When the great water-floods prevail, Friend of the friendless and the faint! Did ever mourner plead with thee, That were a grief I could not bear, Fair is the lot that's cast for me; Poor though I am, despis'd, forgot, COWPER. THE LAST DAY. EVEN thus amid thy pride and luxury, When that great Husbandman shall wave his fan, Sweeping, like chaff, thy wealth and pomp away: Still to the noontide of that nightless day, Shalt thou thy wonted dissolute course maintain. Along the busy mart and crowded street, The buyer and the seller still shall meet, And marriage feasts begin their jocund strain. Still to the pouring out the cup of woe; Till earth, a drunkard, reeling to and fro, And mountains molten by his burning feet, And heav'n his presence own, all red with furnace heat. Almighty! trembling like a timid child, I hear thy awful voice-alarm'd-afraidI see the flashes of thy light'ning wild, And in the very grave would hide my head. Lord! what is man? up to the sun he fliesOr feebly wanders through earth's vale of dust: There is he lost 'midst heav'n's high mysteries, And here in error and in darkness lost : Beneath the storm-clouds, on life's raging sea, Like a poor sailor-by the tempest tost, Oh! who shall then survive? Oh! who shall stand and live? When for the round earth hung in air, In the sky's azure canopy : When for the breathing earth, and sparkling sea, Wide scepter'd monarch o'er the realm of doom : When from the sea-depths, from earth's darkest womb, The dead of all the ages round thee wait; Like forest leaves in the autumn of thine ire: Faithful and true! thou still shalt save thine own! The saints shall dwell with unharming fire; Each white robe spotless, blooming every palm. Even safe as we, by this still Fountain's side. So shall the Church, thy bright and mystic bride Sit on the stormy gulf a halcyon bird of calm. Yes, mid yon angry and destroying signs, O'er us the rainbow of thy mercy shines, We hall, we bless the covenant of its beam, Almighty to avenge, almightiest to redeem! MILMAN! SOUND THE LOUD TIMBREL O'ER EGYPT'S DARK SEA! SOUND the loud Timbrel o'er Egypt's dark sea! Jehovah has triumph'd-his people are free. Sing, for the pride of the tyrant is broken, His chariots and horsemen, all splendid and brave, How vain was their boasting! -The Lord hath but spoken, And chariots and horsemen are sunk in the wave. ound the loud timbrel o'er Egypt's dark sea; hovah has triumph'd,-his people are free. raise to the Conqueror, praise to the Lord, lis word was our arrow, his breath was our sword! Who shall return to tell Egypt the story Of those she sent forth in the hour of her pride? For the Lord hath look'd out from his pillar of glory, And all her brave thousands are dash'd in the tide. Sound the loud timbrel o'er Egypt's dark sea! MOORE. THE EVENING CLOUD. A CLOUD lay cradled near the setting sun, Emblem, methought, of the departed soul, WILSON. THE GRAVE. THERE is a calm for those who weep: The storm that wrecks the wintry sky, Than summer ev'ning's latest sigh, That shuts the rose, I long to lay this painful head, The grave, that never spake before, Art thou a mourner? hast thou known Endearing days for ever flown, O live! and deeply cherish still Tho' long of winds and waves the sport, A quiet home. Seek the true treasure, seldom found, Whate'er thy lot-where'er thou be- A bruised reed he will not break; |