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" But so great performance of a comical part was never, I believe, in the world before as Nell do this, both as a mad girle, then most and best of all when she comes in like a young gallant ; and hath the motions and carriage of a spark the most that ever... "
Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Review - Page 487
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A Manual for the Collector and Amateur of Old English Plays

William Carew Hazlitt - 1892 - 304 pages
...hope ever to see the like done again by man or woman. The King and Duke of Yoi k were at the play. But so great performance of a comical part was never, I believe, in the world before, as Nell do this." — Pepys' Diary, March 2, 1666-7. See Me, and See Me Not : See Hans Beer-Pot. Phillips, however, in...
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The Diary of Samuel Pepys ...: For the First Time Fully ..., Volume 12

Samuel Pepys - 1895 - 228 pages
...hope ever to see the like done again, by man or woman. The King and Duke of York were at the play. But so great performance of a comical part was never, the world before as Nell do this, both as a mad girle, then most and best of all when she comes in like a young gallant; and hath the motions and carriage...
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Echoes of the Playhouse: Reminiscences of Some Past Glories of the English Stage

Edward Robins - 1895 - 390 pages
...hope ever to see the like done again by man or woman. The King and Duke of York were at the play. But so great performance of a comical part was never, the world before as Nell do this both as a mad girle, then most and best of all when she comes in like a young gallant ; and hath the motions and...
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The Diary of John Evelyn, Volume 2

John Evelyn - 1901 - 392 pages
...production (twelve day's before Evelyn's visit); and was charmed by Nell Gwynne's Florimell. «So great a performance of a comical part was never, I believe, in the world before." service began. Then, the King offered at the altar, an anthem was sung; then, the rest of the Knights...
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The Poetical Works of John Dryden

John Dryden - 1904 - 762 pages
...woman, 'Hie King and the Duke of York were at the play. But so great performance of a comical part wa* never, I Believe, in the world before as Nell do this, both as a mad girl, then most and best of ill when she comes in like a young gallant ; and hath the motions and carriage ol a spark the most...
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The Friendly Town: A Little Book for the Urbane

1905 - 408 pages
...hope ever to see the like done again by man or woman. The King and Duke of York were at the play. But so great performance of a comical part was never, I believe, in the world before as Nell do this, 167 both as a mad girle, then most and best of all when she comes in like a young gallant ; and hath...
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The Diary of Samuel Pepys

Samuel Pepys - 1905 - 860 pages
...was gone l>efore formance of a comical part was never, I '""" *~~ T ~J ~" "*"* L" *~~'" " ' Ijelieve, in the world before as Nell do this, both as a mad girl, then most and l)cst of all when she conies in like, a young gallant;4 and hath the motions and carriage of a spark...
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Diary of Samuel Pepys: F. R. S., Secretary to the Admiralty Inthe ..., Volume 2

Samuel Pepys - 1906 - 736 pages
...hope ever to see the like done again, by man or woman. The King and Duke of York were at the play. But so great performance of a comical part was never, the world before as Nell do this, both as a mad girle, then most and best of all when she comes in like a young gallant ; and hath the motions and...
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The Friendly Town: A Little Book for the Urbane

1906 - 410 pages
...hope ever to see the like done again by man or woman. The King and Duke of York were at the play. But so great performance of a comical part was never, the world before as Nell do this, both as a mad girle, then most and best of all when she comes in like a young gallant ; and hath the motions and...
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John Evelyn - 1906 - 508 pages
...its first production (twelve days before Evelyn's visit) ; and was charmed by Nell Gwyn's Florimel. " So great performance of a comical part was never, I believe, in the world before" (21st March, 1667). * [See ante, p. 174.] 8 [See ante, p. 268.] * [This, now non-existent, was the...
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