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" Seemed to have known a better day ; The harp, his sole remaining joy, Was carried by an orphan boy. The last of all the bards was he, Who sung of Border chivalry ; For, well-a-day ! their date was fled, His tuneful brethren all were dead ; And he, neglected... "
The lay of the last minstrel, a poem - Page 9
de sir Walter Scott (bart.) - 1806
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The Norwich Minstrel, Containing Several Hundred of the Most Admired and ...

1831 - 272 pages
...peruse the Minstrel's lays be kind, May they give pleasure and improve the mind. THE NORWICH MINSTREL. INTRODUCTION. THE way was long, the wind was cold,...infirm and old ; His withered cheek, and tresses gray, Seem'd to have known a better day ; The harp, his sole remaining joy, Was carried by an orphan boy....
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The Complete Works of Sir Walter Scott: With a Biography, and His ..., Volume 1

Walter Scott - 1833 - 1104 pages
...•аишш, MÍ. Scoit'a ' Lay of tbo Lut Minstrel' kindled a |"tt»ft INTRODUCTION. THE way was longj, the wind was cold, The Minstrel was infirm and old ; His withered cheek, and tresses gray, Seem'd to have known a bettor day ; The harp, his sole remaining joy, Was carried by an orphan boy....
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Poetic gems: partly original; but chiefly selected from the best authors: by ...

Samuel BLACKBURN - 1833 - 254 pages
...thought, Can still suspect, and still revere himself, In lowliness of heart. Wordsworth. THE MINSTREL. THE way was long, the wind was cold, The Minstrel was infirm and old ; His wither'd cheek and tresses gray, Seem'd to have known a better day; 2H The harp, his sole remaining...
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The Harp of the Wilderness; Or, Flowers of Modern Fugitive Poetry ...

Harp - 1836 - 380 pages
...storms ; for all combine To demonstrate a Power, Omniscient and Divine. THE MINSTREL. SIK W. SCOTT. THE way was long, the wind was cold, The Minstrel...infirm and old ; His withered cheek and tresses gray, Seem'd to have known a better day ; The harp, his sole remaining joy, Was carried by an orphan boy...
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The Saturday Magazine, Volume 10

1837 - 260 pages
...alluded to by Sir Walter Scott, in his Lay of the Last Minstrel: — The way was long, the wind wai cold, The minstrel was infirm and old. His withered...known a better day The harp, his sole remaining joy W as carried by an orphan boy. The last of all the bards was he \Vho sane of Bolder chivalry. For,...
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The Saturday Magazine, Volumes 10 à 11

1837 - 538 pages
...This fallen condition is thus alluded to by Sir Walter Scott, in his Lay of the Last Minstrel : — The way was long, the wind was cold, The minstrel...withered cheek, and tresses gray, Seemed to have known a belter day ; The harp, his sole remaining joy Was carried by an orphan boy. The last of all the bards...
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The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott: With a Sketch of His Life

Walter Scott, J. W. Lake - 1838 - 496 pages
...occupied by the action is three nights Ы three days. INTRODUCTION. THI way vas long, the wind та« cold, The minstrel was infirm and old; His withered...harp, his sole remaining joy, Was carried by an orphan hoy. The last of all the bards was he, Who s«ng of Border chivalry; For, well-a-day ! their date was...
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The New Monthly Belle Assemblée, Volumes 40 à 41

738 pages
...aged minstrel— the last of his race : " The way was long, the wind was cold, The minstrel wus inflnn and old, His withered cheek and tresses gray Seemed to have known a better day : His harp, his solo remaining joy, Was carried by an orphan boy. The last of all the bards was heWho...
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The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart: Complete in One Volume. With ...

Walter Scott - 1841 - 848 pages
...the personages actually flourished. The time occupied by the action is Three Niyhts and Throe Days* and quotes the personal infor mation of our Sir David Lindesay : " In Us, witherM cheek, and tresses gray, Seem'd to have known a better day ; The harp, his sole remaining joy,...
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The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart., Containing Lay of the Last ...

Walter Scott - 1843 - 732 pages
...artually nourished. The time occupied hy the action if three aighu and three dayv INTROIlUCTION. TBK way was long, the wind was cold, The Minstrel was...withered cheek, and tresses gray, Seemed to have known a hetter day ; The harp, his sole remaining joy, Was carried hy an orphan hoy. The last of all the hards...
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