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" All government, indeed every human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue, and every prudent act, is founded on compromise and barter. "
Principles and Acts of the Revolution in America: Or, An Attempt to Collect ... - Page 244
de Hezekiah Niles - 1822 - 495 pages
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Burke's Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies (March 22, 1775).

Edmund Burke - 1895 - 154 pages
...whole of it together. I could easily, if I had not already tired you, give you very striking and 10 convincing instances of it. This is nothing but what...human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue, and every I prudent act, is founded on compromise and barter. We \ balance inconveniences ; we give and take...
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Burke's Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies (March 22, 1775).

Edmund Burke - 1895 - 156 pages
...very short of the principles upon which we support any given part of our Constitution, or even the whole of it together. I could easily, if I had not already tired you, give you very striking and 10 convincing instances of it. This is nothing but what is natural and proper. All government, indeed...
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Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies, (March 22, 1775).

Edmund Burke - 1895 - 158 pages
...very short of the principles upon which we support any given part of our Constitution, or even the whole of it together. I could easily, if I had not already tired you, give you very striking and 10 convincing instances of it. This is nothing but what is natural and proper. All government, indeed...
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Edmund Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America

Edmund Burke - 1896 - 242 pages
...very short of the principles upon which we support any given part of our Constitution, or even the whole of it together. I could easily, if I had natural and proper. All government, indeed every 5 human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue, and every prudent act, is founded on compromise and barter....
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Edmund Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America: Edited with Notes and an ...

Edmund Burke, Albert Stanburrough Cook - 1896 - 256 pages argument and logical illation. -which we support any given part of our Constitution, or even the whole of it together. I could easily, if I had not...convincing instances of it. This is nothing but what is_ natural and proper. All government, indeed every 5| |3* human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue,...
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Edmund Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America

Edmund Burke - 1896 - 248 pages
...convincing instances of it. This is nothing but what is natural and proper. All government, indeed every 5 human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue, and, every...prudent act, is founded on compromise and Barter; '^e balance inconveniences ; we give and take ; we remit some rights that we may enjoy others ; and...
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Edmund Burke's Speech in the House of Commons, March 22, 1775 on Moving His ...

Edmund Burke - 1897 - 110 pages
...very short of the principles upon which we support any given part ofio our Constitution, or even the whole of it together. I could easily, if I had not...benefit and enjoyment, every virtue, and every prudent 15 act, is founded on compromise and barter. We balance inconveniences ; we give and take ; we remit...
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Speech on Conciliation with America

Edmund Burke - 1897 - 266 pages
...very short of the principles upon •which we support any given part of our Constitution, or even the whole of it together. I could easily, if I had natural and proper. All government, indeed every 5 human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue, and every prudent act, is founded on compromise .and barter....
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HAMMOND LAMONT - 1897 - 236 pages
...very short of the principles upon which we support any given part of our Constitution, or even the whole of it together. I could easily, if I had not...instances of it. This is nothing but what is natural and 25 proper. All government, indeed every human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue, and every prudent...
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Speech on Conciliation with America

Edmund Burke, Hammond Lamont - 1897 - 250 pages
...very short of the principles upon which we support any given part of our Constitution, or even the whole of it together. I could easily, if I had not...convincing instances of it. This is nothing but what is 25 natural and proper. All government, indeed every human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue, and...
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