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" Duncan is in his grave; After life's fitful fever he sleeps well; Treason has done his worst: nor steel, nor poison, Malice domestic, foreign levy, nothing Can touch him further. "
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Page 449
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The Plays, Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1824 - 344 pages gain our place, have sent to peace, Than on the torture of the rnind to lie In restless ecstaoyf. Duncan is in his grave ; After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well ; Treason has done his worst : nor steel, nor poison, Malice domestick, foi'eign levy, nothing, Can...
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The British Theatre: Or, A Collection of Plays, which are Acted at ..., Volume 5

Mrs. Inchbald - 1824 - 484 pages gain our place, have sent to peace, Than on the torture of the mind to lie, In restless ecstacy. Duncan is in his grave ; After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well-: Treason has done his wor»t ; nor steel, nor poison, Malice domestic, foreign levy, nothing Can touch...
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Winter's tale. Comedy of errors. Macbeth. King John

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 464 pages
...gain our place2, have sent to peace, Than on the torture of the mind to lie In restless ecstasy 3. Duncan is in his grave ; After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well ; Treason has done his worst: nor steel, nor poison, Malice domestick, foreign levy, nothing, Can touch...
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The plays of William Shakspeare, pr. from the text by G. Steevens ..., Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 514 pages
...gain our place, have sent to peace, Than on the torture of the mind to lie In restless ecstacy. '2 Duncan is in his grave ; After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well ; Treason has done his worst : nor steel, nor poison, Malice domestick, foreign levy, nothing, Can...
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The dramatic works of William Shakspeare, with notes ..., Partie 19,Volume 4

William Shakespeare - 1826 - 460 pages
...gain our place 2 , have sent to peace, Than on the torture of the mind to lie In restless ecstasy 3 . Duncan is in his grave; . After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well; Treason has done his worst: nor steel, nor poison, Malice domestick, foreign levy, nothing, Can touch...
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The Dramatic Works of Shakespeare: With a Life, Volume 3

William Shakespeare - 1828 - 390 pages gain our place, have sent to peace, Than on the torture of the mind to lie In restless eestasy. Duncan is in his grave ; After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well ; Treason has done his worst : nor steel, nor poison, Malice domestick, foreign levy, nothing, Can...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from ..., Volume 1

William Shakespeare, George Steevens - 1829 - 506 pages gam our place, have sent to peace, Than on tfie torture of the mind to lie In restless ecstasy.10 Duncan is in his grave ; After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well : Treason has done his worst : nor steel, nor poison. Vlalice domestic, foreign levy, nothing, "an...
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The Metropolitan, Volume 21

1838 - 594 pages
...communications of the Weird Sisters throw him, his remorse, his envy of those whom he has sent to peace — " Duncan is in his grave ; After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well" — his endeavour to banish remorse for the past by the meditation of future mischief, his faith in...
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The Dramatic Works, Volume 1

William Shakespeare - 1831 - 500 pages gain our place, have sent to peace, Than on the torture of the mind to lie In restless ec-tasy.1" Duncan is in his grave ; After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well : Treason has done his worst: nor steel, nor poison, Malice domestic, foreign levy, nothing, Can touch...
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The Dramatic Works, Volume 1

William Shakespeare - 1831 - 552 pages pain our place, have sent to peace, Than on the torture of the mind to lie In restless ec'tasv." Duncan is in his grave ; After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well : Treason has done his worst : nor steel, nor poison, Malice domestic, foreign levy, nothing, Can touch...
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