100 101 00 Motion to prohibit credit on importation must Such parts acted upon by the House as re- Rescinding rules Receding from disagreement to Senate's 102 103 ib 104 113 105 107 111 A vote of two thirds required in certain cases 108 128 Vote of thanks to the Speaker, two thirds not being seconded except by vote of a majority Motion to reconsider in order more than once Mr. Adams' application to be excused from Friday and Saturday appropiated to private Motion to recede takes precedence of a mo- Memorials, reconsideration of 112 115 ib 119 122 148 149 123 123 Member permitted to vote who was out of the House on a committee with leave of ab- Doubts suggested as to a bill having been or- Right of petition-brief statement of contents 127 129, 133 A motion to proceed to the orders of the day, 180 Joint rules require only a majority to concur 142 143 145 146 151 153 155 54 A motion to lay a previous motion of recon- Reconsideration and previous question moved Priority of Business, R. Reconsideration-A motion to reconsider takes precedence for a limited time over all motions except to adjourn, Reports, Annual, of the Secretary of the Treasury, presentation and reference of, of committees, and resolutions, when con Sergeant-at-arms and door-keeper elected for a con gress, hand round the boxes in balloting, oath of office administered to the, Session, opening of the, first Monday of December, Session of Parliament, (note.) Signing Bills. May 28, 1798, Mr. Dent, speaker pro Speaker votes in all cases of ballot, when the House is equally divided, elected for a congress, oath of, to support the constitution, Speaker's table, business on the, Speaker to dispose of the business on the table Standing Committees, (See Committees,) minutes preserved, T. Tellers to count the ballots, Title, presidential, V. 11 82 Vote. No member to vote unless within the bar of 39 Clerk calls the names of the members, and re- 40 CONGRESSIONAL MANUAL. OPENING OF THE SESSION OF CONGRESS. The two houses of Congress are directed to convene by the Constitution of the United States on the first Monday in December. It usually happens, that a quorum of the members attend and enter upon their duties on that day. The members meet in their respective chambers at 12 o'clock, meridian. Those who arrive first at the opening of any first session of Congress, are entitled to select their seats in any part of the house, which is done by the member's taking the * * In parliament, members who wish to sit in any particular part of the house on a given evening, must go down at the time of prayers, and label the particular place with their name. If they neglect to do this, they cannot claim any particular seat as a right, though it may be conceded to them by the courtesy of other members, if it be the place they usually filled. The seats occupied by members of the government are, however, understood to be exceptions to this rule. Ministers, and those holding important government offices, are not key and writing his name on the desk. This right of selecting urges the gentlemen to the seat of government at an early day. The selection will stand for the congress, or two years. In the senate, the seats are taken usually for the full term. Yet the old senators may change to places left vacant by gentlemen whose term of service expired, and who are not re-elected. The new senators can take their choice of such seats as are vacant, in the same manner as in the house of representatives, the first who come having the advantage of the choice. In the senate, however, it is not very important, where a gentleman may be seated, as it is a small chamber, where he can hear and be heard without difficulty. In the house it is a subject of much interest with some to get into, the interior of the chamber, and not be cast upon the frontier seats of a body composed of two hundred and forty-two representatives. The members in Washington at twelve o'clock, therefore, repair to their respective seats; and the clerk at his desk in front of the speaker's chair, at the hour of twelve rises, and asks if it is the pleasure of the house that he should proceed to open the session, which being agreed to, he calls over the names of the members by states and territories, and announces the number present. put to the trouble of placarding their names on the backs of their seats, as no other member, however crowded the house, would think of occupying their places. When an important debate is expected, almost all the seats, with the exception of those occupied by the members of the government, are thus labelled the moment that prayers are over.-Recollections of the House of Commons. |