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" And you are to observe and follow such Orders and Directions from Time to Time, as you shall receive from this or a future Congress of the United States or Committee of Congress for that Purpose appointed or Commander in Chief for the time being of the... "
The life of George Washington - Page 252
de John Marshall - 1804
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Illustrated Biography; Or, Memoirs of the Great and the Good of All Nations ...

Charles C. Savage - 1856 - 624 pages
...dL«cipline of war (as here given yon), and punctually to observe and follow such orders and direction«, from time to time, as you shall receive from this, or a future Congress off these United Colonies, or committee of Congress. This commission is to continue in force, until...
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The Life of General Washington: First President of the United States

Charles Wentworth Upham - 1856 - 422 pages
...convenient necessaries. " And you are to regulate your conduct in every respect by the rules and discipline of war, (as herewith given you,) and punctually to observe and follow such directions, from time to time, as you shall receive from this or a future Congress of the said United...
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Otzinachson: Or, a History of the West Branch Valley of the Susquehanna ...

John Franklin Meginness - 1857 - 596 pages
...Officers and Soldiers, under your Command, to bo obedient to your Orders as their Captain. And you are to observe and follow such Orders and Directions, from Time to Time, as you shall receive from the Assembly during their Sessions ; and- in their Recess, from the present or any future Committee...
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Otzinachson: Or, a History of the West Branch Valley of the Susquehanna ...

John Franklin Meginness - 1857 - 550 pages
...Officers and Soldiers, under your Command, to be obedient to your Orders as their Captain. And you are to observe and follow such Orders and Directions, from Time to Time, as you shall receive from the Assembly during their Sessions; and, in their Recess, from the present or any future Committee...
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Senate Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Public Documents and ..., Volume 7

United States. Congress. Senate - 1857 - 878 pages
...require all officers and soldiers under his command to obey and respect him accordingly ; and he is to observe and follow such orders and directions, from time to time, as he shall receive from me or the future President of the United States of America and other officers...
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Chronology of North Carolina: Showing when the Most Remarkable Events ...

Daniel K. Bennett - 1858 - 156 pages
...necessaries. And you are to regulate your conduct in every respect by the rules and discipline of war (as here given you), and punctually to observe and follow such...Colonies or Committee of Congress. This Commission is to continue in force until revoked by this or a future Congress." (Signed) " JOHN HANCOCK, "President....
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History of Eastern Vermont: From Its Earliest Settlement to the Close of the ...

Benjamin Homer Hall - 1858 - 830 pages
...require all officers and soldiers under your command to be obedient to your orders as major; and you are to observe and follow such orders and directions time as you shall receive from this or a future Convention of the State of New York, or the Congress of the United States of America, or Commander-in-Chief...
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The Bench and Bar of Georgia: Memoirs and Sketches: With an ..., Volume 1

Stephen Franks Miller - 1858 - 498 pages
...OFFICERS and PRIVATES under your command to be obedient to your orders as brigadier-general. And you are to observe and follow such orders and directions, from time to time, as you shall receive from me or a future Governor and Commander-in-Chief of this State for the time-being, or any other of your...
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Case of ... Udolphus lord Aylmer ... on his claim to vote at the election of ...

Parliament lords, proc, Vict - 1859 - 72 pages
...and soldiers whom it may concern to acknowledge and obey you as a general as aforesaid And you are to observe and follow such orders and directions from time to time as you shall receive from us or any your superior officer according to the rules and discipline of war in pursuance of the trust...
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The Life of General Daniel Morgan: Of the Virginia Line of the Army of the ...

James Graham (of New Orleans.) - 1859 - 486 pages
...all officers and soldiers under your command to be obedient to your orders as colonel. And you are to observe and follow such orders and directions, from time to time, as you si.nil receive from this or a future Congress of the United States, or committee of Congress f- ri...
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