0 THE SALISBURY GUIDE, Comprising the HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF Old Sarum, AND The Origin and present State of NEW SARUM, OR SALISBURY, THE CATHEDRAL, &c. - Together with an accurate Description of FONTHILL ABBEY; Wilton, Stourhead, Longleat, and Amesbury Houses; Tottenham Park and Clarendon Palace, &c. WITH The going out of the Post, Coaches, and Carriers. THIRTIETH EDITION, Embellished with Views of the Cathedral Church, Council-House, and Poultry-Cross. Printed and published by the Compiler, J. EASTON, Endless-street; and may be had of all Booksellers. PREFACE. Few places in England merit a particular description more than SALISBURY; the magnificent SEATS in its neighbourhood; the CATHEDRAL, and the ancient and venerable remains of OLD SARUM and STONEHENGE. To render a faithful and satisfactory account of these remarkable subjects, and to supply the Reader with every possible information, is the intention of this GUIDE. The utmost endeavours have been exerted to gratify the curiosity of the Antiquary, the Virtuoso, and the Traveller. To the present edition many necessary and entertaining particulars are added, and the whole rendered much more correct and complete, than any preceding impression of this work. The Tourist, for the sketch of his Route, after leaving Salisbury, is referred to the CONTENTS, Sect. vii. St. Edmund's Church; and Altar-Piece, the "Ascension;" College and Ancient Cross.- St. Thomas's Church; and Altar-Piece, the The See of Salisbury, Cathedral, Spire, Choir, Monuments, Library, Chapter-House, Clois- Wilton House, Stonehenge, and Amesbury.- Wardour Castle, Fonthill Abbey, Stourhead, and Longleat Houses. --Savernake Forest and - 69 |