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" ... county or sergeant of the city, whose duty it shall be to post one copy, without delay, at each of the voting places, and, within ten days from the receipt thereof, to make return on oath to the clerk, as to the places where and dates at which said... "
Journal of the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia - Page 871
de Virginia. General Assembly. House of Delegates - 1914
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Journal of the Senate of Virginia

Virginia. General Assembly. Senate - 1914 - 1084 pages
...and shall deliver one copy of each, for each voting place in his county or city to the sheriff of his county or sergeant of the city, whose duty it shall...list, not less than ten certified copies thereof. Within thirty days after the list has been so posted any person who shall have paid his capitation...
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Constitution of Virginia

Virginia - 1915 - 166 pages
...treasurer. The clerk, within ten days from the receipt of the list, shall make and certify a sufficient number of copies thereof, and shall deliver one copy...prescribed by law; the original list returned by the treasurer shall be filed and preserved by the clerk among the public records of his office for at least...
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Constitution of Virginia, Volume 603,Numéro 3

Virginia - 1915 - 164 pages
...record in a book kept in his office for the purpose; and he shall keep in his office for CONSTITUTION public inspection, for at least sixty days after receiving...prescribed by law; the original list returned by the treasurer shall be filed and preserved by the clerk among the public records of his office for at least...
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Liquor Laws of Virginia: Including Also Federal Laws Relating to ..., Volume 214

Virginia - 1916 - 138 pages his county or city, to the sheriff of the county or sergeant of the city, whose duty it shall ln> to post one copy without delay, at each of the voting...list, not less than ten certified copies thereof. Within thirty days after the list has been so posted any person who shall have paid his capitation...
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Manual of the Senate and House of Delegates

Virginia. General Assembly - 1918 - 258 pages
...said copies were respectively posted; which return the clerk shall record in a book kept in his ofiice for the purpose; and he shall keep in his office for public inspection, for at least sixty days after reaching the list, not less than ten certified copies thereof, and also cause the list to be published...
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Government and Politics in Virginia

Howard Lee McBain - 1922 - 352 pages
...treasurer. The clerk, within ten days from the receipt of the list, shall make and certify a sufficient number of copies thereof, and shall deliver one copy...prescribed by law; the original list returned by the treasurer shall be filed and preserved by the clerk among the public records of his office for at least...
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Virginia Election Laws in Effect June 18, 1922, Volume 305

Virginia - 1922 - 98 pages
...the treasurer. The clerk, within ten days of receipt of the list, shall make and certify a sufficient number of copies thereof, and shall deliver one copy...list, not less than ten certified copies thereof. (1904, p. 131; 1908, p. 162.) Sec. 110. Right of court or judge to correct lists. Within thirty days...
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Manual of the Senate and House of Delegates

Virginia. General Assembly - 1924 - 292 pages
...of the city, whose duty it shall be to post one copy, without delay, at each of the voting-places, and, within ten days from the receipt thereof, to...certified copies thereof, and also cause the list to'be published in such other manner as may be prescribed by law; the original list returned by the...
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Virginia pamphlets, Volume 62

1924 - 1114 pages
...the city, whose duty it shall be to post one copy without delay, at each of the voting places, ami, within ten days from the receipt thereof, to make...list, not less than ten certified copies thereof. (1924, p. 57.) Sec. 110. Right of court or judge to correct .lists. — Within thirty days after the...
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Virginia Appeals: Decisions of the Supreme Court of Appeals of ..., Volume 2

Virginia. Supreme Court of Appeals - 1909 - 984 pages
...follows: "The clerk within ten days from the receipt of the list, shall make and certify a sufficient number of copies thereof, and shall deliver one copy...inspection, for at least sixty days after receiving the liut. not less than ten certified copies thereof and also cause the list to be published in such other...
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