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L. M.


Praise in the Sanctuary. Ps. 135.

1 PRAISE ye the Lord-exalt his name,
While in his holy courts ye wait,
Ye saints that to his house belong,
Or stand attending at his gate.

2 Praise ye the Lord; the Lord is good ;-
To praise his name is sweet employ.
Israel he chose of old, and still
His church is his peculiar joy.

3 The Lord himself will judge his saints;
He treats his servants as his friends;
And when he hears their sore complaints,
Repents the sorrows that he sends.

4 Through every age the Lord declares
His name, and breaks th' oppressor's rod;
He gives his suffering servants rest,
And will be known 'th' almighty God.'

5 Bless ye the Lord who taste his love;
People and priests, exalt his name.
Among his saints he ever dwells:
His church is his Jerusalem.


С. М.


Praise for Saving Love. Ps. 150.

1 IN God's own house pronounce his praise:

His grace he there reveals;

To heaven your joy and wonder raise,

For there his glory dwells.

2 Let all your sacred passions move
While you rehearse his deeds :
But the great work of saving love
Your highest praise exceeds.

3 All that have motion, life, and breath,
Proclaim your Maker blest;
Yet when my voice expires in death
My soul shall praise him best.


6s 6s & 4s M.


The Same. Ps. 150.

1 PRAISE ye Jehovah's name;

Praise through his courts proclaim;
Rise and adore ;-
High o'er the heavens above
Sound his great acts of love,
While his rich grace we prove,
Vast as his power.

2 Now let the trumpet raise
Sounds of triumphant praise
Wide as his fame;
There let the harp be found;
Organs, with solemn sound,
Roll your deep notes around,
Filled with his name.

3 While his high praise ye sing
Shake every sounding string:
Sweet the accord!-
He vital breath bestows:
Let every breath that flows
His noblest fame disclose-
Praise ye the Lord.


8s & 7s M.


Praise to God and the Lamb.

1 MIGHTY God, while angels bless thee
May not mortals speak thy name ?
Lord of men as well as angels,
Thou art every creature's theme.
Hallelujah, &c.

2 Lord of every land and nation,
Ancient of eternal days,
Sounded through the wide creation
Be thy just and awful praise.
Hallelujah, &c.

3 For the grandeur of thy nature-
Grand beyond a seraph's thought;
For created works of power-
Works with skill and kindness wrought;
Hallelujah, &c.

4 For thy providence that governs

Through thine empire's wide domain,
Wings an angel, guides a sparrow-
Blessed be thy gentle reign.
Hallelujah, &c.

5 Brightness of the Father's glory !
Shall thy praise unuttered lie?
Fly, my tongue, such guilty silence;
Sing the Lord who came to die.
Hallelujah, &c. Amen.


L. M.


The Same.

1 PRAISE ye the Lord around whose throne
All heaven in ceaseless worship waits,
Whose glory fills the worlds unknown-
Praise ye the Lord from Zion's gates.

2 With mingling souls and voices join;
To him the swelling anthem raise;
Repeat his name with joy divine,
And fill the temple with his praise.

3 All-gracious God, to thee we owe
Each joy and blessing time affords,-
Light, life, and health, and all below,
Spring from thy presence, Lord of lords.

4 Thine be the praise, for thine the love
That freely all our sins forgave,
Pointed our dying eyes above,
And showed us life beyond the grave.

5 And, Jesus, let thy deathless name
In concert with the Father's rise;
For thou hast borne for us the shame,
And wilt exalt us to the skies.

6 Thy name be praised, for worthy thou
Unbounded honors to receive:
To thee shall every creature bow,
And everlasting glory give.


10s & 11s M.

Praise for Providence and Grace.


1 My soul, praise the Lord, speak good of his name:
His mercies record, his bounties proclaim ;-
To God, their Creator, let all creatures raise
The song of thanksgiving, the chorus of praise!

2 Though hid from man's sight God sits on his


Yet here by his works their author is known:
The world shines a mirror its Maker to show,
And heaven views its image reflected below.

3 Those agents of power-fire, water, earth, skyAttest the dread might of God, the Most High, Who rides on the whirlwind, while clouds veil his


Who smiles in the sunbeam, or frowns in the


4 By knowledge supreme, by wisdom divine,
God governs this earth with gracious design;
O'er beast, bird, and insect his providence reigns,
Whose will first created, whose love still sustains.

5 And man, his last work, with reason endued,
Who, falling through sin, by grace is renewed-
To God, his Creator, let man ever raise
The song of thanksgiving, the chorus of praise.

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