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Livres Livres
" scape, Rivals and Falsehood soon appear In a more dreadful shape. By such degrees to joy they come, And are so long withstood, So slowly they receive the sum, It hardly does them good. "
The Poetical and Dramatic Works of Sir Charles Sedley - Page 18
de Sir Charles Sedley, Vivian de Sola Pinto (ed.) - 1928
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The Penguin Book of English Verse

John Hayward - 1956 - 524 pages
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Mukogawa Joshi Daigaku kiyō. Jinbun kagaku hen, Numéros 28 à 29

1980 - 752 pages
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Seventeenth-century English Poetry

Robert Cecil Bald - 1959 - 616 pages
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The Home Book of Verse, American and English: With an Appendix ..., Volume 1

Burton Egbert Stevenson - 1953 - 2084 pages
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The New Golden Treasury of English Verse

Edward Leeson - 1980 - 542 pages
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Restoration and Eighteenth-century Poetry, 1660-1780

Eric Rothstein - 1981 - 266 pages
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The Oxford Library of English Poetry: Sackville to Keats

John Wain - 1986 - 536 pages
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Spencer to Crabbe

Oxford library of English poetry - 1990 - 702 pages
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The Sensational Restoration

H. James Jensen - 1996 - 480 pages
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The Sensational Restoration

H. James Jensen - 1996 - 478 pages they come, And are so long withstood, So slowly they receive the sum, It hardly does them good. 'Tis cruel to prolong a pain; And to defer a joy,...the winged boy. An hundred thousand oaths your fears Perhaps would not remove; And if I gaz'da thousand years, I could no deeper love. To CLORIS C/orw,...
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