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heirs, executors, or administrators, and all and ASSIGNevery other person or persons having or lawfully claiming any estate right, title, trust, or interest of an Annuity. of, in, to, or out of the said annuity, clear yearly rent charge, or sum of and premises hereby assigned, or expressed and intended so to be, or any part thereof, shall and will upon every reasonable request, and at the proper costs and charges in the law of the said (assignee) his executors, administrators, or assigns, make, do, and execute, or cause or procure to be made, done, and executed, all and every such further and other acts, deeds, matters, or things whatsoever, for the better and more effectual granting, assigning, and assuring the said annuity, clear yearly rent charge, or sum of

, powers and premises, unto the said (assignee) his executors, administrators, and assigns, and for the better enabling him and them to sue for, receive, and recover the same, or any part thereof, as by the said (assignee) his executors, administrators, or assigns, or his or their counsel in the law shall be reasonably advised or devised and required. IN WITNESS, &c.


Of Annuity,



Term, and Assignment of an Annuity to a Purchaser and two others who had purchased Shares of him. This Precedent contains an Assignment of a Term, and also of a Judgment and an Indemnification against Portions.

Recital of a

grant of annuity or rent charge of

THIS INDENTURE, of six parts, made BETWEEN (grantee of rent charge) of the first part; (his trustee of a term) of the second part; (contractor for the purchase of the whole rent charge) of the third part; (contractor for one fourth) of the fourth part; (contractor for another fourth) of the fifth part; and (intended assignee of the term) of the sixth part. WHEREAS by indentures of lease and release, bearing date respec

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tively the

year of our Lord

[blocks in formation]

to be made between (grantor) of the first part,
the said (grantee) of the second part, and the
(trustee of the term) of the third part, for the
considerations therein mentioned, the said
(grantor) did convey the hereditaments herein-
after mentioned, to be hereby assigned with the
appurtenances unto the said (termor) and his
the said (grantee) his heirs and assigns, should
and might yearly and every year during the life
of the said (grantor) have, receive, and take one
annual sum or clear yearly rent charge of
of lawful money of Great Britain, to be yearly
chargeable and charged upon, and issuing and
payable, had, received, and taken out of the said
hereditaments, unto the said (grantee) his heirs

or assigns, in the council house of the said city

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Of Annuity.

following days day of


and the

day of
day of

[merged small][ocr errors]

day of

Term, and Judgment.


in every year. AND

in case the said (grantor) should die after

[blocks in formation]

the said quarterly days of payment, then a pro-
portionable part of the said yearly rent charge or
sum of
to be paid and payable from such of
the said quarterly days of payment as should next
happen before the day of the decease of the said
(grantor) to the day of his death, the first pay-
ment of the said annuity, yearly rent charge, or
to be made on the

sum of

then instant.

day of the AND to the With powers

said month of
further use, intent, and purpose, that in case the
said yearly rent charge or sum of

or any

part thereof should be behind or unpaid by the space of twenty-one days next over or after any of the said days or times whereon the same is appointed to be paid as aforesaid, then and so often, and from time to time, it should and might be lawful to and for the said (grantee) his heirs and assigns, into and upon all and every the said hereditaments, or any part thereof, to enter and distrain, and the distress and distresses then and there found, to take, lead, drive, carry away, and in pound detain and keep, and in default of payment of the said yearly rent charge or sum of

or any part thereof, in due time after such distress or distresses should be so made, to appraise and sell, or cause to be appraised and sold, or otherwise dispose of such distress or distresses according to the law, as in cases of distresses taken for non-payment of rents reserved



Term, and Judgment.

on common leases or demises, to the intent that thereby the said (grantee) his heirs or assigns of Annuity, should be fully satisfied and paid the said yearly rent or sum of and all arrears thereof, and all costs, charges, and expences occasioned by the non-payment thereof or of any part thereof, on the days and times in that behalf herein before-menPower of entry. tioned. (1) AND ALSO to the further use, intent,

and purpose, that if the said yearly rent charge or sum of or any part thereof, should at any time be behind or unpaid by the space of forty days next over or after any of the said days or times appointed for payment thereof as aforesaid, then and in such case, and as often as it should so happen, it should and might be lawful to and for the said (grantee) his heirs and assigns, into or upon all and singular the said hereditaments or any part thereof, in the name of the whole to enter, and the same peaceably and quietly to have, hold, possess, occupy, and enjoy, without impeachment of waste, and the rents, issues, and profits thereof, and of every part thereof, to receive and take, to and for his and their own use

(1) The power of entry being limited by way of use, as soon as the rent is in arrear, an use, which is served out of the seisin of the releasee, springs up and vests in grantee. This use is immediately transferred into possession by the statute; cousequently he has a right to take and keep possession till the purpose for which it is executed is satisfied, and then the use determines. By virtue of this act he may make a lease for years to try his title or ejectment, either to obtain possession of the lands, if withheld from him, or restore it if disturbed or divested; and if he assigns the annual sum, this right of entry and perception of the rents and profits of the lands passes with it to the assignee. 3 Co. Lit. 203. a.

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and benefit, until he or they should thereby or therewith or otherwise, be fully satisfied and paid the said clear yearly rent charge or sum of




of Annuity Term and Judgment.

to and subject to the ty and remedies

the said annui

to the use of

TO termor for


ninety-nine years.

all arrears thereof, or so much thereof as should be then remaining due and unpaid, and also so much thereof as might have incurred or as should incur or grow due during such possession, and all losses, costs, charges, damages, and expences, which the said (grantee) his heirs or assigns should or might pay, sustain, expend, or be put unto, for or by reason, or on account of the nonpayment of the said yearly rent charge, or sum or any part thereof, and subject the said annuity or yearly rent charge, and remedies aforesaid for the recovery thereof, THE USE of the said (termor) his executors, ministrators, and assigns, from the day next before the day of the date of the said indenture of release, for and during and unto the full end and term of ninety-nine years then next ensuing, and fully to be compleat and ended, if the said (grantor) should so long live, without impeachment of waste, IN TRUST for the said (grantee) In trust for his heirs and assigns, for better securing to him the payment of and them the payment of the said yearly rent and to permit charge; yet nevertheless to permit the said the grantor to (grantor) and his assigns during his life, to re- rents until de ceive, take, and enjoy, the rents, issues, and ment. profits of the said hereditaments, so long as the said annuity, yearly rent charge, or sum of should be duly paid unto the said (grantee) his

better securing

said annuity,

receive the

fault of pay

And if unpaid

heirs and assigns as aforesaid; but if the said by sixty days, yearly rent charge or sum of

then upon trust

or any part by lease or

thereof, should happen to be behind or in arrear

demise, or sa'e

or mortgage, to

and unpaid by the space of sixty days next over receive suffici


ent to pay such annuity,

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