| Oliver Goldsmith - 1820 - 210 pages
...forlorn, : t , ,,In secret, where he died. ,,But mine the sorrow, mhie the fault, ,,And well my life shaH pay ', ,,I'll seek the solitude he sought, - - .....stretch me where he lay. ,,And there forlorn despairing hM, . ,' . ,,I"11 lay me down and die. ,,Twas so for me that Edwin did, « ,,And so for him will Ij':i'... | |
| Oliver Goldsmith - 1799 - 214 pages
...trinmph' d in his pain. « Till quite dejected by my scorn, He left me to my pride; And sought a solitnde forlorn, In secret where he died. • « But mine the sorrow, mine the fanlt, And well my life shall pay : I'll seek the solitnde he sought, And stretch me where he lay.... | |
| Oliver Goldsmith - 1800 - 192 pages
...I tried each fickle art, Importunate and vain ; And while his passion touch'd my heart, I triumph'd in his pain. " Till quite dejected with my scorn....forlorn, despairing, hid, I'll lay me down and die ; TO af£;V TOK> T -..i'.r;; :.rA '., L.KMOX r((.i>«M /(>>/'>>/ /'/: /«f'" .'"//" /tf -r 'Twas so... | |
| 1800 - 322 pages
...each fickle art, " Importunate and vain : ** And while his passion touch'd my heart, " I triumph'd in his pain. " Till quite dejected with my scorn,...And sought a solitude forlorn, " In secret, where he dy'd. " But mine the sorrow, mine the fault, " And well my life shall pay; " I'll seek the solitude... | |
| Oliver Goldsmith - 1803 - 192 pages
...try'd each fickle art, " Importunate and vain ; " And while his passion touch'd my heart, " I triumph'd in his pain : " Till quite dejected with my scorn,...And sought a solitude forlorn, " In secret, where he dy'd. " But mine the sorrow, mine the fault, " And well my life shall pay ; " I'll seek the solitude... | |
| 1804 - 522 pages
...He languish'd> and he died. Lamenting of a lady's love, And 'plaining of her pridie. Angelina says Till, quite dejected with my scorn, He left me to...sought a solitude forlorn, In secret where he died. The friar and the hermit seem here to have suffered equally from the same cause. The poem goes on with... | |
| E. Tomkins - 1804 - 416 pages
...try'd each fickle art, Importunate and vain ; And, while his passion touch'd my heart, I trinmph'd in his pain: " Till quite dejected with my scorn,...left me to my pride ; And sought a solitude forlorn. " But mine the sorrow, mine the fault, And well my life shall pay : I'll seek the solitude he sought,... | |
| Oliver Goldsmith - 1805 - 264 pages
...I try'd each fickle art, Importunate and vain ; And while his passion touch'd my heart, I triumph'd in his pain. " Till quite dejected with my scorn,...; And sought a solitude forlorn In secret where he dy'd. " But mine the sorrow, mine the fault, And well my life shall pay ; I'll seek the solitude he... | |
| 1806 - 330 pages
...try'd each fickle art, " Importunate and vain : " And while his passion touch'd my heart, " I triumph'd in his pain. " Till quite dejected with my scorn,...sought a solitude forlorn, '**• In secret, where he dy'd. 202 " But mine the sorrow, mine the fault, " And well my life shall pay ; " I'll seek the solitude... | |
| Oliver Goldsmith - 1806 - 248 pages
...each fickle art, " Importunate and vain ; *' And while his passion touch'd my heart, " I triumph'd in his pain. " Till quite dejected with my scorn,...And sought a solitude forlorn, " In secret where he dy'd. " But mine the sorrow, mine the fault, " And well my lite shall pay ; " Til seek the solitude... | |
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