the Title of Land depending in Suit; a Remedy for Suits where the Law


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27 Ed. 1, st. 1, c. 3. Justices of Assize shall be of GaolDelivery, who shall punish Officers bailing such as are not bailable

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28 Ed. 1, st. 3, c. 20. Vessels of Gold shall be essayed, touched, and marked; the King's Prerogative shall be saved

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33 Ed. 1, st. 3. The Punishment of such as commit Champerty

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[blocks in formation]



1 Ed. 3, st. 2, c. 16. Who shall be assigned Justices and Keepers of the Peace

1 Ed. 2, st. 2. In what case it is Felony to break Prison, in what not

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2 Ed. 3, c. 2. In what Cases only Pardon of Felony shall be granted; who shall be Justices of Assize, &c.

2 Ed. 3, c. 3. No man shall come before the Justices or go or ride armed

4 Ed. 3, c. 2. The Authority of Justices of Assize, Gaol Delivery, and of the Peace

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5 Ed. 3, c. 8. The Marshals of the King's Bench shall not bail Felons

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18 Ed. 3, st. 2, c. 2. Justices of Peace shall be appointed, and their Authority





20 Ed. 3, c. 3. Justices of Gaol Delivery, &c. and their As-
sociates, shall take an Oath




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5 Ric. 2, st. 1, c. 8. The Penalty where any doth enter into
Lands where it is not lawful, or with Force

6 Ric. 2, st. 1, c. 5. Justices of Assize, &c., shall hold their

Sessions in principal Towns

7 Ric. 2, c. 13. No Man shall ride in Harness within the
Realm, nor with Lancegays

8 Ric. 2, c. 2. No Man of Law shall be Justice of Assize, or
Gaol-Delivery, in his own County

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12 Ric. 2, c. 2.

Reward, but upon Desert -

13 Ric. 2, st. 1, c. 7. What Sort of Persons shall be Justices
of Peace, and what their Charge is to do

None shall obtain Offices by Suit, or for

15 Ric. 2, c. 2. The Duty of Justices of Peace, when any

forcible Entry is made into Lands

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Justices of Nisi Prius may give Judgment of





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The Bill concerning Councils in Wales - 573
An Act for recontinuing Liberties in the

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The Bill of Bracery and Buying of Titles 51-365
The Bill for the Maintaining Artillery, and
of unlawful Games

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An Act for the Trial of Treasons committed
out of the King's Dominions
37 Hen. 8, c. 8. The Act that any Indictment lacking these
words, vi et armis, shall be good

1 Ed. 6, c. 1. An Act against such as shall unreverently
speak against the Sacrament of the Altar, and of the Re-
ceiving thereof under both Kinds


- 238

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1 Ed. 6, c. 7. The Continuation of Actions after the Death of
any King

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1 Ed. 6, c. 12. An Act for the Repeal of certain Statutes con-
cerning Treasons and Felonies

[ocr errors]

5 & 6 Ed. 6, c. 11. An Act for the Punishment of divers
Kinds of Treason




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3 Jac. 1, c. 4. An Act for the better discovering and repress-
ing of Popish Recusants

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21 Jac. 1, c. 15. An Act to enable Judges and Justices of

the Peace to give Restitution of Possession in certain Cases 140

21 Juc. 1, c. 26. An Act against such as shall levy any Fine,
suffer any Recovery, acknowledge any Statute, Recogni-
zance, Bail, or Judgment, in the Name of any other Person
or Persons not being privy and censenting thereto

1 Car. 1, c. 1. An Act for punishing divers Abuses committed

on the Lord's Day, called Sunday

3 Car. 1, c. 1. An Act for the further Reformation of sundry

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