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" Now let this wilfu' grief be done, And dry that cheek so pale; Young Frank is chief of Errington, And lord of Langley-dale; His step is first in peaceful ha', His sword in battle keen" — But aye she loot the tears down fa "
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott - Page 348
de Walter Scott - 1849
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The poetical works of sir Walter Scott. With prefatory notice by W ..., Volume 2

sir Walter Scott (bart.) - 1886 - 372 pages
...peacefn' ha', His sword in battle keen " — (But aye she loot the tears down fa' For Jock of Hazeldean). "A chain of gold ye sail not lack, Nor braid to bind...she loot the tears down fa' For Jock of Hazeldean). The kirk was deck'd at morning tide, The tapers glimmer'd fair ; The priest and bridegroom wait the...
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The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Baronet

Walter Scott - 1887 - 676 pages
...Errington His sword in battle keen' — But aye she loot the tears down fa' For Jock of Hazeldean. ' A chain of gold ye sail not lack, Nor braid to bind...she loot the tears down fa' For Jock of Hazeldean. The kirk was decked at morning-tide. The tapers glimmered fair; The priest and bridegroom wait the...
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The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Baronet: Ed. with a Careful Revision ...

Walter Scott - 1888 - 682 pages
...peaceful ha', His sword in battle keen' — But aye she loot the tears down fa' For Jock of Hazeldean. ' A chain of gold ye sail not lack, Nor braid to bind...she loot the tears down fa' For Jock of Hazeldean. The kirk was decked at morning-tide, The tapers glimmered fair; The priest and bridegroom wait the...
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The Popular Songs of Scotland with Their Appropriate Melodies

George Farquhar Graham - 1887 - 430 pages
...sword in battle keen :" — But aye she loot the tears down fa', For Jock o' Hazeldean. " A chain o' gold ye sail not lack, Nor braid to bind your hair,...— But aye she loot the tears down fa'. For Jock o' Hazeldean. The kirk was deck'd at morning-tide, The tapers glimmer'd fair; The priest and bridegroom...
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Scottish Song: Its Wealth, Wisdom, and Social Significance

John Stuart Blackie - 1889 - 408 pages
...His sword in battle keen"— But aye she loot the tears doon fa' For Jock o' Hazeldean. "A chain o' gold ye sail not lack, Nor braid to bind your hair,...ride our forest queen "— But aye she loot the tears doon fa' For Jock o' Hazeldean. The kirk was decked at morning-tide, The tapers glimmered fair; The...
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The Elocutionist's Annual ...: Comprising New and Popular ..., Numéro 15

1887 - 236 pages
...Scotch ballad may be read by an unseen person while the tableau is shown : A chain of gold ye shall not lack, Nor braid to bind your hair Nor mettled hound, nor managed hawk, Nor palfrey frisk and fair. And you, the foremost of them a', Shall ride on forest green ! But yet she loot the...
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Poetical Works: With a Biographical & Critical Memoir

Sir Walter Scott - 1890 - 612 pages first in peaceful ha', His sword in battle keen" — But aye she loot the tears down fa' III. " A chain of gold ye sail not lack, Nor braid to bind...our forest queen " — But aye she loot the tears clown fa' For Jock of Hazeldean. IV. The kirk was deck'd at morning-tide, The tapers glimmer'd fair...
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The Blue Poetry Book

Andrew Lang - 1891 - 816 pages
...peaceful ha', His sword in battle keen '— But aye she loot the tears down fa' For Jock of Hazeldean. ' A chain of gold ye sail not lack, Nor braid to bind...she loot the tears down fa' For Jock of Hazeldean. 'WHY WEEP YE BY THE TIDE, LADIE ? ' IV The kirk was deck'd at morning-tide, The tapers glimmer'd fair...
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An Old Scrap-book: With Additions

1891 - 734 pages
...peaceful ha', His sword in battle keen." But aye she loot the tears down fa' For Jock of Hazeldean. " A chain of gold ye sail not lack, Nor braid to bind...she loot the tears down fa' For Jock of Hazeldean. The kirk was decked at morning-tide, The tapers glimmered fair ; The priest and bridegroom wait the...
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The Blue Poetry Book

Andrew Lang - 1891 - 384 pages
...ha', His sword in battle keen ' — But aye she loot the tears down fa' For Jock of Hazeldean. HI ' A chain of gold ye sail not lack, Nor braid to bind...forest queen ' — But aye she loot the tears down fa' IV The kirk was deck'd at morning-tide, The tapers glimmer' d fair ; The priest and bridegroom wait...
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