May open ground in streets, &c.; -repair the same. Proviso. SECT. 4. Said corporation, with the consent of the mayor and aldermen of the city of New Bedford, shall have power and authority to open the ground in any parts of the streets, lanes and highways, in said city, for the purpose of sinking and repairing such pipes and conductors as it may be necessary to sink for the purpose aforesaid; and the said corporation, after opening the ground in said streets, lanes and highways, shall be held to put the same again into repair, under the penalty of being prosecuted for a nuisance: provided, that the mayor and aldermen, for the time being, shall at all times have the power to regulate, restrict and control all the acts and doings of said corporation, which may in any manner affect the health, safety, or convenience of the inhabitants of said city. SECT. 5. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. [Approved April 4, 1850.] Corporators. Name and purpose. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE NEW BEDFORD AND [Chapter 11 of the Acts of 1872.] SECT. 1. Andrew G. Pierce, Ward M. Parker, Samuel P. Burt, Nathan Chace, their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the New Bedford and Fairhaven Street Railway Company, with power to construct, maintain, and operate a railway on and over any street or streets in said city of New Bedford and town of Fairhaven, with the right to cross on and over the bridge road connecting the said *By chapter 5 of the Acts of 1880, allowed to increase its capital stock to an amount not exceeding $100,000. Powers and places; with all the powers and privileges, and subject duties. SECT. 2. The capital stock of said corporation shall Capital stock, not exceed sixty thousand dollars. Taunton Railroad and New Bedford and Nantucket to pany may take Steamboat Com stock in road, but individuals to have the prefer ence. SECT. 3. The New Bedford and Taunton Railroad New Bedford and Corporation, and the New Bedford, Vineyard and Nantucket Steamboat Company, are hereby authorized subscribe for and hold shares in the capital stock of said New Bedford and Fairhaven Street Railway Company by the vote of their stockholders; but any individuals may have the right to subscribe for stock, to the exclusion of said railroad and steamboat corporations, upon application within sixty days after public notice of the organization of the company. SECT. 4. This act shall be void unless three miles of said road shall be constructed within twelve months from its passage. SECT. 5. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Approved Feb. 6, 1872.] N Three miles of road to be built within one year. Whaling vessels outward bound not required to employ a pilot. To take effect AN ACT RELATING TO THE EMPLOYMENT OF PILOTS ON [Chapter 213 of the Acts of 1884.] SECT. 1. Whaling vessels outward bound from the port of New Bedford shall be exempt from the provisions of section twenty-seven of chapter seventy of the Public Statutes relating to the employment of pilots. SECT. 2. This act shall take effect on the first day of August in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-four. [Approved May 5, 1884.] IN FORCE IN THIS CITY BY VIRTUE OF THEIR RESPONDING COUNCIL. EARLIER LAWS, BY THE CITY STEAM ENGINES, FURNACES AND BOILERS.* Chapter 102 of Public Statutes, sections 40 to 49 inclusive. [Chapter 197 of the Acts of 1845, accepted by city council March 17, 1856; chapter 74 of the Acts of 1862, accepted by the city council May 3, 1869.] P. S., ch. 102, $$ 40-49. THE MAYOR, OR ANY ALDERMAN OR MEMBER OF COM- [Chapter 70 of the Acts of 1851, accepted by city council May 15, 1854.] P. S., ch. 28, § 23. SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. Public Statutes, chapter 54, sections 10 to 12 inclusive. [Chapter 242 of the Acts of 1867, accepted by city council June 20, 1870.] P. S., ch. 54, SS 10-12. * QUERY,-Does the acceptance of the act of 1845, coupled with the enactment in Gen. Stats., ch. 88, § 33, confer authority on the mayor and aldermen with respect to furnaces for making glass? See Acts of 1845, ch. 197; Acts of 1846, ch. 96; Gen. Stats., ch. 88, § 33; Pub. Stats., ch. 102, § 40. P. S., ch. 104, SS 1, 12. Ordinances of 1876, ch. 18, § 24. Ordinances, ch. 12, post. PREVENTION OF FIRES IN CITIES AND TOWNS. Public Statutes, chapter 104, sections 1 and 12. [Chapter 243 of the Acts of 1872, accepted by city council Dec. 9, 1876. See chapter 18, section 24, of Ordinances of 1876; Ordinances, chapter 12, post.] P. S., ch. 35, § 4. Ordinances of 1876, ch. 18, § 24. DEMOLITION OF BUILDINGS DURING FIRE. Public Statutes, chapter 35, section 4. [Chapter 201 of the Acts of 1873, accepted by city council Dec. 9, 1876. See chapter 18, section 24, of Ordinances of 1876.] P. S., ch. 80, § 13. BOARDS OF HEALTH IN CITIES. Public Statutes, chapter 80, section 13. [Chapter 133 of the Acts of 1877, accepted by inhabitants of city Nov. 6, 1877.] |