E INDEX TO THE CONGRESSIONAL MANUAL. A. Amendments, offered to bills on first reading, B. Bills, mode of reporting, and receiving by the chair mode of passing, by the house, mode of demanding the yeas and nays on, Business, priority of, local and private, C. Call of the House. A call of the house after previous Clerk, Journalizing, reads the journal of the preceding day to the Speaker, before the house convenes on the succeeding day, Committees, joint, to wait on the President at the Conferences, opening of the two Houses, standing, how appointed, select, are called after standing com- of the whole on the state of the Union, report of, when not in committee of the Committee of conference mutually separated without agreement-agreed to recede on one amendment, but could not agree as to the others, and so reported, The House refusing to adhere, afterwards resolved to recede, Part of the report of conference rejected, Further conference asked, Receding after conference, D. Delegates may speak, frank, &c., but not vote, their pay and mileage same as members, District of Columbia, committee of public grounds, E. Election of clerk and sergeant-at-arms, of Speaker, a majority of the whole number necessary, Page. 42 16 21 27 27 33 ib 37 36 53 ib 58 60 61 62 63 65 65-69 17 17 55 55 13 11 F. Franking, to what extent allowed, H. House of Representatives-notice to Senate of its or- Page. 54 15 16 50 84 17 Μ. Majority of the whole number necessary to elect a Speaker, 11 adopted, Manual, Jefferson's, rules of, to govern the House Message, mode of receiving and announcing, from President of the United States, printed confidentially before delivery, 14 18 ib not seen by members till read in the House, Oath of office, members arriving after the opening of the session, take the Opening of the House, selection of seats at the, clerk puts the question to open, Orders of the day, when to proceed in the consider- ation of the, 20 17 9 ib 10 27 P. Petitions, Speaker calls for under the 16th rule, com- commences where he left off the preceding mode of presenting and receiving, reading, called for, may be presented daily for the first 30 days rule respecting, frequently suspended, Postpone to postpone to a day certain takes precedence of a motion to postpone indefinitely Postponement, indefinite, last in the order of privi leged motions, President of the United States, General Washington and Mr. Adams met the Mr. Jefferson sent the first inaugural message, Previous Question, a majority must second the de mand for the Division of the question, when the proposition Amendment pending when the question has If a majority should not vote in favour of the A call of the House after previous question journed over, Page. 25 26 ib ib ib ib 47 48 18 18 82-84 44 44 44 45 46 Relative to points of order, having been ad 46 To lie on the table, 47 46 sustain its decision, 70 Call of the House not in order after the pre- Precedents of Order-Casting vote of the chair to After one member has answered, on a call Substitute rejected as not in order, Right to the floor lost, Right of a member to change his vote, cret session, No debate after previous question, What is the main question, What amounts to a rejection of a bill, ed, before debate, Rejection of a bill, Main question cannot be amended, Previous question-motion to lie on the table, Subject-matter being under consideration of Withdrawal of propositions Striking out amendment Substitute pending a motion to amend part Orders of the day Changing propositions to instruct committee Votes outside the bar. (See Votes.) Increase of duty, Call for reading a memorial, Amendment as a substitute |