| William Shakespeare - 1790 - 598 pages
...with concord of fwect founds, Is fit for treafons, ftratngems, and fpoils ; The motions of his fpirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus : Let no fuch man be trufted.—Mark the mufick. Enter Perita, and Nerißa at a dißatice. Par. You fhould in... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1793 - 582 pages
...aibtMERCHANTOF VENICE. 531 Is fit for treafons, ftratagems, and fpoils ; The motions of his fpirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus : Let no fuch man be trufted.—Mark the mufick. Enter PORTIA and NERISSA, at a dißance. POR. That light we... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1797 - 644 pages
...with concord of fweet founds, Is fit for treafons, flratagems, and fpoils ; The motions of his fpirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus: Let no fuch man be trufted.—Mark the mufick. Enter PORTIA and NERISSA, at a diftance. FOR. That light we... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1803 - 446 pages
...his nature: The man that hath no musick in himself, Nor is not mov'd with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils; The motions...his affections dark as Erebus: Let no such man be trusted.^Mark the musick. Enter PORTIA and NERISSA, at a distance. For, That light we see, is burning... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1805 - 452 pages
...LONE. the next scene represented as sleeping. 8 wake Diana with a hymn;'] Diana is the moon, who is in The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus: Let no such man be trusted.—Mark the musick. Enter PORTIA and NERISSA, at a distance. For. That light we see, is burning... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1805 - 456 pages
...MAI.ONE. 6 wake Diana with a hymn;] Diana is the moon, who is in the next scene represented as sleeping. The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus: Let no such man be trusted.—Mark the musick. Enter PORTIA and NERISSA, at a distance. Por. That light we see, is burning... | |
| Edward Dayes - 1805 - 432 pages
...fulfilling the duties of social beings. For knowledge is what humanizes mankind; Kk 2 reason The motioiu of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus: Let no such man be trusted. The subject had long engaged my attention ; but I had dropped the idea of writing on it, in... | |
| Edward Dayes - 1805 - 430 pages
...incapable of fulfilling the duties of social beings. For knowledge is what humanizes mankind; Kk 2 reason The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus; Let nq such man be trusted. The subject had long engaged my attention; but I had dropped the idea of writing... | |
| Laurence Sterne - 1805 - 470 pages
...which, I think, with more justice, may be said of compassion, that the man who had it not,— " Was fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils : << The MOTIONS of his spirit are dull as night i " And his affections dark as EREBUS : << —Let no such man be trusted." What divines say of the... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1806 - 414 pages
...his nature: The man that hath no musick in himself, Nor is not mov'd with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils; The motions...his affections dark as Erebus: Let no such man be trusted 60 .—Mark the musick. Enter PORTIA and NERISSA, at a distance. Por. That light we see is... | |
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