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" Be strong, live happy, and love ! But, first of all, Him, whom to love is to obey, and keep His great command... "
Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books - Page 89
de John Milton - 1750
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The Poetical Works of John Milton: With Life

John Milton - 1881 - 528 pages
...verdant isles Hesperian sets, my signal to depart. Be strong, live happy, and love ! but first of sll Him, whom to love is to obey, and keep His great command ; take heed lest passion sway Thy judgment to do aught which else free will Would not admit : thine, and of all...
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The holy Bible, authorized version, with comm. and a revision of ..., Volume 4

Frederick Charles Cook - 1881 - 874 pages
...come from his own life and experience ! (Cf. for the beginning of the verse the words of Raphael : " Him whom to love is to obey, and keep His great command." 1 Paradise Lost,' vm. 634-) Here is one proof that His commandments are not grievous — a proof co-extensive...
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The Story of English Literature

Anna Buckland - 1882 - 548 pages
...this time. The angel concludes the discourse with — " Be strong, live happy, and love ; but, first of all, Him, whom to love is to obey ; and keep His great command : take heed lest passion sway Thy judgment to do aught which, else, free-will Would not admit. Stand fast ; to...
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The triplet of life, or A book of records for births, marriages, and deaths ...

Mary Frederica P. Dunbar - 1883 - 416 pages
...amidst the smiles of heaven. J. HERVEY, 1731. December 6. Be strong, live happy, and love, but first of all Him whom to love is to obey, and keep His great command. Take heed lest passion sway Thy judgment to do aught which else freewill Would not omit. , t , MILTON. The power...
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The Canon's Ward, Volume 2

James Payn - 1884 - 324 pages
...the bell is going for evening chapel. Adieu, dear boy. " Be strong, live happy, and love. But, first of all, Him Whom to love is to obey ; and keep His great command." ' A characteristic epistle enough ; full of tenderness and of that sort of humour which is the disinfectant...
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The Shorter Catechism: With Proofs, Analyses and Illustrative Anecdotes, Etc ...

Robert Steel - 1885 - 264 pages
...all the recesses of the soul." — Dr. James Hamilton. " Be strong, live happy, and love ! But, first of all, Him, whom to love is to obey ; and keep His great command : take heed, lest passion sway Thy judgment to do aught, which else free will Would not admit : thine, and of all...
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Readings from Milton

John Milton - 1886 - 334 pages
...cape and verdant isles Hesperian sets, my signal to depart. Be strong, live happy, and love, but first of all Him whom to love is to obey, and keep His great command ; take heed lest passion sway Thy judgment to do aught which else free will Would not admit: thine and of all thy...
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A Handbook of Christian Symbols and Stories of the Saints: As Illustrated in Art

Clara Erskine Clement Waters - 1891 - 432 pages
...Adam of the danger of sin aud its unhappy consequences. " Be strong, live happy, and love ! but first of all Him whom to love is to obey, and keep His great command ; take heed lest passion sway Thy judgment to do aught which else free-will Would not admit ; thine, and of all...
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The Poetical Works of John Milton: English and Latin, Volume 2

John Milton - 1892 - 406 pages
...and Verdant Isles Hesperean sets, my signal to depart. Be strong, live happy, and love ! but first of all Him whom to love is to obey, and keep His great command ; take heed, lest passion sway Thy judgment to do aught which else free will Would not admit ; thine and of all...
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Paradise Lost: In Twelve Books

John Milton - 1894 - 360 pages
...and Verdant Isles Hesperean sets, my signal to depart. Be strong, live happy, and love ! but first of all Him whom to love is to obey, and keep His great command ; take heed lest passion sway Thy judgement to do aught, which else free-will Would not admit ; thine, and of all...
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