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(This schedule was adopted March 10, 1909.)

Restrictions as to limit of age above prescribed for eligibility for

license as

Principal of an elementary school,

Principal of a high school,

Principal of a training school,

shall not apply to those persons who, under Section 1089 of the Revised Charter, may be exempted from examination by the City Superintendent.

(This schedule was amended January 22, 1908.)

SEC. 67. 1. A substitute's license shall qualify the holder to render service in the capacity indicated in the license. (As amended July 8, 1907.)

2. A kindergarten license shall qualify the holder for the position of teacher of kindergarten in an elementary school or in a vacation school, or of director or supervisor of kindergarten work in a playground, or for the position of teacher of a class for crippled children or of an ungraded class. This license shall qualify the holder to act as substitute in classes of the first six years in an elementary day school. (As amended March 28, 1906, June 27, 1906, and November 28, 1906.)

3. A teacher's license No. 1 shall qualify the holder for the position of teacher in an elementary day school or evening school, or teacher of English and nature study in a vacation school, or of director of a playground, or of teacher in a truant school, except as otherwise provided in this section and in Section 72 of the bylaws. (As amended July 11, 1904.)

4. Men teachers promoted to Schedule VII, and women teachers promoted to Schedule V, to become teachers of a graduating class (of the grade 8B), must hold a license as teacher of a graduating class. This provision, however, shall not in any manner affect or impair the rights now existing of any person eligible at the time of the passage of this by-law (May 27, 1908), to teach a graduating class.

A license as teacher of a graduating class shall qualify the holder to act as assistant teacher in an evening high school.

Persons holding the license heretofore known as a promotion license shall continue to enjoy all rights and privileges conferred by said license.

(As amended February 25, 1903, and May 27, 1908.)

5. A license as teacher of shopwork shall qualify the holder for the position of teacher of shopwork in an elementary school or in an evening elementary or high school or in a vacation school.

6. A license as teacher of a special branch shall qualify the holder for the position of teacher of such special branch in an elementary school, in an evening elementary or high school, or in a vacation school.

7. A license as assistant to principal or head of department shall qualify the holder for the position of assistant to principal in an elementary school or of principal of an evening elementary school or of a vacation school, or to act as teacher in charge of an elementary school of the fourth order. (As amended November 25, 1903, and January 25, 1905.)

8. A license as principal of an elementary school shall qualify the holder for the position of principal of an elementary school, of a truant school, of an elementary evening school, or of an even

ing high school, provided the licensee holds in the case last mentioned the position of principal of an elementary day school.

NOTE-A license as principal of an elementary school shall qualify the holder to act as principal of an elementary school having a high school department, provided he has also at least qualification (a) required for license as assistant teacher in a high school.

9. A license as first assistant in a high school shall qualify the holder for the position of principal of an evening high school, provided the licensee holds the position of first assistant in a day high school.

9a. A license as teacher in a vocational school shall qualify the holder for the position of teacher in a vocational school, or in an evening trade school, or in a vacation school. (This subdivision was adopted March 10, 1909.)

10. Except as principal of a high school, teacher in or principal of a training school, or director of a special branch, no person required to be licensed shall be appointed to any teaching or supervising position whose name does not appear upon the proper eligible list. (As amended February 25, 1903.)

11. No person shall be appointed to any supervising or teaching position mentioned in this section who has not the required license or a superior license.

12. No married woman shall be appointed to any teaching or supervising position in the day public schools unless her husband is incapacitated from physical or mental disease to earn a livelihood, or has continuously abandoned her for not less than three years prior to the date of appointment; provided proof satisfactory to the Board of Superintendents is furnished to establish such physical or mental disability or abandonment. (As amended April 22, 1903.)

13. Licenses to teach shall be issued by the City Superintendent of Schools for a period of one year, and they may be renewed by him without examination in case the work of the holder is satisfactory to the City Superintendent for two successive years.

At the close of the third year of continuous successful service he may make the license permanent.

Substitute licenses shall be issued for a period of one year, subject to renewal by the City Superintendent.

14. All applicants for license must present evidence of good moral character and of sound physical health. The evidence of sound physical health shall consist of a certificate to be issued by one of the physicians of the Board of Education. This by-law, as far as it relates to the physical examination, shall not apply to applicants for license as evening school, vacation school and playground teachers.

15. A license of any kind, except a substitute license, shall be issued with the condition that, if the holder does not teach as a regular (not substitute) teacher in the public schools of The City of New York during a period of five years, the license shall, at the close of that period, become void.

16. The Board of Examiners shall have authority to grant a renewal of license to any person whose license has lapsed under the provisions of subdivision 15.

17. The qualifications for licenses prescribed in Sections 95 to 112, inclusive, of these by-laws, shall not apply to persons licensed prior to March 1, 1903, to teach in evening schools, vacation schools, playgrounds, and recreation centres. (This subdivision was adopted February 25, 1903, and amended April 22, 1908.)

18. Any one of the substitute licenses herein established may be granted to a person eligible for examination for a corresponding regular license. This provision, however, shall not conflict with other provisions of these by-laws. (This subdivision was adopted July 8, 1907.)


SEC. 68. 1. The Board of Examiners shall consist of the City Superintendent of Schools and of four persons appointed in accordance with Section 1089 of the Charter. The City Superintendent of Schools shall preside over the Board of Examiners. It shall be the duty of the Board of Examiners to conduct the examinations

of all applicants required to be licensed as teachers in and for The City of New York. Such examinations shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements fixed by the Board of Education and at such times as the City Superintendent may direct.

2. The City Superintendent of Schools shall prescribe the subjects in which candidates for licenses shall be examined, and shall determine the percentage which shall be required in order to constitute a successful examination, and also the conditions upon which the examination may be taken.

3. Graduates of colleges and universities recognized by the Regents of the University of the State of New York, who have pursued for not less than one year pedagogical courses satisfactory to the City Superintendent; graduates of schools and colleges for the training of teachers, approved by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction; and teachers holding a State certificate issued by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction since the year eighteen hundred and seventy-five, or holding a college graduate's certificate issued by the same authority, or persons who on the first Monday of February, nineteen hundred and two, were Associate Borough Superintendents of Schools in any Borough of The City of New York, may be exempted, in whole or in part, from such examination at the discretion of the City Superintendent.




SEC. 69. To be eligible for a license as substitute in the elementary schools, the applicant must have one of the following qualifications:

(a) The completion of a year and a half of satisfactory work in New York City training schools, or in State normal schools located within The City of New York, and the passing of the examination for license No. 1.

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