teachers in day high schools and training schools for teachers, and the organization of such schools, including all matters appertaining to the furnishing of luncheons to the pupils, and the nomination and control of proper persons for such purpose. (As amended November 25, 1903.) 2. Nominations made by the Board of Superintendents for the appointment, promotion or transfer of principals and teachers in day high schools and training schools for teachers shall be referred to said Committee, and shall be transmitted to the Board of Education at its next meeting with recommendations as to approval or disapproval. 3. All applications or recommendations for retirement on pension of members of the teaching or supervising staff (including the members of the Board of Examiners), except principals or teachers in elementary schools, shall be referred to said Committee and reported to the Board for final action. 4. Except when otherwise ordered by the Board, said Committee shall conduct all trials of principals and teachers in high schools and training schools against whom charges have been brought in accordance with Section 1093 of the Charter, and shall report its conclusions to the Board for action thereon. 5. The conclusions adopted by said Committee relative to charges preferred against any principal or teacher in a high school or a training school shall be reported to the Board. (As amended November 22, 1905.) 6. Said Committee shall report immediately to the Board of Education whenever additional accommodation is necessary for high school or training school purposes, with a recommendation of the sites which it considers necessary to acquire for such purposes. It shall also recommend the erection of such buildings on said sites, or on any other property owned by The City of New York, and such repairs or alterations of high school or training school buildings as it shall deem necessary or desirable. It shall from time to time, when additional accommodation for a high school or training school is necessary, report to the Board of Education premises which are suitable and may be hired for that purpose, with the terms upon which the same may be obtained; and such report shall be accompanied by a certificate from the Borough President that the premises so recommended comply with the laws and ordinances in relation to buildings to be used for school purposes. 7. All recommendations of the Board of Superintendents with regard to courses of study, selection of text-books, books for supplementary reading, apparatus and other scholastic supplies for high schools and training schools shall be filed with said Committee, and shall be transmitted, with its recommendations as to approval or disapproval, to the Committee on Studies and TextBooks for action thereon. (As amended November 22, 1905.) 8. Said Committee shall determine the specific purposes to which the funds received from the Regents of the University of the State of New York for the purchase of library books and apparatus in high schools, and the amounts appropriated by The City of New York for the same purpose, shall be applied. It shall have the like power over the funds appropriated by the State Department of Public Instruction for the maintenance of training schools for teachers. COMMITTEE ON SPECIAL SCHOOLS SEC. 22. 1. The Committee on Special Schools shall have charge of all matters relating to evening schools, truant schools, schools for deficient pupils, vacation schools, playgrounds and playcentres. 2. Nominations of principals and teachers in said schools made by the Board of Superintendents shall be referred to said Committee, and shall be transmitted, with its recommendations as to approval or disapproval, to the Board for action thereon. amended November 22, 1905.) COMMITTEE ON STUDIES AND TEXT-BOOKS (As SEC. 23. 1. The Committee on Studies and Text-Books shall have charge of all matters relating to courses of study and the selection of text-books, books for supplementary reading, and apparatus and other scholastic supplies. (As amended November 22, 1905.) 2. All recommendations of the Board of Superintendents with regard to courses of study, selection of text-books, books for supplementary reading, and apparatus and other scholastic supplies, shall be filed with said Committee, and shall be transmitted, with its recommendations as to approval or disapproval, to the Board of Education for action thereon. (As amended November 22, 1905.) COMMITTEE ON LECTURES AND LIBRARIES SEC. 24. 1. The Committee on Lectures and Libraries shall have charge of all matters relating to the free lectures maintained by the Board. It shall have authority to prescribe all necessary rules and regulations for the conduct of such lectures. It shall also have charge of all matters relating to the establishment of branches of the New York Public Library or other public libraries and reading rooms in school buildings and libraries in connection with lectures and books to be purchased from the Library Fund, and all matters relating to school libraries. COMMITTEE ON CARE OF BUILDINGS SEC. 25. 1. The Committee on Care of Buildings shall have charge of all matters relating to the care and custody of school buildings and premises, including the Hall of the Board of Education. Permission for the use of public school buildings or property may be granted by the authority of said Committee; but no permission for the use of school buildings or property for any public exhibition or entertainment to which an admission fee is to be charged or at which a collection for any purpose is to be taken shall be granted, unless by authority of the Board of Education. (As amended May 25, 1904.) 2. It shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the Board, a Supervisor of Janitors, when authorized by the Board, and all janitors and other employees required for the care of such buildings and premises, and shall make rules and regulations to secure the proper performance of their duties. (As amended March 21, 1906.) 3. It shall prepare all schedules for the salaries of janitors. 4. It shall prepare rules and regulations for the cleaning and disinfecting of school buildings and other property belonging to the Board. 5. Whenever it shall be charged that any janitor has violated the by-laws or the rules or regulations applicable to janitors, said Committee may require such janitor to appear before it, and if, after a hearing, the Committee shall decide that such by-law, rule or regulation has been violated, it may impose a fine not exceeding five days' salary of such janitor. In case of a serious delinquency on the part of a janitor, the determination of the Committee shall be reported to the Board, which may approve or disapprove the same. (As amended November 22, 1905.) 6. It shall prepare and present to the Board in July of each year a statement showing the amount of money which will be required for janitors' salaries and for the cleaning and disinfecting of school buildings during the next calendar year. COMMITTEE ON ATHLETIC FIELDS SEC. 26. 1. The Committee on Athletic Fields shall have charge of all matters relating to such fields. 2. It shall select and recommend to the Board the acquisition of all grounds that may be required for such fields, and shall have charge of the laying out and management of the same. (This section was adopted February 5, 1906.) OFFICE HOURS-CLERKS SEC. 27. The offices of the Board shall be open from 9 A. M. until 5 P. M., except on Saturday, when the offices shall close at 12 M.; provided that during the month of August in each year the offices (excepting on Saturdays) shall close at 4 P. M. No clerk or other employee shall be absent during office hours unless he first obtain permission from the head of the bureau in which he is employed. A daily record shall be kept of the attendance of clerks and other employees in all bureaus. Leave of absence may be granted by the Committee on Supplies, and in case of emergency by the head of any bureau; provided, however, that in the case of inspectors, draughtsmen and other assistants appointed in pursuance of subdivision 9 of Section 16 of these by-laws, such leave may be granted by the Committee on Buildings. Absence from duty on the part of a janitor or other employee of the Board, except a teacher, for ten days without a satisfactory excuse, shall be deemed neglect of duty. SECRETARY SEC. 28. 1. The Secretary shall have charge of the rooms, books, papers and documents of the Board; he shall keep the minutes of its meetings and cause the minutes of Committee meetings to be kept; and shall, in addition to his duties as Secretary of the Board, perform such other duties as may be required by the members or Committees. He shall have the custody of the corporate seal. In the absence, inability or disability of the Secretary, his duties shall be performed by the Assistant Secretary, or in case of necessity by the Chief Clerk. 2. The Assistant Secretary, the Chief Clerk, and all other clerks and employees in the Secretary's office shall perform such duties as may be assigned to them by the Secretary. 3. The Secretary shall, as soon as possible after each meeting of the Board, notify the heads of bureaus of all matters referred to them, and shall also notify all chairmen of Committees of the matters referred to their respective Committees. 4. No employee of the Board qualified to administer oaths and take affidavits or acknowledgments shall charge any fee therefor. The Board shall pay the fee required by law on the appointment of such notaries public or commissioners of deeds as may be necessary for the transaction of the business of the Board. 5. The Secretary shall prepare all contracts after the same have |