AIKIN. ON SONG-WRITING. Nec, si quid olim lusit Anacreon HORAT. T It is not necessary to detain the Reader long by an explanation of the motives which induced the Publisher to undertake a new edition of the following elegant little Work. Its merit has been universally recognized, and its scarcity has long been a subject of popular regret. The many years which have elapsed since the publication of the last Edition, seemed to leave no hope that Dr. Aikin could be prevailed on to gratify the public by a revision and enlargement of his Work. He had declined the task in the prime and vigour of life; and he might now think it unbecoming his years, to engage in a republication of these nugæ canoræ.— Turpe senilis amor, the Doctor might exclaim, and though he might be pleased to see his volume ranged by the side of 742045 |