often becomes very tired of it before many weeks are over, and the greatest care must be taken in the preparation of his food. Pepper must never be added to beef tea, which is an important point in serving it. Pepper and vanilla must be done entirely away with; they have no place in the diet of the sick unless perscribed by the physician. In preparing beef juice yon can broil the beef. I am going to take a pound of beef and show you how much juice comes from it when it is broiled. Beef tea or beef extract rarely look well unless they are colored, and consideration in this matter should be had, particularly for a patient in a reduced state. In making beef essence or beef tea, buy the best meat, as good beef tea cannot be made from gristly meat. Take the beef from the round and put it on the broiler, and broil it only enough to start the joice; chop it fine; slowly heat it, never passing the simmering point. Beef tea and beef extract must never boil so the juices are coagulated. Season with salt, but never put in a slice of onion. Beef essence may also be made by chopping the meat from the round very fine and puting it in a braising-pan, with a bay leaf and a piece of celery. The pan may then be placed in a moderate oven, and the meat be left to stand there until the juice is well started. The juice is then squeezed from the meat and served as in the foregoing instance. The braised beef extract tastes entirely different from any of the other juices, and it is a pleasant change when a person has to take it from day to day. I now want to speak on the subject of gruels. The gruel is usually served as a porridge, and I first want simply to show you the consistency in which gruels should be served. The farina gruel, which is a form of gruel that is the easiest to give because the most palatable, is prepared in this way: To a cup of boiling water add a salt spoonful of salt; when boiling, sprinkle in one tablespoonful of farina. When it has cooked about ten minutes turn it into a farina boiler and add a cup of milk and cook again for about five minutes. Milk should never be boiled to give to a patient unless in severe cases of dysentery or other similar serious diseases, when it must be boiled. Milk should always be scalded. Scalded milk can be taken day in and day out. I think boiled milk is thoroughly indigestible. The moment it is cooked, after taking it a few times, even three or four times, the stomach rejects it. In cooking the farina gruel in which milk is cooked, never do anything more than scald the milk. The farina boiler should be used. The farina boiler is a peninsula-a saucepan surrounded on three sides by water. Whether a thing is palatable or not to a patient depends much upon how it is served, and these things are rarely served in the proper way. As much depends upon how it is served, the proper serving of it will help much toward curing the invalid. If you want to sweeten the gruel, a little granulated sugar or loaf sugar may be used; pulverized sugar and other sugars may be the most expensive, but they are not the most wholesome. Pulverized sugar should never be used for the sick, and, ordinarily people do not like it. It should be remembered that gruel is a gruel and not a porridge. It should be served so that it can be poured into the patient's mouth if necessary-so that it can be poured down his throat instead of having him sit up and be fed with a spoon. We now come to milk punch and egg-nog. The best milk should be used. Skim milk is not food. Milk punch and egg-nog want cream or very good milk. They want that which gives energy, and skim milk does not give energy. In making milk punch scald a cupful of milk and add two teaspoonfuls of sugar to the milk and stir until dissolved, then add a tablespoonful of brandy. Never use wine unless a physician tells you to. Invalids must take stimulants entirely under the advice of a physician; never according to their own ideas. Always use brandy unless otherwise advised by a physician. After you have beaten it until it is foamy, do not fill the glass so it runs over, but fill it almost to the top. Have a small glass and fill it about full instead of filling a large glass half full. Milk punch and egg-nog are served where a person needs considerable nourishment; also where a patient needs a stimulant. Sometimes he needs more than the simple nourishment, and the egg and milk together make a very concentrated form of food. It can be made with the whole egg, or the yolk alone can be used. Mix the yolk with two teaspoonfuls of sugar; add one cupful of good milk, either warm or cold, and at once add one teaspoonful of brandy. Then beat this up lightly and quickly and turn into a glass. In case of fever, anything cool assists the patient very much more than anything warm, and in such a case the cold egg-nog is very desirable. There are really very few forms of food to give a patient in case of fever. I can this evening only give you sug gestions, and I am here going to suggest a few things to give under those circumstances. The first form of egg-nog that I gave you was made with the yolk of an egg and a cup of milk and a teaspoonful of brandy. When the patient must have more albuminous food, the white and yolk must be given. The brandy will at once cook the eggas soon as it reaches it. Eggs should be beaten stiff and dry. Egg-nog should be given slowly. If a patient drinks milk rapidly, it will not be digested. When milk is given to a child or to a patient it should be taken slowly, not rapidly, in order to nourish the patient who takes it, and egg-nog should be taken in the same manner. The third form of fluid food is wine whey. It is often prescribed by physicians, but many people have not the faintest idea what the physician is talking about. Wine whey is very simple to make. If you are in a hurry put a cupful of milk in a farina boiler and let it scald; add a quarter of a cup of wine, and let it stand until the albumen of the milk is curdled. When you strain it you have the whey without the curd. Very often physicians give the curd with the whey. The curd must then be chopped very fine or pressed through a sieve. Only a small portion should be given. I shall now talk of convalescent food. The first is the ever-present beef tea, which can be changed from day to day. It can be flavored with a bay leaf, or a little celery, or when the physician will allow it, with a little tomato. In preparing an egg for a patient it is best to use an egg cup, which obviates the necessity of experimenting with many eggs to obtain the proper consistency. Break the egg and put Syr. Hypophos Co., Fellows. of the Animal orash and Lime. Contains the Essential Elements whole in the form It Differs in its Effects from all Analogous Preparations; being pleasant to and it posesses the important properties of the taste, easily borne by the stomach, and harmless under prolonged use. It has Gained a Wide Reputation, particularly in the treatment of Pulmonary Tubercu losis, Chronic Bronchitis, and other affections of the respiratory organs. It has also been employed with much success in various nervous and debilitating diseases. is largely attributable to its stimulant, tonic, and nutri Its Curative Powerve properties, by means of which the energy of the sys Its Action is tem is recruited. Prompt; it stimulates the appetite and the digestion, it promotes the assimulation, and it enters directly into the circulation with the food products. The prescribed dose produces a feeling of buoancy, and removes depression and melancholy; hence the preparation is of great value in the treatment af mental and nervous affections. From the fact, also, that it exerts a double tonic influence, and induces a healthy flow of the secretions, its use is indicated in a wide range of diseases. NOTICE--CAUTION. The success of Fellows' Syrup of Hypophosphites has tempted certain persons to offer imitations of it for sale. Mr. Fellows, who has examined samples of several of these finds that no two of them are identical, and that all of them differ from the original in composition, in freedom from acid reaction, in susceptibility to the effects of oxygen when exposed to the light of heat, in the property of retaining the strychnine in solution, and in the medical effects. As cheap and inefficieut substitutes are frequently dispensed instead of the genuine prepraation, physicians are earnestly requested, when prescribing the Syrup. to write "Syr. Hypophos. Fellows." As a further precaution, it is advisable the Syrup should be ordered in the original bottles; the distinguishing marks which the bottles (and the wrappers surrounding them) bear, can can then be examined, and the genuineness or otherwise-of the contents thereby proved. Medical Letters may be addressed to MR. FELLOWS, 48 Vesey st., New York. it into the cup until it is boiled to the proper consistency. Boiled egg for a patient should always be boiled soft; never hard. When you boil an egg hard the white, the albuminous portion of the egg, is coagulated, and the yolk often remains soft. That is not the proper way of preparing it. The yolk of the egg when soft is perhaps not very unpleasant to the taste, but the white of the egg improperly boiled is exceedingly unpalatable. The white and the yolk must be boiled alike. In boiling an egg for an invalid, it should be put into an egg-cup, so as to see the consistency. Poached eggs may be given convalescents. In poaching an egg separate the yolk from the white. Boil the white first by slipping it on to the water, and as soon as it begins to coagulate, drop the yolk on to the white. Poached eggs are very pretty and digestible, and when perfectly prepared are very palatable. The white is not palatable when almost raw, and, as said before, though the yolk is not so bad when but partially cooked, it should have the proper consistency and be rightly prepared for the sick. Eggs should be served poached or boiled; in no other form. Broiled beef pulp might be mentioned next. I do not mean Hamburg steak, but simply the pulp of beef broiled. It is very pleasant to the taste, and is prepared in this way: Take a pound of raw beef from the round, and with a sharp knife scrape across the grain until the pulp is scraped from the fibres; make it into small cakes, and broil it over a hot fire. When thinly spread on delicate slices of bread, it is very palatable. Chicken, game, steaks and chops may be given convalescents. There is but one way of broiling steak for the sick, and that is the English way. Three chops are broiled, placed as an under, upper and middle slice, and the middle one only is given to the patient. There are very few patients who cannot be given ice cream. People who are ill crave such things, and very often their cravings are a proper guide. I know a case in which ice cream saved a patient's life. Ice cream can be taken before anything else to a patient in a hospital. Rice may be given, but never unless it is cooked properly. Never give any one who is sick anything fried. Never fry a beef steak. Fried potatoes, it is perhaps needless to say, should never be given a sick person. Very often an invalid desires things that seem absurd, but they only seem absurd because we cannot put ourselves in the place of the patient. We have our ideas of how they should feel, and not their ideas of how they do feel. Sometimes their desires may be just what the system needs. Above all things serve the food daintily and prettily to a patient. His appetite is greatly influenced by the appearance and the manner in which the food is served, and nothing can be too good for our sick.-Practical Medicine. Kola-Koloid, I have found Kola-Koloid of benefit to myself and during that time of trial to the mental and physical condition of all housewives, viz., housecleaning, my wife has found it invaluable. WILLIAM E. ANTHONY, M. D., SAW palmetto in ten drops of the fluid extract is said to be a specific for sick headache. --Cincinnati Clinic. |