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papers, shall be inserted, at the public expense, only in the City Record, and a publication therein shall be a sufficient compliance with any law or ordinance requiring publication of such matters or notices; but there may be inserted in two morning and two evening, and two weekly or semi-weekly papers published in the English language, and one paper published in the German language, and in one paper published in the French language, all in said city to be designated at any time by said board of City Record, brief advertisements, calling attention to any contracts intended to be awarded or bonds to be sold, and referring for full information to said City Record; said designation of such newspapers to continue in effect until another or different designation shall be made by said board. Where such notices and advertisements respect matters occurring within or relating to the borough of Brooklyn, they shall also be published in such newspapers as are now by law designated as corporation newspapers in the city of Brooklyn, the rates of payments therefor, not to exceed the compensation now paid to said newspapers for like advertisements in the city of Brooklyn or county of Kings. In case, however, of the sale of bonds or stocks of said city or of any real estate belonging to the city, such advertisements may be also inserted in such other newspapers published in said city as said board may determine in the case of each sale. But nothing herein contained shall prevent the publication elsewhere of any advertisement required by law; provided, however, that no such publication shall be made unless the same is authorized by concurrent vote of the members of said board. No money shall be paid from the city treasury, and no action shall be maintained and no judgment obtained against The City of New York, as constituted by this act, for any advertising done after April thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, except such as is therein authorized or such as at the time this act takes effect is a lawful charge against a municipal or public corporation or part thereof, hereby consolidated with the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of The City of New York. The copies of the City Record furnished to the city shall be distributed to the several departments and officers, and to such persons and in such manner as the board of City Record shall direct. The comptroller shall cause a continuous series of the City Record to be bound as completed quarterly, and to be deposited with his certificate thereon, in the office of the register of deeds of the county of New York, in the county clerk's office of said county, and in the office of the city clerk, and copies of the contents of any part of the same, certified by such register, county clerk, or city clerk, shall be received in judicial proceedings as prima facie evidence of the truth of the contents thereof.



*Section 1526. There shall be published daily, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, under a contract to be made as hereinafter provided, a paper to be known as the City Record. And said City Record, and the newspapers now by law designated as corporation newspapers in the present city of Brooklyn, shall be the only papers to be included within the term corporation newspapers as the same is used anywhere in this act; but no notice or advertisement shall be inserted in any of said newspapers now by law designated as corporation newspapers in said city of Brooklyn, except such as respect matters occurring within or relating to the borough of Brooklyn exclusively, and the aggregate amount to be paid to said newspapers now designated by law as corporation newspapers, in said city of Brooklyn, for the publication of all advertisements provided for by this act, shall never exceed in any year, the sum now agreed to be paid to said newspapers annually of said city of Brooklyn. The mayor, corporation counsel and comptroller shall constitute the board of City Record. Said board, by a majority vote, shall appoint a proper person together with such assistants as may be required, to supervise the preparation and publication of the same, and they shall also fix the rates of compensation of said supervisor and his assistants. All the expenses connected with its publication and distribution, except the salary of the person appointed to supervise the same, and the salaries of his assistants, shall be covered by a contract for printing, to be made in the same manner as other contracts. The board of estimate and apportionment shall provide for all the necessary expenses of conducting the said City Record. There shall be inserted in said City Record nothing aside from such official matters as are expressly authorized. The contract for the publication of the City Record shall provide for furnishing, free of charge, to The City of New York, not more than two thousand copies thereof; also for a gratuitous distribution to every newspaper regularly printed in The City of New York, when it shall apply for the same, of two copies, and to every public library or public institution in said city which shall apply for the same, of one copy. Copies of the same shall be sold by the supervisor at a price to be fixed by the officers making the contract, and the proceeds thereof shall be paid over to the city. All advertising required to be done for the city, except as in this act otherwise specially provided, and all notices required by law or ordinances to be published in corporation

*As amended by Chapter 715, Laws of 1901, and Chapter 457, Laws of 1904.

papers, shall be inserted, at the public expense, only in the City Record, and a publication therein shall be a sufficient compliance with any law or ordinance requiring publication of such matters or notices; but there may be inserted in two morning and two evening, and two weekly or semi-weekly papers published in the English language, and one paper published in the German language, and in one paper published in the French language, all in said city to be designated at any time by said board of City Record, brief advertisements, calling attention to any contracts intended to be awarded or bonds to be sold, and referring for full information to said City Record; said designation of such newspapers to continue in effect until another or different designation shall be made by said board. Where such notices and advertisements respect matters occurring within or relating to the borough of Brooklyn, they shall also be published in such newspapers as are now by law designated as corporation newspapers in the city of Brooklyn, the rates of payments therefor, not to exceed the compensation now paid to said newspapers for like advertisements in the city of Brooklyn or county of Kings. In case, however, of the sale of bonds or stocks of said city or of any real estate belonging to the city, such advertisements may be also inserted in such other newspapers published in said city as said board may determine in the case of each sale. But nothing herein contained shall prevent the publication elsewhere of any advertisement required by law; provided, however, that no such publication shall be made unless the same is authorized by concurrent vote of the members of said board. No money shall be paid from the city treasury, and no action shall be maintained and no judgment obtained against The City of New York, as constituted by this act, for any advertising done after April thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, except such as is therein authorized or such as at the time this act takes effect is a lawful charge against a municipal or public corporation or part thereof, hereby consolidated with the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of The City of New York. The copies of the City Record furnished to the city shall be distributed to the several departments and officers, and to such persons and in such manner as the board of City Record shall direct. The comptroller shall cause a continuous series of the City Record to be bound as completed quarterly, and to be deposited with his certificate thereon, in the office of the register of deeds of the county of New York, in the county clerk's office of said county, and in the office of the city clerk, and copies of the contents of any part of the same, certified by such register, county clerk, or city clerk, shall be received in judicial proceedings as prima facie evidence of the truth of the contents thereof.

SEC. 1528




Section 1528. * There shall be published in the City Rec within the month of January and within the month of July in each y a list of all the officials and employes employed in any of the depa ments, bureaus or offices of the city government, and of the count therein contained, who have been or have become such officials or ployes during the preceding six months. Said list shall contain the na residence by street numbers, nature of position or service, date of trance into the service or employment, date of cessation of such serv or employment, if such has occurred during said period, salary or wag and a distinct statement of the increase or decrease thereof during sa period of each of said officials or employes. All changes of such officia or employes, or the amount of their salaries, with a distinct stateme of the increase or decrease thereof, shall be so published within o week after they are made. It shall be the duty of all heads of depar ments or bureaus, or offices not in a department, to furnish to the pe son appointed to supervise the publication of the City Record, every thing required to be inserted therein. It shall be the duty of the sai person appointed to supervise the publication of the City Record, on o before the first days of February and August respectively in each year to certify to the comptroller that the several lists so required to be fur nished have been furnished to him by said heads of department, bureaus or offices, and the comptroller is hereby forbidden to pay the salary of any such head of department, bureau or office who has not furnished such list until the receipt by said comptroller of such certificate. The said person shall have the power to make requisitions in writing upon the heads of departments to furnish the information necessary to make up such list according to the rules prescribed by him and approved by the board of City Record; and such information must be supplied by the department within ten days after such requisition. He shall have power to require such information in the same manner, every three months, and all other information in the control of said heads of departments, necessary to perform his duties, under this section. He shall include in his list the number of laborers, designating the department in which they are employed, and, if practicable, the numbers employed in the prosecution of specific works, and the amounts paid to them. He shall also cause to be printed in each issue of said City Record a separate statement of the hours during which all public offices in the city are open for business, and at which each court regularly opens and adjourns, as well as of the places where such offices are kept and such courts are held.





Section 1533. No member of the board of aldermen, head of department, chief of bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer of the corporation, shall be or become interested, directly or indirectly, as contracting party, partner, stockholder or otherwise, in or in the performance of any contract, work, or business, or the sale of any article, the expense, price, or consideration of which is payable from the city treasury, or by any assessment levied by any act or ordinance of the board of aldermen; or in the purchase or lease of any real estate or other property belonging to or taken by the corporation, or which shall be sold for taxes or assessments, or by virtue of legal process at the suit of the said corporation. If any person in this section mentioned shall, during the time for which he was elected or appointed, knowingly acquire an interest as above described in any contract or work with the city, or any department or officer thereof, unless the same shall be devolved upon him by law, he shall, on conviction thereof, forfeit his office, and be punished for a misdemeanor. All such contracts in which any such person is or becomes interested as above described shall, at the option of the comptroller, be forfeited and void. No person in this section named shall give, or promise to give, any portion of his compensation, or any money or valuable thing, to any officer of the city, or to any other person, in consideration of his having been or being nominated, appointed, elected, or employed as such officer, agent, clerk or employe, under the penalty of forfeiting his office and being forever disqualified from being elected, appointed, or employed in the service of the city, and shall, on conviction, be punished for a misdemeanor.


Section 1541. A majority of the members of a board in any department of the city government, and also of the board for the revision of assessments, shall constitute a quorum to fully perform and discharge any act or duty authorized, possessed by, or imposed upon any department or any board aforesaid, and with the same legal effect as if every member of any such board aforesaid had been present, except as herein otherwise specially provided. Each board may, except as herein otherwise provided, choose, in its own pleasure, one of its members, who shall be its president, and one who shall be its treasurer, and may appoint a chief clerk or secretary. No expense shall be incurred by any of the departments, boards or officers thereof, unless an appropriation shall have been previously made covering such expense, nor any expense in excess of the sum appropriated in accordance with law.

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