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Washington rejoices at the prospect of retiring. Writes to the secretary
of state, denying the authenticity of letters said to be from him to J
P. Custis and Lund Washington, in 1776. Pays respect to his suc-
cessor, Mr. John Adams. Review of Washington's administration.
He retires to Mount Vernon. Resumes agricultural pursuits. Hears
with regret the aggressions of the French republic. Corresponds on
the subject of his taking the command of an army to oppose the
French. Is appointed Lieutenant-General. His commission is sent
to him by the secretary of war. His letter to president Adams on the
receipt thereof. Directs the organization of the proposed army
Three envoys extraordinary sent to France, who adjust all disputes
with Bonaparte, after the overthrow of the Directory. General Wash-
ington dies. Is honoured by Congress, and by the citizens. His

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George Washington's birth, family, and education.His mission to the French commandant on the Ohio, in 1753.--His military operations as an officer of Virginia, from 1754 to 1758, and his subsequent employments, to the commencement of the American Revolution.

THE ancestors of George Washington were amongst the first settlers of the oldest British colony in America. He was the third in descent from John Washington, an English gentleman, who, about the middle of the seventeenth century, emigrated from the north of England, and settled in Westmoreland county, Virginia. In the place which he had selected for his residence, his great-grandson, the subject of the following history, was born on the 22d February, (11th O. S.) 1732. His immediate ancestor was Augustine Washington, who died when his son George was only ten years old. The education of the young orphan, of course devolving upon his mother, she added one to the many examples of virtuous matrons, who, devoting themselves to the care of their children, have trained them up to be distinguished citizens. In one instance, her fears, combining with her affection, prevented a measure, which, if persevered in, would have given a direction to the talents and views of her son, very different from that which laid the foundation of his fame. George Washington, when only fifteen years old, solicited and obtained an appointment as midshipman in the English navy; but his ardent zeal to serve Great Britain,

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