Mr. Paxton offered the following Concurrent Resolution, which was agreed to: Resolved, (the Senate concurring) That a committee of three from each House be appointed to confer with M. G. Vallejo in regard to moving the Seat of Government from Vallejo. Messrs. Paxton, Caldwell and Pacheco were appointed said committee. On motion of Mr. Parrish, leave of absence was given to Mr. Boggs until Monday next. Mr. Merritt offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the Sergeant-at-Arms of the House be directed to deliver to the city authorities of Sacramento, the stationery to be transferred to Sacramento for the use of the House of Assembly. Agreed to. Mr. Boggs asked leave to introduce a bill to remove the seat of government to Benicia, which was read a first and second time, and referred to a special committee of five-Messrs. Boggs, Peachy, Brush, Orrick and Cutler, were appointed said committee. Mr. Coates moved that a committee of three be appointed to wait upon His Excellency, the Governor, and inform him that the Legislature had agreed to adjourn to meet at Sacramento on the 16th instant. Agreed to. Messrs. Coates, Ingersoll and Stark were appointed said committee. Mr. Merritt moved that the House do now adjourn to meet at the Court House, in Sacramento City, on the 16th day, instant, at 12 o'clock, M. Agreed to. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. FRIDAY, January 16, 1852. House met at the city of Sacramento, pursuant to adjournment. The roll was called by the Clerk, and the following members found absent:-Messrs. Cook, Dameron, Fleming, Ford, Fowler, Gibson, Harazthy, Hudspeth, Peachy, Tucker and Wohler. The Journal of Monday, the 12th, was read and approved. The Speaker announced that the House was ready to proceed to business. Mr. McMullin presented certificate of election and other papers connected therewith, for Mr. William W. Hawkes, of Klamath County, and moved that Mr. Hawkes be qualified and take his seat. Mr. Crabb moved to amend by inserting, "in place of Mr. Coates, the sitting member from Klamath." Mr. Lyons moved that the certificate of election and papers presented by Mr. McMullin, be referred to the Committee on Elections. Agreed to. Mr. Coffroth gave notice that he would introduce a bill to prevent the issuance of promissory notes, as currency, by individuals. Mr. Parrish presented a paper from the Clerk of the County of Klamath, in reference to the election in that county, and moved its reference to Committee on Elections. Agreed to. Mr. Merritt moved that the Report of the Hospital at Stockton, be taken from the table, and that 500 copies be printed. Agreed to. Mr. Ellis, of Nevada, moved that the Report be read. Agreed to. Mr. Ingersoll offered the following concurrent resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, (the Senate concurring) That the State officers be required to open their respective offices in the city of Sacramento. Mr. Ellis, of Nevada, moved a re-consideration of the vote adopting the resolution offered by Mr. Ingersoll. The vote was re-considered. The following message was received from the Senate: Mr. Speaker: I am directed by the Senate to inform the Assembly that they have passed a Joint Resolution authorizing the Governor to remove the State archives to the city of Sacramento; and also authorizing the State Executive Officers to reside at said city during the present session of the Legislature. A. C. BRADFORD, Secretary of the Senate. Mr. McMullin moved that the rule be suspended, and the Joint Resolution authorizing the Governor to remove the archives of State to Sacramento city, be read a second time by its title. Agreed to. Mr. Merritt moved that the rule be further suspended, and give the resolution a third reading forthwith. Agreed to. Resolution read a third time and passed. Mr. McMullin gave notice that he would, on to-morrow, or some future day, introduce the following bills : A bill authorizing the Treasurer of State to take possession of certain property in the city of San Francisco; And to repeal an Act entitled an Act to provide for the disposition of certain property of the State of California, passed March 26th, 1851; And the Act entitled an Act in relation to the city of San Francisco, passed May 1st, 1851. Mr. Merritt moved that the Clerk inform the Senate immediately that the House have concurred in the Joint Resolution authorizing the Governor to remove the archives of State to the city of Sacramento. Agreed to. Mr. McMullin asked leave of absence for Mr. Jones until Tuesday morning next. Leave granted. Mr. Coffroth moved that the House adjourn until Monday next, at 11 o'clock. Agreed to. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. MONDAY, January 19, 1852. House met pursuant to adjournment. The roll was called by the Clerk, and the following members found absent-Messrs. Canney, Cutler, Gardiner, Gibson, Lyons, Peachy, Taliaferro, and Wohler. The Journal of the 16th was read and approved. The Speaker announced that the House was ready to proceed to busi ness. Mr. Parrish asked leave of absence for Mr. Graham until to-morrow. Leave granted. Mr. Merritt presented a petition from Mr. Brinsmade and others, in rela tion to printing the Laws of 1851 in the Evening Picayune. Referred to a special committee-Messrs. Merritt, Coffroth, Wall, Cutler and Wood appointed the committee. Mr. Merritt, chairman of a select committee, made the following report: Mr. Speaker:ï The Select Committee who were directed by the House to report rules and regulations for the Government of the Assembly, beg leave to report, that they have examined the subject carefully, and beg leave to submit the accompanying rules, &c., for the consideration of the House, and respectfully recommend their adoption. Respectfully submitted. S. A. MERRITT, Chairman Select Committee. Mr. Merritt moved that the report of the committee lie upon the table for the present. Agreed to. Mr. Parrish offered the following resolution: Resolved, By the Assembly, the Senate concurring, that the two bodies meet in convention in the hall of the House of Assembly, on Thursday, 22d instant, at 12 o'clock, M., for the purpose of electing a Senator of the United States, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the expiration of the term of John C. Fremont. Mr. McMullin moved to amend, by inserting Tuesday, 27th instant, in lieu of Thursday the 22d. Mr. Parrish accepted the amendment. Mr. Boggs moved that the resolution lie upon the table. The following message from the Senate was received by the Secretary. Mr. Speaker: I am instructed by the Senate, to inform the Assembly, that the Governor did, on Saturday, approve a Joint Resolution directing him to have the Archives of State removed to Sacramento, and authorizing the several State officers to reside at said city, during the present session of the Legislature. A. C. BRADFORD, January 19, 1852. Mr. McMullin offered the following resolution: Secretary of the Senate. Resolved, That the Speaker be, and he is hereby requested to confer with the authorities of the City of Sacramento, and request them to make such alterations in the Assembly hall as will better accommodate the members and the public. Adopted. Mr. Ellis, of Nevada, offered the following: Whereas, The public interests, and the necessary dispatch of the legislative business, imperatively demands that some provision should be immediately made for printing bills, reports, and other documents required by the Assembly, Therefore, Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly be hereby directed to contract, temporarily, with the proprietors of the Union newspaper, published in this city, to execute such printing as may be ordered by the Assembly, until the appointment of a State Printer by the Legislature; Provided, That the said proprietors of the Union newspaper shall agree to execute such printing at the rates specified in the Act entitled an Act to amend an Act defining the duties of State Printer, and fixing his compensation, passed March 25th, 1851. Mr. Lyons moved to suspend the rule, and give the resolution a second reading forthwith. Mr. Merritt moved to refer the resolution upon the subject of printing to Committee on Printing, and On motion of Mr. Crabb, the committee instructed to report to-morrow. Agreed to. Mr. Wing offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the Sergeant-at Arms of the Assembly be directed to supply to the order of each member, four daily papers and one weekly. Mr. Merritt moved that the resolution be referred to Committee of Ways and Means. Agreed to. Mr. McMeans offered the following resolution : Resolved, That all claims originating in, or relative to Indian difficulties in this State, be, and the same are hereby referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. Agreed to. Mr. Parrish offered the following resolution : Resolved, That the ministers of the several Christian denominations in this city, be requested to open the proceedings of this House with prayer, each morning of its session. Not agreed to. Mr. Thompson informed the House, that his colleague, Mr. Crittenden was present, and was ready to be qualified as a member from the County of Santa Clara. Mr. Crittenden came forward, was qualified, and took his seat. Mr. Ellis, of Nevada, gave notice that he would, on to-morrow, or some subsequent day, introduce a bill for an Act changing the time of holding the terms of the District Court for the Tenth Judicial District. Mr. Hinchman, gave notice that he would, on to-morrow, or shortly thereafter, introduce a bill entitled an Act to provide for the enumeration of the inhabitants of the State of California; Also, a bill entitled an Act concerning Master and Apprentice; Also, a bill entitled an Act to exempt certain property from Execution; Also, a bill entitled an Act to provide for the Government of Villages; Also, a bill entitled an Act concerning the County Reoorder of Santa Barbara County; Also, a bill entitled an Act to amend an Act concerning Jurors, passed April 28th, 1851. Mr. Harazthy, gave notice that he would, on Wednesday next, introduce a bill to repeal the Charter of the City of San Diego, and to create a Board of Trustees in lieu thereof, and to define their duties. Mr. McMeans gave notice, that on Friday the 23d instant, or at some proper time thereafter, he would introduce the following bills:— A bill entitled an Act to amend an Act entitled an Act concerning Crimes and Punishments; Also, a bill entitled an Act to protect the State of California against the introduction of Foreigners of bad character; Also, a bill entitled an Act to provide revenue for the support of a State Marine Hospital or Hospitals. |