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" Tis enough for us now that the leaves are green; We sit in the warm shade and feel right well How the sap creeps up and the blossoms swell; We may shut our eyes, but we cannot help knowing That skies are clear and grass is growing... "
The Irish Quarterly Review - Page 579
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Masterpieces of English Literature: Being Typical Selections of British and ...

William Swinton - 1880 - 694 pages
...overfills it, We are happy now because God wills it; No matter how barren the past may have been, 'Tis enough for us now that the leaves are green. We sit in the warm shade and feel right well 65 How the sap creeps up and the blossoms swell ; We may shut our eyes, but we cannot help knowing...
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A Library of Religious Poetry: A Collection of the Best Poems of All Ages ...

Philip Schaff, Arthur Gilman - 1880 - 1108 pages
...overfills it, We are happy now because God wills it ; No matter how barren the past may have been, 'T is P are THE POET AS A NARRATOR. That the robin is plastering his house hard by; And if the breeze kept...
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Nature and Art: Poems and Pictures from the Best Authors and Artists

1881 - 222 pages
...overfills it, We are happy now because God wills it; No matter how barren the past may have been, ' T is enough for us now that the leaves are green ; We sit...knowing That skies are clear and grass is growing; JUNE. \7 The breeze comes whispering in our ear, That dandelions are blossoming near, That maize has...
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St. Nicholas, Volume 8

Mary Mapes Dodge - 1881 - 514 pages
...overfills it, We are happy now because God wills it ; No matter how barren the past may have been, 'T is enough for us now that the leaves are green ; We sit...the blossoms swell ; We may shut our eyes, but we can not help knowing That skies are clear and grass is growing ; The breeze comes whispering in our...
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Studies in English Literature: Being Typical Selections of British and ...

William Swinton - 1882 - 686 pages
...overfills it, We are happy now because God wills it ; No matter how barren the past may have been, 'Tis enough for us now that the leaves are green. We sit...may shut our eyes, but we cannot help knowing That the skies are clear and grass is growing. 8. The breeze comes whispering in our ear That dandelions...
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Studies in English and American Literature, from Chaucer to the Present Time ...

Albert Newton Raub - 1882 - 480 pages
...been, 'Tia enough for us now that the leaves are green. We sit in the warm shade and feel right well 65 How the sap creeps up and the blossoms swell ; We...whispering in our ear That dandelions are blossoming near, 70 That maize has sprouted, that streams are flowing, That the river is bluer than the sky, That the...
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The poetical works of James Russell Lowell. Household ed. Complete ed

James Russell Lowell - 1882 - 494 pages
...overfills it, We are happy now because God wills it ; No matter how harren the past may have been, 'Tis enough for us now that the leaves are green ; We sit...the sap creeps up and the blossoms swell ; We may shot our eyes, but we cannot help knowing That skies are clear and grass is growing ; The breeze comes...
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A System of Rhetoric

Charles William Bardeen - 1884 - 828 pages
...o'ertills it, We are happy now Injcause God wills it; No matter how barren the past may have been, 'Tiw enough for us now that the leaves are green ; We sit...and feel right, well, How the sap creeps up and the blo*surus swell; We may shut our eye*, but we cannot help knowing That skies are clear and gra&a is...
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A System of Rhetoric

Charles William Bardeen - 1884 - 828 pages
...Mils it, We are happy now because God will* it : No matter how barren the past may have been, *Tis enough for us now that the leaves are green ; We sit...and feel right well, How the sap creeps up and the blossom* swell; We may shut our eye-, but we cannot help knowing That ekies are clear and grasa is...
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Analytic Elocution: Containing Studies, Theoretical and Practical, of ...

James Edward Murdoch - 1884 - 510 pages
...No matter how barren the past may have been, 'T is enough for us now that the leaves are green ; \\e sit in the warm shade and feel right well How the sap creeps up and the blossoms swell ; Vt'e may shut our eyes, but we can not help knowing That skies are clear and grass is growing; The...
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