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" Ye strive for more, as if ye liked it not. Go, level hills, and fill up seas, Spare nought that may your wanton fancy please; But, trust me, when you have done all this, Much will be missing still, and much will be amiss. "
Prose Works of Abraham Cowley ; Including His Essays in Prose and Verse - Page 193
de Abraham Cowley - 1826 - 238 pages
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Select Works of Mr. A. Cowley

Abraham Cowley - 1772 - 228 pages
...content you ? who can tell ? Ye fear fo much to lofe what ye have got, Aj if ye lik'd it well : Ye ftrive for more, as if ye lik'd it not. Go, level hills, and fill up feas, Spare nought that may your wanton fancy pleafe ; But, truft me, when ye have done all this, Much...
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Bell's Edition, Volumes 37 à 38

John Bell - 1777 - 660 pages
...who ean teil ? ¥e fear fo mueh to lofe what you have got, 5 5 As if you lik'd it well ; Ye ftrive for more, as if ye lik'd it not. Go, level hills and fill upfeas, Spare nought that may your wanton fnney pleafe ; But, truft me, when you 'ave done all this,...
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Cowley. Denham. Milton. Butler. Rochester. Roscommon. Otway. Waller. Pomfret ...

Samuel Johnson - 1800 - 842 pages
...content you ? who can tell ? Ye fear fo much to lofe what ye have got| As if ye lik'd it well : Ye ftrive for more, as if ye lik'd it not. Go, level hills, and fill up feas, Spare nought that may your wanton fancy pleafe ; But, trull me, when you have done all this,...
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A Manual of Essays: Selected from Various Authors

Manual - 1809 - 288 pages
...the heavens conjoin And what they please against the world design, So Jupiter within him shine. 6. If of your pleasures and desires no end be found,...strive for more, as if ye lik'd it not. •-. Go level tiills, and fill up seas, Spare nought that may your wanton fancy please, But trust me, when ye've...
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The Works of Mr. A. Cowley: In Prose and Verse, Volume 3

Abraham Cowley - 1809 - 284 pages
...he fortunate shall be ; And what they please against the world design, So Jupiter within him shine. If of your pleasures and desires no end be found,...can tell ? Ye fear so much to lose what ye have got, Asifyelik'ditwell: Ye strive for more, as if ye lik'd it not. Go, level hills, and fill up seas, Spare...
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Cowley, Denham, Milton

Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 560 pages the heavens conjoin, And what they please against the world design, So Jupiter within him shine. If of your pleasures and desires no end be found,...cares and fears will set no bound. What would content yuu ? who can tell ' Ye fear so much to lose what ye have got, As if ye tik'd it well : Ye strive for...
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The British Prose Writers...: Cowley's essays. Shenstone's essays

1821 - 424 pages reverencing that great truth — IToLV $wprty.a. Ttfa,ev ttva^ev etvtu, xaracouvoy KTTO T«V VI. If of your pleasures and desires no end be found,...Ye fear so much to lose what ye have got, As if ye liked it well : Ye strive for more, as if ye liked it not. Go, level hills, and fill up seas ; Spare...
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The British Poets: Including Translations ...

British poets - 1822 - 246 pages the heavens conjoin, And what they please against the world design, So Jupiter within him shine. If of your pleasures and desires no end be found,...Ye fear so much to lose what ye have got, As if ye liked it well: Ye strive for more, as if ye liked it not. Go, level hills, and fill up seas, Spare...
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The British Poets: Including Translations ...

British poets - 1822 - 268 pages the heavens conjoin, And what they please against the world design, So Jupiter within him shine. If of your pleasures and desires no end be found,...Ye fear so much to lose what ye have got, As if ye liked it well : Ye strive for more, as if ye liked it not. « Go, level hills, and fill up seas, Spare...
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Prose works

Abraham Cowley - 1826 - 298 pages
...heavens conjoin, And what they please against the world design, So Jupiter within him shine. • 6. If of your pleasures and desires no end be found,...well : Ye strive for more, as if ye lik'd it not. (io, level hills, and fill up seas, Spare nought that may your wanton fancy please ; But, trust me,...
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