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" There breathe but few whose aspect might defy The full encounter of his searching eye: He had the skill, when Cunning's gaze would seek To probe his heart and watch his changing cheek, At once the observer's purpose to espy, And on himself roll back his... "
The Rhode-Island Literary Repository - Page 211
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The poetical works of lord Byron, with life

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1881 - 610 pages
...baek his serutiny, Lest he to Conrad rather should betray Some seeret thought, than drag that ehief's to day. There was a laughing Devil in his sneer, That raised emotions both of ragd and fear ; And where his frown of hatred darkly fell, Hope withering fled — and Merey sigh'd...
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Descensus Averno: Or, The Downward Drift: A Novel

James H. Curry - 1881 - 384 pages
...the old darkey's words had gone like sure arrows to the mark. CHAPTER XV. AN EVIL, GENIUS AT WORK. " There was a laughing devil in his sneer, That raised emotions both of hate and fear ; And where his glance of apprehension fell, Hope, withering, fled, and mercy sighed,...
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The origin of evil and other sermons [by A.W. Momerie]. By A.W. Momerie

Alfred Williams Momerie - 1881 - 348 pages
...can make men better, whereas by contempt we only make them worse. Byron says of the Corsair, — " There was a laughing devil in his sneer, That raised emotions both of hate and fear. " Sneering only excites what is bad in men. If you want to raise or teach them, you...
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Cyclopadia of American Literature, Volume 2

Evert Augustus Duyckinck - 1881 - 1078 pages
...strongly marked, and forcibly brings to mind the lines of Byron when describing his Corsair : — • There was a laughing devil in his sneer That raised emotions both of hate and fear; And where his glance of "apprehension" fell, Hope withering fled, and mercy sighed,...
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The Cyclopædia of Practical Quotations: English and Latin, with an Appendix ...

Jehiel Keeler Hoyt - 1882 - 914 pages
...difference should be 'Twixt Tweedledum and Tweedledee. j. In the Feuds Between Handel and Bononcini. Pt. I. Bk. I. Ch. VL CHUKCHILL. Nor waste their sweetness in the desert air. s. Goth k. The Corsair. Canto I. St. 8. When Bishop Berkeley said, " there was no matter," And proved it —...
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The Cyclopædia of Practical Quotations: English and Latin, with an Appendix ...

Jehiel Keeler Hoyt, Anna Lydia Ward - 1882 - 926 pages
...difference should be 'Twixt Tweedledum and Tweedledee. j, In the i'emls Betteten Handel awl Bononcini. There was a laughing devil in his sneer, That raised emotions both of rage and tear. /.. The Corsair. Canto L St. 8. When Bishop Berkeley said, " there was no matter," And proved...
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The Complete Poetical and Dramatic Works of Lord Byron: With a Comprehensive ...

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1883 - 1162 pages
...aspect might defy The full encounter of his searching eye: He had the skill, when Cunning's gaze \yould to-day. There was a laugjiing Devil in his sneer, That raised emotions both of rage and fear; And where...
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In the Coils; Or, The Coming Conflict

Edwin Brown Graham - 1883 - 366 pages men and never for Freemasons. Yours truly, WAKREN GBOVXB. NR DOVEK. CHAPTER XVIII. A MYSTEJIY. " There •was a laughing devil in his sneer. That raised emotions both of rage and fear." — Byron. WALTER did not wait long for a few patients at least. Mr. Hulman had been ashamed to tell...
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The poetical works of lord Byron, with notes, Volume 5

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1885 - 260 pages
...full encounter of his searching eye ; He had the skill, when Cunning's gaze would seek Toprobehisheart and watch his changing cheek, At once the observer's...his scrutiny, Lest he to Conrad rather should betray Somesecret thought, thandrag that chiefs to day. There was a laughing Uevil in his sneer, That raised...
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The Origin of Evil: And Other Sermons Preached in St. Peter's, Cranley Gardens

Alfred Williams Momerie - 1885 - 352 pages
...can make men better, whereas by contempt we only make them worse. Byron says of the Corsair, — " There was a laughing devil in his sneer, That raised emotions both of hate and fear." Sneering only excites what is bad in men. If you want to raise or teach them, you must...
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