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" And this man Is now become a god, and Cassius is A wretched creature and must bend his body If Caesar carelessly but nod on him. He had a fever when he was in Spain, And when the fit was on him, I did mark How he did shake; 'tis true, this god did shake;... "
The Sixth Reader: Consisting of Extracts in Prose and Verse, with ... - Page lix
de George Stillman Hillard - 1863 - 436 pages
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The Family Shakspeare: In Ten Volumes; in which Nothing is Added ..., Volume 8

William Shakespeare - 1818 - 444 pages
...Troy upon his shoulder The old Anchises bear, so, from the waves of Tyber Did I the tired Caesar : And this man Is now become a god ; and Cassius is...when the fit was on him, I did mark How he did shake : 'tis true, this god did shake : His coward lips did from their colour fly ; And that same eye, whose...
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The Kaleidoscope: or, Literary and scientific mirror, Volume 4

1824 - 462 pages
...powers. His colloquy with Brutus, in the second scene of the first act, was excellent, The lines, " And this man Is now become a God ; and Cassius is...bend his body If Caesar carelessly but nod on him," were delivered in a manner strikingly natural ; the emphasis he laid on the word " nod, and the action...
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Principles of Elocution: Containing Numerous Rules, Observations, and ...

Thomas Ewing - 1819 - 448 pages
...Troy', upon his shoulder The old Anchises' benr ; so from the waves of Tiber* Did I' the tired Caesar' : and this' man Is now become a god' ; and Cassius'...the fit' was on him, I did mark How he did shake'. 'Tis true', this god did shake ; His coward lips did from their colour' fly, And that same eye', whose...
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Elements of Criticism, Volume 1

Lord Henry Home Kames - 1819 - 424 pages
...and this man Is now become a god, and Cassius is A wretched creature and must bend his body, If Cesar carelessly but nod on him. He had a fever when he...when the fit was on him, I did mark How he did shake. 'Tis true this god did shake; His coward lips did from their colour fly, And that same eye whose bend...
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Lessons in Elocution: Or, A Selection of Pieces, in Prose and Verse, for the ...

William Scott - 1819 - 366 pages
...this man Is now become a god ; and Cassius is A wretched creature, and must bend his body If Cesar carelessly but nod on him. He had a fever when he...when the fit was on him, I did mark How he did shake : 'tis true : this god did shake : His coward lips did from their colour fly ; And that same eye, whose...
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Lessons in Elocution, Or, A Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse: For the ...

William Scott - 1820 - 422 pages
...Ibis mau Is now become a god ; and Cassius is A wretched creature, and must bend his body, If Cesar carelessly but nod on him. He had a fever when he...when the fit was on him I did mark How he did shake ; 'tis true, this god did shake , His coward lips did from their color fly ; And that same eye, whose...
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The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare, Volume 12

William Shakespeare - 1821 - 454 pages
...VI. Act V. Sc. HI.: " those powers, that the queen " Hath rais'd in Gallia, have arriv'd our coast." A wretched creature, and must bend his body, If Caesar...when the fit was on him, I did mark How he did shake : 'tis true, this god did shake: His coward lips did from their colour fly 5 ; And that same eye, whose...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare: To which are Added His ...

William Shakespeare - 1821 - 544 pages
...Tioy upon his shoulder • The old Anchises bear, so, from the waves of Tyber Did I the tired Caesar : and this man Is now become a god ; and Cassius is...Caesar carelessly but nod on him. He had a fever when be was in Spain, Aiid, when the fit was on him, I did mark How he did shake : 'Us true, this god did...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare, in Ten Volumes: Julius Caesar ...

William Shakespeare - 1823 - 346 pages
...Troy upon his shoulder The old Anchises bear, so, from the waves of Tyber Did I the tired Caesar : And this man Is now become a god ; and Cassius is...when the fit was on him, I did mark How he did shake : 'tis true, this god did shake : His coward lips did from their colour fly ;' And that same eye, whose...
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Lessons in Elocution: Or, a Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse for the ...

William Scott - 1823 - 396 pages
...Troy upon his shoulder The old Anchises bear, so, from the waves of Tiber, Did I the tired Caesar ; and this man Is now become a god ; and Cassius is...when the fit was on him, I did mark How he did shake : 'tis true ; this god did shake : His coward lips did from their colour fly ; And that same eye, whose...
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