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" O what a glory doth this world put on For him who, with a fervent heart, goes forth Under the bright and glorious sky, and looks On duties well performed, and days well spent ! For him the wind, ay, and the yellow leaves Shall have a voice, and give him... "
The Irish Quarterly Review - Page 201
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The Farmer's Every-day Book: Or, Sketches of Social Life in the Country ...

John Lauris Blake - 1850 - 688 pages
...of ancient Israel, to the courts of the Lord ? O, what a glory doth this world put on For him that with a fervent heart goes forth Under the bright and...looks On duties well performed, and days well spent l For him the wind, aye, and the yellow leaves, Shall have a voice, and give him eloquent teachings;...
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The Ladies' Companion and Monthly Magazine, Volume 3,Numéro 13

1851 - 318 pages
...a-weary. Through the trees The golden robin moves. • • • • Oh, what a glory doth this world put on For him who with a fervent heart goes forth Under the bright and glorious sky !" * * * LONGFELLOW. FLOWER GA RD EN. The cares and anxieties of the winter season will soon be upon...
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The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - 1851 - 596 pages sings, And merrily, with oft-repeated stroke, Sounds from the threshing-floor the busy flail. Under the bright and glorious sky, and looks On duties...that Death Has lifted up for all, that he shall go To his long resting-place without a tear. WOODS IN WINTER. WHEN winter winds are piercing chill, And through...
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Heavenly thoughts for morning hours: selections, with a short intr., by lady ...

Heavenly thoughts - 1851 - 318 pages not, then have we confidence towards God." — 1 John, iii. 21. Oh ! what a glory doth this world put on For him, who with a fervent heart goes forth...performed, and days well spent. For him, the wind, aye, and the yellow leaves, Shall have a voice, and give him eloquent teachings. He shall so hear the...
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Voices of the Night, and Other Poems

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - 1852 - 256 pages
...oft-repeated stroke, Sounds from the threshing-floor the busy flail. O what a glory doth this world put on For him who, with a fervent heart, goes forth...Shall have a voice, and give him eloquent teachings, lie shall so hear the solemn hymn, that Death Has lifted up for all, that he shall go To his long resting-place...
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Emilia Wyndham, Volume 2

Anne Marsh-Caldwell - 1852 - 352 pages
...story by leaving my heroine in a very different place. CHAPTER XXXI. Oh, what a glory doth this world put on For him who, with a fervent heart, goes forth...looks On duties well performed, and days well spent! LONGFELLOW. IT might be about five or six months after the termination of the last chapter. I must...
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Emilia Wyndham, Volume 2

Anne Marsh-Caldwell - 1852 - 382 pages leaving my heroine in a very different place. CHAPTER XXXI. Oh, what a glory doth this world pat on For him who, with a fervent heart, goes forth Under...looks On duties well performed, and days well spent! LONGFELLOW. IT might be about five or six months after the termination of the last chapter. I must...
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Lyra Hellenica: or, Translations of passages from British poets into various ...

Edward Rupert Humphreys - 1852 - 190 pages
...oft-repeated stroke, Sounds from the thrashing-floor the busy flail. 0 ! what a glory doth this world put on For him, who with a fervent heart goes forth...Under the bright and glorious sky, and looks On duties well-performed, and days well-spent ! For him the wind, ay ! and the yellow leaves, Shall have a voice,...
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Poems, Volume 1

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - 1853 - 496 pages
...oft-repeated stroke, Sounds from the threshing-floor the busy flail. O what a ^lory doth this world put on For him who, with a fervent heart, goes forth...that Death Has lifted up for all, that he shall go To his long resting-place without a tear. WOODS IN WINTER. WHEN winter winds are piercing chill, And through...
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Beautiful poetry, selected by the ed. of The Critic, Volume 1

Beautiful poetry - 1853 - 740 pages
...oft-repeated stroke, Sounds from the threshing-floor the busy flail. O, what a glory doth this world put on For him who, with a fervent heart, goes forth...bright and glorious sky, and looks On duties well perform'd, and days well spent ! For him the wind, ay, and the yellow leaves, Shall have a voice, and...
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