Hall of the Board of Education, Committee in charge of. Heads of department (See TEACHERS). Library books and apparatus, appropriations, apportionment 52 52 20 104 20 70 Matters relating to, in charge of Committee on High Schools Principals, first assistants and clerks to be in attendance be- Promotion, graduation, management and discipline, rules for Salaries of principals.. Of teachers Sessions Supplies and apparatus, requisitions for. HIGH SCHOOLS AND TRAINING SCHOOLS, COMMITTEE ON- Books, courses of study, etc., recommendations, to be filed Charge of all matters relating to high schools and training Control of persons furnishing luncheons to pupils. 209 17 21 7 16 21 21 15 21 21 HIGH SCHOOLS AND TRAINING SCHOOLS, COMMITTEE ON―Cont'd- For libraries and apparatus, disposition of, etc. Nominations for appointment, promotion or transfer of teach- Recommendations relative to books, courses of study, etc., to Reports relative to erection, repair of and fitting up of ..... To be recommended when required by.. .... To determine when service of principals in high schools To furnish certificate from Borough President when build- To report premises to be hired for high school purposes. Trials of principals and teachers in high schools to be conducted by Conclusions to be reported to Board. Holidays (See VACATIONS). 18 2 15 21 14 16 21 4,5 15 45 3 56 66 Absence without permission for purpose of advocating or opposing legislation, prohibited.. INSPECTORS OF UNGRADED CLASSES Absence without permission for purpose of advocating or op Sec.Subd. Page ...... May recommend leave of absence with full pay to teachers of ungraded classes. Teachers to report if required by. 42a Salaries for women.... To grant permission for removal from or admission of children to ungraded classes..... To report to Board of Superintendents. To City Superintendent.... Under supervision of City Superintendent. Inventories of school property. Of supplies to be made. 65 22 126 Absence without permission for purpose of advocating or opposing legislation, prohibited. Absences Physician's certificate to be furnished. When deemed neglect of duty... Appointment of Buildings to be cleaned thoroughly by, prior to opening of Fire extinguishing equipment to be in readiness for use at BOARD OF EDUCATION Sec. Subd. Pa JANITORS, JANITOR-ENGINEERS, CLEANERS, ETC.-Continued— Mail to be delivered by... 116 4 16 Meters, gas and electric, to be disconnected and readings reported Persons employed in care of buildings, list to be filed by... Unable to speak and read English ineligible for position of Under eighteen years not to be employed by. 115 115 13 167 Report regarding attendance and performance of duties to be made to principal by... Unauthorized persons prohibited from meddling with.. 116 Sign bearing name and address of, where placed. 6 168 Unauthorized persons prohibited from entering building by. 116 6 168 Work done upon premises to be examined by and reported.. 116 17 169 96 Premises or buildings for use of Board, subject to approval and financial ability Report to be accompanied by certificate from the Borough 59 Required for high schools and training schools. Secretary to execute.. Lecturers, assignment of..... Exhibitions, etc., when permitted in evening schools.. Lectures, Bureau of, duties of clerks, etc., to be prescribed by Supervisor Under control and supervision of Supervisor. Lectures, matters relating to, in charge of Committee on Lectures and Libraries 16 21 28 33 55 33 33 :: 29 29 20 24 1 Rules and regulations for conducting. Lectures, Supervisor of (See SUPERVISOR OF LECTURES). LECTURES AND LIBRARIES, COMMITTEE ON 24 1 Rules and regulations to be prescribed for conduct of lectures Libraries, Superintendent of (See SUPERINTENDENT OF LIBRARIES). LICENSES 35 30 Applicants for, to be examined by Board's physicians.. |