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" But so great performance of a comical part was never, I believe, in the world before as Nell do this, both as a mad girle, then most and best of all when she comes in like a young gallant ; and hath the motions and carriage of a spark the most that ever... "
Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Review - Page 487
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The New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal

1825 - 626 pages
...hope ever to see the like done again by man or woman. The King and Duke of York were at the play. But so great performance of a comical part was never, the world before as Nell do this, both as a mad girle, then most and best of all when she comes in like a young gallant ; and hath the motions and...
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Catalogue, Numéro 259

Pickering & Chatto - 1609 - 146 pages
...never can hope *5rsee the like done again hy man or woman. The King and Duke of York were ."'play. But so great performance of a comical part was never, I believe, in the r*before, as Nell do this. — Pepy's Diary. Another Edition. /. M. for Henry Herringman, 1679. all...
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