Complaints for violations of this chapter to be made in two months from commission of offence. Penalties. SECT. 38. No person shall be prosecuted or tried for any breach or violation of the provisions of this chapter, unless complaint for the same shall be instituted and commenced within two months from the time of committing such offence. SECT. 39. Any person who shall offend against any of the provisions of this chapter, in all cases where the penalty is not named in connection with the offence set forth, shall forfeit and pay for each and every offence a sum not less than one dollar nor more than twenty dollars; and a like penalty for every day such offence shall be repeated or continued. Mayor and aldermen to grant li SECT. 1. The mayor and aldermen shall, from time censes for hackney to time, at their discretion, grant licenses upon such carriages. Pub. Stats., chap. $ 15. 28, 325; chap. 55, terms and to such persons as they may deem expedient, to set up, employ, or use hackney carriages for the conveyance of persons for hire, from place to place within the city of New Bedford, and may designate the public stand or stands within said city which said car May designate stands for them. Sect. 10, this chapter, page 199. Hackney carriages not to be run without license. riages may occupy; and no person shall set up, employ, or use such carriage for the purpose aforesaid, without cable. a license therefor as aforesaid, and such licenses may at Licenses revoat any time be revoked by the mayor and aldermen. to only one carriage. SECT. 2. No license granted as aforesaid shall apply License to apply to any carriage except the particular one designated therein by its number, or otherwise made certain, or Not to be transshall be transferable without the consent of the mayor and aldermen, indorsed thereon by the city clerk. the ferred without consent. marked with number of license. Names of owner and driver, number of carriage, SECT. 3. Every person licensed as aforesaid shall Carriages to be cause his carriage to be conspicuously marked with the number assigned to it by the mayor and aldermen, in figures not less than one and a half inches long, and names of the owner and driver and the number of the carriage, together with the rates of fare, shall be conspicuously posted, on a printed card, in every such carriage. and rates of fare, to be posted in carriage. One person may be licensed to each carriage. Driver, when sobadge on hat, in gers, to wear dicating number of license. SECT. 4. One person may be licensed to each public carriage, and such one and no other may solicit passengers for the same. Every person, when soliciting passengers, shall wear upon his hat or cap a distinctive badge indicating the number of his license. son obtaining a license as a driver for any public carriage, may substitute any other person as a driver of than three days. the same for the space of three days at one time. Every per Licensed driver another person as substitute driver for not more carriage to wait for employment except at the stands assigned in any street, &c., to them. No owner, driver, or other person having charge of No person with any hackney carriage, shall stand or wait for employment, with such carriage, in any street, square, lane, court, or public place within the city, except at the stands assigned to such carriages by the mayor and aldermen, or by some person by them duly authorized; and the mayor and aldermen are hereby authorized to Mayor and alderassign stands for the carriages the owner or driver which may be licensed by them. men may assign stands. of Sect. 10, this chapter, page 199. Profane, abusive, rude behavior at SECT. 5. No driver or porter while at a public stand or at any railroad station or steamboat wharf, waiting &c., by drivers or to be employed or soliciting passengers, or while any railroad stations, porters, prohib- public carriage is in his charge at any public place, shall use any profane, abusive, boisterous, or indecorous language, or utter loud cries or calls, or scuffle, or crowd about, or interfere with any other driver or porter with whom any passenger may be negotiating for the transportation of himself or baggage, nor violate any of not to be violated. the rules and regulations made by any of the railroad or steamboat companies of this city. Rules, &c., of rail road and steam- Fares for convey ing passengers Adults. four and twelve years of age. Children under SECT. 6. The fare for the conveyance of passengers in hackney carriages shall not exceed the following rates, viz. For conveying one or more adult passengers from one place to another within that portion of the city described in the next following section, thirty-five cents each, except between the hours of nine o'clock P. M. and Children between four o'clock a. M., when fifty cents may be charged; for each child between the ages of four and twelve years, but one half of the above rates shall be charged; and for children not over four years of age, accompanied by their parents or guardians, there shall be no charge; for the charges aforesaid, each passenger may carry one trunk and a hat-box, carpet-bag, portmanteau, or other similar article; for every additional trunk twelve cents extra may be charged: provided, however, that the city council may, at its discretion, change any or all the rates established in this section, and the rates so established shall continue until changed by the city council. Baggage. Council may Portion of city to SECT. 7. For the purposes named in this ordinance, the portion of the city referred to in the last preceding section, shall be as follows, viz.: Commencing at the river at the continuation of the east terminus of Coggeshall street, thence running due west until said line in tersects a line drawn north and south through Park street, thence southerly until said last named line intersects a line drawn east and west through Rockland street, thence easterly to the river, and thence northerly by the river to the place of beginning. deemed "hackney carriages." SECT. 8. Every stage-coach, chariot, cab, coachee, What t barouche, landau, or other vehicle, whether on wheels or runners, drawn by one or more horses or other animal power, excepting horse cars, which shall be used in the city of New Bedford for the conveyance of persons for hire from place to place within said city, shall be deemed a hackney carriage within the meaning of the ordinances of this city. Mayor and alder men to grant licenses to persons to run jobbing wagons, &c. SECT. 9. The mayor and aldermen shall from time to time grant licenses to such persons, and upon such terms, as they may deem expedient, to employ or use any wagon, cart, sleigh, or other vehicle, which may be necessary for the conveyance from place to place within the city, for hire, of any goods, wares, furniture, merchandise or rubbish; and the mayor and aldermen may stands. See next designate the public stand or stands within the city which such vehicles may occupy; and no person shall use any &c., not to be run of the vehicles mentioned in this section, for the purposes herein specified, without a license as aforesaid, nor occupy with any To designate section. Jobbing wagons, without license; -nor occupy any stand. numbered. of said vehicles any stand not as- but designated signed to it as provided in this section; and every per- Vehicles to be son licensed under this section shall cause his vehicle to be conspicuously marked with the number assigned to it by the license. SECT. 10. No stand for hackney carriages, or carriages mentioned in section 9 of this chapter, shall be assigned in front of the premises of any abutting owner or occupant objecting thereto. Penalties. SECT. 11. Any person who shall be guilty of a violation of this ordinance, or any part thereof, shall forfeit and pay for each offence a sum not exceeding twenty dollars, and his license shall be forthwith revoked, and no new license shall be granted him for the space of three months thereafter. Mayor and aldermen may license junk dealers, &c. Pub. Stats, chap. 102, §§ 28-31, 124chap. 258. 127; Acts of 1882, Licenses revocable. Regulations gov erning persons so licensed. Pub. Stats., chap. 102, § 29. To keep book, &c. Display name. Permit inspections. CHAPTER XXX. JUNK, SECOND-HAND ARTICLES AND PAWNBROKERS. 1. Junk &c. dealers' licenses; by whom | 4. Regulations governing pawnbrokers. granted and revoked. 2. Regulations governing junk dealers, &c. 5. Dealing with minors not permitted; inspection of premises and busi. ness of. 3. Pawnbrokers; licenses of, and re- 6. Penalties. SECT. 1. The mayor and aldermen may license any person or persons to keep a shop for the purchase, sale and barter of junk, old metals, or any second-hand articles, or to be dealers therein, subject to the provisions of law, and may revoke such licenses at pleasure. SECT. 2. Every such licensed keeper of a shop for the purchase, sale or barter of junk, old metals, or second-hand articles, shall keep a book in which shall be written at the time of every purchase of any such article, a description thereof, the name, age and residence of the person from whom, and the day and hour when such purchase was made; such book shall at all times be open to the inspection of the mayor and aldermen and of any person by them authorized to make such inspection. Every keeper of such shop shall put in some suitable and conspicuous place on his shop a sign, having his name and occupation legibly inscribed thereon in large letters; such shop and all articles of merchandise therein may be at all times examined by the mayor |